How to set traffic lights for platform economic governance


Recently, the financial stability and Development Commission of the State Council held a special meeting to clearly put forward that the relevant departments should improve the established plan in accordance with the principles of marketization, legalization and internationalization, adhere to seeking progress in stability, steadily promote and complete the rectification of large platform companies as soon as possible through standardized, transparent and predictable supervision, and set up red lights and green lights to promote the steady and healthy development of platform economy, Improve international competitiveness. It can be seen that setting traffic lights for the platform economy has become an important prerequisite for the high-quality development of the platform economy. Why should traffic lights be set for platform economic governance? Since the formation of the capitalist system, from commercial capital, industrial capital to financial capital and virtual capital, capital elements have experienced the evolution of many different types of capital forms. As the latest capital form, platform capital not only inherits the ability of various previous capital forms, but also becomes a capital form that exceeds all previous capital forms in this integration. Compared with other capital forms, platform capital can not only get profits by controlling market transactions and product production like commercial capital and industrial capital, but also get profits through financial operation and virtual products like financial capital and virtual capital. It is precisely because of this capital characteristic that has the ability of many different capital forms at the same time, the platform enterprises controlled by the platform capital also have the ability to affect economic and social development and even national governance. First, the two-way control of platform enterprises over market subjects. Different from the previous enterprise form, platform enterprises can not only affect consumers or producers, but also affect and even control producers and consumers at the same time. Second, the platform enterprises' fine control over product prices. Compared with traditional enterprise forms, platform enterprises can implement fine pricing on product prices by relying on big data technology. In extreme cases, platform enterprises can even realize one price for one person. The phenomenon of "killing ripe" of big data is actually a direct embodiment of this ability. Third, the rapid expansion of platform enterprises to industry boundaries. Due to the high dependence on the public infrastructure of the Internet, the professional and technical threshold of platform enterprises is often relatively low, which makes it very easy for platform enterprises to expand and cross the border between industries, especially similar industries and upstream and downstream industries. Fourth, the strong penetration of platform enterprises into the regulatory system. As a virtual carrier, platform enterprises have the ability to easily expand between different industries through the platform, which also makes the traditional industry supervision model difficult to grasp the business information of platform enterprises in a timely and comprehensive manner, and often fall into a helpless situation. Fifth, the hidden influence of platform enterprises on the state power. The cornerstone of the development of platform enterprises is the number of users. The larger the scale of users, the stronger the market value and dominant position of platform enterprises. This characteristic has made platform enterprises have the ability to influence and impact the state power by guiding social public opinion. For this reason, more and more scholars began to call for attention to the new threat of "digital Leviathan" to the state power. It can be seen that the super capital attribute of platform capital gives platform enterprises strong channel control, price control and industry control, and also makes platform enterprises have strong market competitiveness once they appear. This is also the fundamental reason why almost all the fastest-growing enterprises in the world have been platform enterprises in the past 10 years. However, we should also see that it is also because the platform enterprises have such strong ability, such great influence, so many users involved and so deep influence on the national governance system that it is very important to guide and standardize the healthy development of platform enterprises by setting traffic lights. Where should the traffic lights be located? Whether based on the needs of national social stability or the healthy development goals of platform enterprises, there is no doubt about the necessity of setting traffic lights for platform enterprises, but the problem is that there are many types of platform enterprises and different industries. Where the traffic lights should be located is particularly important. Based on the characteristics of platform enterprises, setting red lights for platform enterprises should adhere to the following guidance. First, the red light should be set at the industry boundary. Under the market economy system, although the vast majority of industries should not have specific preference for capital types, in a few industries that can affect national security and social stability, such as finance and people's livelihood, considering the social risks that may be caused by the large user scale of platform enterprises, corresponding red lights should be set for the disorderly expansion of platform enterprises in accordance with relevant laws. Second, the red light should be set on the price mechanism. Thanks to its strong control over market entities, the red light of platform enterprises should attach great importance to the price formation mechanism of platform enterprises' services or products. On the one hand, pay attention to the rationality of the sharing proportion or rent level formulated by the platform enterprises to avoid the excessive sharing proportion formulated by the platform enterprises from eroding the profits generated in the real production or service links. On the other hand, standardize the price discrimination of platform enterprises, avoid the phenomenon of "killing ripe" and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers to the greatest extent. Third, the red light should be set on the data algorithm. Platform enterprises have a large amount of consumer information. These data can not only bring huge potential economic benefits to platform enterprises, but also bring great security risks to consumers. Therefore, for the red light setting of platform enterprises, we need to consider how to formulate scientific and perfect data use rules, so as to ensure the reasonable distribution of data use rights and interests and the information and data security of consumers. Therefore, the red light set for platform enterprises in the future needs to pay special attention to the content of data algorithm. The green light set for platform enterprises should reflect the guidance of encouraging the development of platform enterprises. First of all, the green light should be set on the needs of a better life. The rapid development of platform enterprises has greatly met the needs of a better life. In the future, we should vigorously encourage and guide platform enterprises to continue to maintain development by meeting the basic needs of residents in life, study and production. Secondly, the green light should be set on the industrial short board. From the perspective of market value, scale and profitability, platform enterprises have become one of the most powerful enterprise types. In this context, setting a green light to guide strong platform enterprises to enter the short board industry of the national development system will be the greatest opportunity for the future development of platform enterprises. Finally, the green light should be set on international competition. With the maturity of 5g technology, it is obvious that digital economy will become a key field of national competition in the future. As one of the main forces of digital economy, whether platform enterprises can take the lead in international competition will determine the success or failure of national development. Therefore, more platform enterprises with world-class competitiveness in the field of digital economy should be cultivated in the future. What principles should be adhered to in setting traffic lights? From the goal orientation of stable and healthy development and improving international competitiveness, setting traffic lights for platform enterprises should adhere to the following principles. There is evidence for setting lamps. Setting traffic lights for platform enterprises does not mean setting traffic lights in all industries, let alone choosing whether to set traffic lights simply according to the size of the enterprise. From the analysis of specific objectives, setting traffic lights for platform enterprises is to avoid disorderly expansion of capital and malicious competition. However, no matter what kind of goal, the traffic lights set for platform enterprises should have scientific and reasonable boundaries, clear and transparent rules and easy to judge standards, and provide platform enterprises with clear and stable expectations and development environment through standardized, transparent and predictable supervision. The number of lights should be less. Like highways without traffic lights, the transportation capacity is much higher than that of ordinary highways with traffic lights. If too much control is carried out on platform enterprises as an important subject of market economy, it will also affect economic development. Therefore, we should consciously control the total number of traffic lights set for platform enterprises, ensure that the power to set traffic lights comes from top-level design and overall arrangement, and avoid the situation that a single administrative department or local government sets traffic lights for platform enterprises for no reason. At the same time, the main regulatory authorities should, as far as possible, speed up the overall supervision, systematic supervision and cooperative supervision by improving the system construction, especially in response to the challenge of data-based monopoly in the field of platform economy, realize the timely and effective sharing of information and technology, realize the whole chain supervision in advance, during and after the event, and set more green lights and less red lights on the premise of controlling the number of lights, so as to give full play to the positive role of platform enterprises. The red light can stop. Among the traffic lights set for platform enterprises, the purpose of the red light is to curb the disorderly expansion and malicious competition of platform enterprises. To achieve this goal, we need to ensure that the red light is binding on platform enterprises. On the one hand, we should strive to improve the professionalism and scientificity of setting red light standards. With the support of modern financial instruments, the complexity and concealment of platform enterprise behavior have been greatly improved. How to timely and accurately identify enterprises as "cross-border" and "illegal" behavior depends on the improvement of the professional ability of relevant departments. On the other hand, we need to improve the deterrence of red light punishment measures. For enterprises, profit is the key indicator of their behavior choice. If the punishment cost of hitting the red light is far lower than their operating income, platform enterprises will not stop before the red light. Therefore, in order to ensure the binding force of the red light on the behavior of platform enterprises, we should formulate punishment standards equivalent to the profit level of "running the red light" in the anti-monopoly law, and constantly enhance the deterrent force of the red light. The green light will do. It is also an important function of the traffic light to promote platform enterprises to operate in accordance with the direction indicated by the green light. On the one hand, platform enterprises have their own operation logic. For example, pursuing the improvement of profit level and the enhancement of market monopoly are their basic behavior logic. However, on the other hand, the national development strategy also expects platform enterprises to play more and better positive roles in specific fields. In this context, the guiding and instructive role of the green light is the key prerequisite for whether the platform enterprises can operate according to the national will. This requires that the green light should not be just a simple access signal tool, but should include a richer, more effective and more accurate set of incentive tools, which can effectively support and guide the platform enterprises to enter the industries and fields that the country wants them to enter. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin

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