Those who help great things must be people-oriented


This sentence comes from the annals of the Three Kingdoms · Shu Shu · Xianzhu Zhuan written by Chen Shou, which means that the people must be the foundation to achieve a great cause. "People-oriented" refers to taking people as the center, taking people as the foundation, and paying attention to people's life and value. This is the basic spirit of Chinese traditional culture, which has a long history and is magnificent since ancient times. The philosopher Zhang Dainian believes that Chinese culture has two basic spirits with high theoretical value: one is "people-oriented" and the other is "peace is precious". The Chinese civilization first realized the transformation from "God oriented" to "people-oriented", and laid a human-centered humanistic position. As early as in the spring and Autumn period, Guan Zhong, the famous Prime Minister of the state of Qi, stated to Duke Huan of the state of Qi that the way to achieve hegemony was to put people first. The country is stable if it is based on principles, and the country is in danger if it is based on chaos It means the beginning of the overlord's career, which is based on people; The country can only be consolidated if it is straightened out. If it is disordered, the country is bound to be in danger. Here, what Guan Zhong said is people-oriented, that is, people-oriented. Although his remarks were based on the position of the rulers at that time, they showed the unshakable principles that should be followed to govern the country and achieve great achievements. History has told the world countless times that no matter how the situation changes, the rise and fall of a political power or political party ultimately depends on the support of the people. In the vast sea of Chinese classics, hundreds of ancient scholars and princes of all dynasties will equally explain and praise the people-oriented thinking of wise words and philosophies, which are numerous and innumerable. It is the foundation of the sages' governance. From Laozi's "sage has no constant mind, and takes the people's mind as the heart", to Mencius's "changing their fields, reducing their taxes, and making the people rich", to Xunzi's "the king, the boat; the common people, the water. The water carries the boat, and the water overturns the boat"; It is the cause of the rise and fall of the dynasties, from "the people are the foundation of the country" in the book of history · the song of the five sons, to "the people are the foundation of the country", to "the people are the foundation of the country" in Taizong of the Tang Dynasty; It is a way of personal self-cultivation. From the book of songs · Daya · Ya "to" quality the people, be honest with the people, and not worry about the use of discipline ", to Confucius" benevolent, love people ", and then to Zhang Zai's" determination for heaven and earth, and life for the people "... These people-oriented ideas of loving the people, enriching the people, protecting the people, nurturing the people, and benefiting the people, although a hundred schools of thought contend, are all run through the word" people ", and eventually they come to the same destination by different paths and continue to flow into the historical river of Chinese traditional culture, It has become an inexhaustible force for us to move forward. The people-oriented values are not abstract, empty and solidified, but concrete, historical and realistic. In the process of revolution, construction and reform, our party has firmly stood on the side of the people. In different historical periods, it has interpreted different moving stories and demonstrated their own brilliant spirit of the times. On the Long March, the red army passed through Shazhou village, Rucheng County, Hunan Province. Three Red Army women soldiers cut off half of their only quilt and gave it to the villagers. Although the story of "half quilt" is small, it reflects that the Communists focus on the people

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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