What does Nanjing University mean by "going to international ranking" for the first time


Under the background that some colleges and universities often make an issue of their various ranking results, Nanjing University takes the initiative to dilute the international ranking, which is difficult not to attract attention. Recently, some media noticed that a document of the Party committee of Nanjing University proposed to accurately locate the development objectives of running a school, especially "comprehensively sort out the discipline evaluation system and budget target setting system dominated by discipline highlight projects, and clean up the evaluation standards based on the number of papers and international ranking". In the preparation of the 14th five year plan of Nanjing University and the overall construction plan of Nanjing University for "double first-class" construction of colleges and universities, "international ranking is no longer used as an important construction goal for school development and discipline construction". The international ranking list is no longer respected and has a track to follow. During the national two sessions in 2019, in response to the proposal of "standardizing social organizations to publish university rankings", the Ministry of education responded that there are many disadvantages in the publication of university rankings by social organizations. In subsequent public discussions, it is not difficult to hear similar voices or views. Why did the international ranking list change from being flocked to no longer being respected? On the one hand, there are great differences in the evaluation criteria of international ranking. Take the ranking of several major institutions with wide dissemination. In the QS World University ranking, peer evaluation in the academic field accounts for as much as 40%; The ranking of soft sciences pays more attention to the scientific research of school teachers, such as the number of teachers who have won the Nobel prize or fields prize; Among the reference indexes of times ranking, teaching, research and paper citation have the highest weight, accounting for 30%; Among the main evaluation indicators of us news ranking of comprehensive universities in the United States, the reputation part has the highest weight. These differences directly lead to some colleges and universities often choose their own ranking "achievements" for publicity, and "spare no effort" to develop their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. It is also worth noting that there is a certain degree of non objectivity in international rankings. The formulation of the above ranking list is mostly the behavior of private institutions. Many institutions adopt simple quantitative scoring and small sample survey methods to comprehensively rank colleges and universities with only a few indicators. The conclusions are difficult to objectively and truly reflect the actual situation of colleges and universities. More importantly, the consequences of relying on international rankings have gradually emerged. The impact of international ranking is very far-reaching. Recently, it has a direct impact on the registration of students, the recruitment of teachers, the employment of graduates, and even the allocation of resources, social influence and other aspects. To some extent, the ranking determines the "Jianghu status" of the University. Under such logic, it is not difficult to understand that some colleges and universities carry out work around ranking. What's more, they forget the foundation of the University and hurt the foundation of the University. Especially in recent years, the international environment is becoming more and more complex. The international ranking of universities is affected by more cultural and ideological differences. Many factors unrelated to education are mixed into it, which also directly affects the credibility of the international ranking. Objectively speaking, for colleges and universities, although the popularity and "reliability" of international ranking are no longer the same as before, it still needs a lot of courage and strategic support to decide to "go to ranking". Moreover, ranking does not mean that you want to go, which will inevitably bring some problems and challenges. Because "inertia" is still deep-rooted in the short term. The influence of university international ranking has "kidnapped" universities to some extent. The short-term pain of "de ranking" is huge, and there is a de facto "dangerous period". However, even if they are "kidnapped", weakening the ranking is still a general trend and imperative. The next question is: how to establish a scientific and effective measurement standard for the development of colleges and universities after weakening the ranking? Universities should get rid of the inherent ranking thinking. Universities can be evaluated, but they should not be ranked. Once universities participate in ranking, it will lead to comparison and even "ranking only" phenomenon, which will be related to the stage of basic education, which is very unfavorable to the whole education ecology. The most important value of university education. Therefore, the university evaluation system should also take the educational effect as the most important and important evaluation index. The focus of university development should also be on cultivating talents, rather than any other aspect. Only a university that realizes and creates value in educating people can be a good university. This year, there are more than ten million college graduates in China. The task of cultivating talents in universities is particularly arduous and the demand is particularly urgent. Colleges and universities should allocate resources more efficiently and take cultivating talents needed by the country and society as the top priority and the first measurement standard. In addition, universities should embody characteristics. Today, with the popularization of higher education, the characteristics of universities will be the foundation of universities in the future. Only in this way can we cultivate talents with characteristics, help break the simplification of social talent evaluation, and then extend the impact to the stage of basic education. Of course, universities can not dilute the international ranking only by themselves, but also by the strength of the competent education department. The latter is necessary to cooperate with other functional departments to explore the establishment of a university evaluation system in line with China's national conditions, and then establish an education evaluation system for the whole society. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin


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