Kong Tao representative: actively explore the green development path of resource-based cities along the river


"The Yangtze River is a unique resource of Tongling. Only when it coexists with the river can it support the development of the river," said Kong Tao, mayor of Tongling City, Anhui Province, on behalf of Tongling City. Tongling City is built on the Yangtze River and is surrounded by rivers and lakes. In recent years, Tongling City has taken the protection of the Yangtze River as a lifeline project, made every effort to build a "world copper capital and charming river city", and explored a new path for the green development of resource-based cities along the river. This year's government work report will "promote the green transformation of development mode" as one of the future work priorities. "Protecting the river for the country 'is the bounden duty of cities along the river." The representative of Kong Tao said that Tongling City insisted on putting the restoration of the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in an overwhelming position, promoting the closure, demolition or renovation of chemical enterprises along the river, implementing the renovation of 6.3 kilometers of riverside ecological coastline at a high standard, comprehensively implementing the ten-year fishing ban on the Yangtze River, and making every effort to build a model of Tongling, the beautiful and excellent Yangtze River (Anhui) economic belt with clean water and green industries. The representative of Kong Tao told the reporter that Tongling City seized the national strategic opportunity for the integration development of the Yangtze River Delta, constantly deepened exchanges and cooperation with Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang cities, and deeply embedded in the industrial chain supply chain. Tongling will resolutely implement the Yangtze River Protection Law, solidly promote the construction of ecological corridor projects along the Yangtze River, actively promote the protection and inheritance of the Yangtze River culture, deeply integrate into the coordinated development of the entire Yangtze River Economic Belt, and let the Yangtze River Mother River glow with new vitality. (Outlook New Era)

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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