Science and technology enable "smart travel" to expand the cultural tourism boundary


The colorful cultural customs of countries along the "the Belt and Road", cool metaverse technology, and realistic intelligent interactive experience... On the first day of the opening of the 2022 service trade fair, the cultural and tourism services special exhibition located in hall 1 and hall 2 of the Shougang Park Exhibition Area in Beijing was very popular. The audience formed a long queue, and fully released their enthusiasm and desire for "poetry and distance" in the rich new cultural and tourism experience. At present, the epidemic has brought about changes in the way of cultural tourism. How should the cultural tourism industry respond? This service trade fair shows a way of thinking - in many scenarios where new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, 5g + Ar / VR and tourism are deeply integrated, the cultural tourism industry is looking for new development opportunities. The yuan universe experience hall has become a veritable "highland" of popularity, and more than 10 exhibition areas such as "Yuan universe full 3D space interaction scene", "Yuan Ju Jinghua - a network of cultural parks facing the development of Yuan universe" and "youth yuan universe home" fully display new scenes and new business forms of cultural tourism industry development. "Today, I experienced the 'Internet celebrity' equipment that athletes from all over the world were clocking in at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Look, their signatures are still here!" In front of the soreal Jiaolong manned deep sea simulator in the main exhibition area, a visitor said happily that it was a worthwhile trip. This experience device can let people immerse in the strange landscape of the underwater world, which is very popular. In the "culture and technology space" created in Mentougou District of Beijing, as soon as Ms. sun stepped onto the booth, she saw herself standing in the scenic spot on the screen opposite. She tried to walk back and forth, and the portraits on the screen "follow every step", and the effect was very lifelike. "Using XR virtual photographing technology, we processed images of Baihua Mountain, Miaofeng Mountain, Tanzhe Temple and other landmark scenic spots. Visitors can experience various ecological natural landscapes and cultural relics and ancient buildings by standing in the three-dimensional display area composed of three LED screens." According to the on-site staff, such "cloud punch in" is a good way to promote tourism resources because of its simple participation and vivid effect. In the cultural tourism exhibition area of Beijing Economic Development Zone, cutting-edge technology and cultural tourism services collided with each other to create a bright spark. In front of the booth based on 8K + 3D naked eye technology, a lifelike giant panda flipped down from the ski jump and made a rapid descent in front of everyone. The lifelike visual experience amazed everyone present. Not far away, people wear VR glasses and ride spinning bikes. While unlocking the cultural and tourism routes of Yicheng, they roam through the urban space integrating industrial intelligent manufacturing, ecological environment and high-quality living. Through various intelligent interactive experiences, the new industrial ecology of "cultural integration" can be seen. With the empowerment of science and technology, "smart tourism" has created many integrated application scenarios and expanded the time-space boundary of the traditional cultural tourism industry. At the relevant summit forums held by this year's service trade fair, experts in the industry proposed to actively cultivate and strengthen the new driving force of the integrated development of new technology and culture and tourism. "A modern tourism system with smart tourism as the core is gradually taking shape." At the "2022 World Tourism Cooperation and Development Conference", one of the seven summit forums of the conference, Chen Jining, President of the Council of the world tourism cities Federation and mayor of Beijing, pointed out in his speech that we should pay more attention to scientific and technological empowerment, widely apply digital and intelligent means, and vigorously develop

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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