Graduation song: salute youth and set sail after dreams


Which one is better at graduation ceremony? Recently, graduation ceremonies of major colleges and universities have been popular. The song burning at the graduation ceremony not only triggered a chorus of teachers and students on site, but also infected the majority of alumni and hundreds of millions of netizens online. Graduation season concerts, graduation season concerts, graduation song friends' meetings, graduation ceremony warm-up performances and so on are almost the regular settings of every university in the graduation season, and the relevant songs and performance pictures often become the valuable memories of groups of college students. Looking at the song series at the graduation ceremony, which songs will be popular? What is the charm of these songs? How to create more excellent graduation songs? The author observed and thought about this. Salute youth in the name of song A few days ago, the "in the name of song! Graduation ceremony large KTV scene" promoted by the people's daily featured the lively scene of chorus at the graduation ceremony scene of several colleges and universities, causing heated discussion. At the graduation ceremony, college students paid tribute to their youth in the name of songs through careful planning and arrangement, waved goodbye to their college days in a chorus, and packed their best memories. When the graduation ceremonies of major colleges and universities were contending, the song ensemble of Qingdao University made netizens call "this is what youth should be like", and its performance at the graduation ceremony in previous years was also reviewed by netizens. What is youth? They answered with songs. Youth is "how lucky I am to have us" sung by "so many people in this world"; Youth is "you were a teenager" sings "fall in love with a person, you are not afraid to pay your life"; Youth is "18 years old is heaven, our life is as sweet as sugar", which is sung by new boy. For many people, music is the notepad of youth, full of memories; Music is the gas station of youth, constantly stimulating the vitality of young people; Music is the confession of youth, singing the aspirations of generations of young people. When the graduation season comes, countless students look back on the past in their songs, save their youth in a few songs or melodies, and don't forget their original heart. They hope that one day in the future, they can still sing "I'm still the boy in the past, and there's no change in a trace" (juvenile); Countless young people sang "those flowers" and "we'll run to the ends of the earth like this" to express their sadness of parting, and sang "I wish you a pleasant journey" to send the most beautiful blessings to friends "I wish you a pleasant journey, my dearest friend". Graduation song is a hymn of youth. It is not only about friendship, love, parting and departure, but also about family affection, gratitude, learning and growth. At many graduation ceremonies, some students sing "always ask for it from you, but never say thank you..." (father) to their parents and teachers; "If you have suffered my sweetness, I would like to live your wish. It is not in vain, and I am willing to go bravely. Every day in this golden age" (as wish) is dedicated to my parents, heroes, and family and country feelings. Young students in the graduation season pay tribute to youth in the name of song, and sing the strongest tone of youth with sweet melody and moving lyrics. They commemorate, bid farewell, express their gratitude, and start a new journey in life in their songs. Set sail with songs and follow dreams "Don't be afraid of leaving now, smile and wave goodbye" ("departure"), "say goodbye, even if you miss it, don't look back" ("Dear traveler"), "run, proud boy, young heart is firm faith, burn proud blood, I'll sing the song of victory again" ("proud boy"). The graduation song rings, not the end of the song, but a new journey A new starting point, which is the charm of music, always brings people new hope and infinite energy at important nodes. Youth breeds infinite hope, and youth creates a better tomorrow. Only when young students have dreams in their hearts and dare to pursue them can the country have a future and the nation have hope. At the graduation ceremony of many colleges and universities, young students not only salute their youth with songs and express their sadness of parting, but also spontaneously express their aspirations with songs, express the youth spirit of having ideals, daring to take responsibility, being able to bear hardships and willing to struggle, and shout out the youth oath of "there is me in a powerful country". "I know my future is not a dream, and I live every minute carefully. My future is not a dream, and my heart is moving with hope." When "my future is not a dream" sounded on the stage of the graduation ceremony of Renmin University of China, we know that another group of new young people are ready for the relay. They are born at the right time, shoulder the heavy responsibility, have an extremely broad stage to display their talents, and have an extremely bright prospect of realizing their dreams. They are ready to set sail at any time, keep up with the development needs of the times, achieve great undertakings in serving the country and society, and serve the grass-roots Realize the value of life in serving the people, and compose the song of youth in the new era with youth and struggle. Graduation song is always youthful and inspirational, "keep running, with the pride of a child, how can you see the brilliance of life if you don't persist in the end? It's better to indulge in burning than staying alive, and one day it will sprout again". New youth are doomed to not be smooth sailing on the road of chasing dreams, but they are not afraid of difficulties and dangers, and always maintain a "heart of chasing a dream of a child". A musician once described music as a clear spring in life and a melting pot for cultivating temperament. The chorus of hundreds or even thousands of people at the graduation ceremony ignited more than a moment of enthusiasm. The energy inspired by that kind of music may accompany the graduates' life. When you look back years later, your original intention remains unchanged and your enthusiasm is still a kind of happiness. As some experts said, the graduation ceremony itself is also a vivid ideological and political lesson. The speeches of the school leaders and the messages of "Mr. Da" are warm and full of life philosophy, paving the way for young students to take a new step. And those passionate lyrics and dynamic melodies often echo in the ears of countless young students, with their lives. The song of youth from generation to generation "Students, get up and shoulder the rise and fall of the world." In 1934, Tian Han's graduation song, composed by Nier and lyrics, resounded throughout China with the film peach and plum robbery. Every lyric of this song is like a sonorous and powerful battle slogan, and its melody combines the National Palace mode and the major mode, making every note flesh and blood, encouraging the majority of graduating students to work hard, resist Japan and save the country, serve the motherland and the people, and become the youth song of a generation of young students. Every generation has its mission, and every generation has its song of youth. During the period of the new democratic revolution, the graduation song and the school song of the southwest United University have inspired young people to awaken, rally their strength, and unite young students to make important contributions to the victory of the Chinese revolution; During the period of socialist revolution and construction, songs such as "learn from Lei Feng's good example" and "we are on the road" were widely sung among young students, which inspired their pride of "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky", and determined to devote their youth to the motherland, march towards science, difficulties, wastelands, and contribute their youth to the construction of the motherland; In the new era of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, songs such as "on the field of hope" have a far-reaching impact on the youth in the 1980s, encouraging them to voice the strong voice of the times of "unite and revitalize China", bravely stand in the forefront on all fronts of modernization, and show the spirit of daring to break new ground and lead the trend. Entering the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a group of young students have moved from campus to society and actively participated in the magnificent practice of great struggles, great projects, great undertakings and great dreams. They are fighting on the battlefield of poverty alleviation, struggling to climb in scientific and technological research posts, charging in the front line of rescue and disaster relief, fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and control, competing bravely in the Olympic sports field, and defending the motherland, At the moment when the party and the people need it most, we can rush out and rise to the top, showing a spirit of self-confidence, self-improvement, vigorous and promising. How to create high-quality music belonging to this era, bring comfort and encouragement to batch of graduates, and sound the horn of the times is a question of the times that we need to constantly think about. Young college students often keep up with the times. Classic music has been passed on from generation to generation, and excellent new works will also be included in their song lists and moved to the stage of graduation ceremony. Graduation song is not a simple occasion, it is a vocal graduation gift and a clarion call for college students to embark on a new journey. At the same time, whether a song can enter the song list of college students and become a graduation song is also an important test standard for its popularity and mass base. For example, in recent years, through the interpretation of college students, repeatedly swipe the screen of music works such as "wind up", "down the mountain", "wish", "Snow Dragon singing" and "the lone brave", the original intention of creation is not necessarily accurate for young college students, but they just hit the hearts of young people with high-quality content and melody. Therefore, creating high-quality graduation songs is not enough just for the occasion. This requires relevant musicians to adhere to the people's creative orientation, and take the likes of young students and even the broad masses of the people as the highest standard to test the works. The works should not only reflect the times, but also stand the test of time. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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