Cherish the dream of science and establish the ambition of innovation (talk today)


It is the summer holiday, and the science and technology venues around the country have welcomed a wave of visits. Many children, accompanied by their parents, go to the local science and Technology Museum to learn about the progress of science and technology and feel the charm of science. Lively science and technology stories, interesting science popularization demonstrations, and interactive experiences with education and fun bring fun to children and enrich their holiday life. The science and Technology Museum is an important place for popularizing science and a second classroom for stimulating the scientific interests of the majority of primary and secondary school students. "There are more than ten sunrise and sunset on the space station every day. Will sunflowers shake their heads with the sun?" "Why does the liquid nitrogen flow into the water show the phenomenon of cloud and mist?" By visiting various project exhibitions, experiencing popular science devices and participating in popular science games, and answering these interesting and meaningful scientific propositions, children can not only gain happiness, but also broaden their horizons and increase their knowledge; It can not only stimulate the curiosity and thirst for knowledge of science, but also help to cultivate a scientific way of thinking. In this regard, it is necessary and important to give full play to the role of science popularization of science and technology museums. Today, the rapid iterative development of information technology and media technology not only puts forward new requirements for the content and form of popular science communication, but also brings new opportunities for the innovation service of science and Technology Museum. Make full use of 5g, virtual reality and other new technologies, launch more immersive and experiential popular science exhibitions, and constantly improve the attraction of the science and Technology Museum, which will surely enable more young people to have scientific dreams and establish innovation aspirations. People's daily (version 01, August 9, 2022) (outlook new era)

Edit:xiaoxi    Responsible editor:shuxin

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