"Double reduction" calls for "additional courses" in Higher Normal Education


The essence of "double reduction" is that education returns to its original meaning and educational connotation - "universal individual (personality, personality) comprehensive and free development". This requires school education to improve quality and efficiency. The core of improving quality and efficiency lies in teachers. With the vigorous promotion of "double reduction", the environment and quality of basic education are changing, which puts forward new requirements for the talent training of higher normal education. What changes will take place in normal university education, or how should we reform it? The reporter interviewed experts from normal universities for discussion. 1. "Double reduction" requires teachers to "change the track" of teaching thinking Reporter: what new requirements do you think are put forward for teachers after the "double reduction" compared with some time ago? Zhu Xiaohong: we have conducted research in some primary and secondary schools and found that the school level is actively taking measures to encourage teachers to carry out in-depth teaching and research in improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching, homework design and strictly controlling the amount of written homework; For teachers of music, sports and beauty, some schools also explore school-based courses for students' interests and specialties and enrich extracurricular sports and art activities. For a long time, primary and secondary school teachers are used to speaking through the knowledge points in class and arranging homework to consolidate their knowledge, so as to improve the accuracy of students' examination answers; For students who can't keep up with the teaching progress, make-up classes after school are also caused by the inertial thinking of teachers and parents. Therefore, for the majority of primary and secondary school teachers, how to effectively implement these new requirements into the specific classroom teaching process and the personal experience of each primary and secondary school student is by no means easy. "Double reduction" requires teachers to fundamentally change the traditional teaching thinking, and the difficulty can be imagined. Song Peng: compared with the past, teachers pay more attention to diagnostic and summative evaluation in practice. "Double reduction" urges teachers to pay more attention to understanding students' learning situation, effectiveness and problems through process evaluation and performance evaluation of students. First of all, teachers should clarify the essence of homework design and arrangement in order to achieve the purpose of homework in educating people, developing ability and educational equity. Flexible, diversified and innovative methods should be adopted to design layered, flexible and personalized operations. At the same time, teachers are required to have higher quality of after-school service and online counseling. Secondly, teachers need to strengthen the collaborative education ability of family, school and society. 2. It is the professional mission of higher normal education to let teachers have the concept of "educational teaching" Reporter: in response to the new requirements, what kind of reform needs to be carried out in the current higher normal education? Zhu Xiaohong also advocated the "simultaneous development of five education" before the "double reduction". However, in the specific work process of the school, the teachers who serve as "each education" often go their own way, and their working thinking obscures the original meaning of education. If teachers' teaching ideas are far away from the original meaning of education, their teaching activities only superficially reduce students' schoolwork burden, and do not fundamentally understand the pedagogical connotation of physical and mental integrity, they can not really achieve the purpose of "reducing burden". Therefore, it is the professional mission of university teacher education to help pre service and post service teachers have the concept of "educational teaching" from the standpoint of pedagogy. At present, in China's normal universities, there is a tight wall between disciplines, and an efficient and collaborative teacher training mechanism has not been formed. In other words, there is a lack of in-depth cooperation between basic disciplines and educational disciplines in universities. For example, a Chinese teacher should have the emotion and ability to transform the static Chinese textbook knowledge into children's love and use their mother tongue, which can reflect his professional level as a Chinese teacher. Such Chinese teachers in primary and secondary schools cannot be trained solely by the Chinese department. Through the intersection of pedagogy and other disciplines, normal universities must upgrade the discipline group of teacher education, build the curriculum group of teacher education, establish an interdisciplinary composite teacher education team, and cultivate students' professional abilities in many aspects, such as classroom teaching organization, students' learning and career guidance, curriculum development, school management and class management, educational scientific research, home school cooperation and so on. There is a pilot class for master students majoring in education in shounormal university to explore and Cultivate Normal Students' educational professional ability to transform book knowledge into children's consciousness. This road may become one of the new paths for normal universities to cultivate high-level professional teachers. Song Peng: on the one hand, according to the adjusted training objectives, normal universities should appropriately add courses to cultivate teachers' literacy in the new era, such as home school co education, homework design, after-school service management and so on. On the other hand, on the basis of optimizing the curriculum, we should support teachers and educators to carry out the reform of education and teaching methods such as phenomenon teaching, project-based learning, mixed teaching and flipped classroom, and improve the professional quality of teachers and educators from the two aspects of learning "teaching" and teaching "teaching". At the same time, we should strengthen coordination and give further play to the two-way cultivation function of normal students and in-service teachers. On the one hand, we should make use of the rich practical experience of front-line schools to help normal students connect theory with practice; On the other hand, normal colleges and universities should give full play to their theoretical advantages, carry out forward-looking empirical research, provide support and services for the reform of education and teaching practice in primary and secondary schools, and "sustain" the professional development of teachers. He yuexiong: for local normal universities, we need to adhere to the output oriented training mode. Only by understanding the needs can we adopt the reverse construction method to design the fan student curriculum system, so as to make the trained teachers more suitable for the reality of local schools. Taking Huzhou Normal University as an example, the first is to strengthen the "red pilot" party construction and education system, cultivate normal students, and establish socialist core values and correct outlook on education. The second is to actively connect with primary and secondary schools, enter schools, take moral education as the teaching content, and set up "three and a half" classroom services. This not only reduces the pressure on school management after the "double reduction", but also allows normal students to enter the "small classroom" early, get more opportunities to prepare and attend classes, and exercise their professional skills. 3. We are committed to the reform of teacher education curriculum system and cultivate primary and secondary school teachers who really have the consciousness of education specialty Reporter: previously, some parents reported that the teacher assigned homework to parents and dared not do it. We have observed that in life, to some extent, parents are afraid of offending teachers and teachers are afraid of parents' dissatisfaction. What is the root of this phenomenon? What aspects of students' abilities should be strengthened in normal university education? Song Peng: the emergence of this phenomenon is really related to the fact that higher normal education only pays attention to the interior of school education for a long time, and lacks attention to the cultivation of pre service teachers' home school co education literacy, critical thinking ability of public opinion, educational objectives and value recognition. Therefore, higher normal education needs to provide opportunities for teachers to learn how to communicate with parents and achieve the common goal of cultivating students on the basis of school educational functions and responsibilities. At the same time, normal colleges and universities need to cultivate teachers' ability to develop critical thinking. When social public opinion arises, it is not to follow others, but to think rationally and calmly, and make their own professional judgment and decision-making. Higher normal education should also train teachers to have the quality of analyzing and understanding social problems, and cultivate people in combination with social reality. Zhu Xiaohong: this phenomenon mainly reflects the limitations of the professional level of primary school teachers. It is undeniable that the professional level of primary school teachers needs to be further improved, and the educational literacy of parents also needs to be improved. For primary school students, thirst for knowledge is more important than knowledge, but teachers and parents often compete with their children because of the difference of 1 point and 2 points on the test paper. Only when normal universities are really committed to the reform of teacher education curriculum system, can they cultivate primary and secondary school teachers who really have the consciousness of education specialty. Only when teachers' educational awareness and ability reach the professional level, can the psychological burden of parents and the burden of children's learning pressure be alleviated. 4. It is particularly important to find and cultivate teachers who have educational feelings and are willing to take root at the grass-roots level Reporter: before the "double reduction", such remarks as not letting children lose at the starting line, learning in advance and various "development theories" made the real scientific voice of education theory issued by front-line teachers ignored. Is it necessary to strengthen the cultivation of students' popular science education ability and scientific literacy in normal university education? Zhu Xiaohong: as a public utility, education is different from other professional fields. Everyone has some experience in education or education, and seems to be able to express some personal views on education. The era of we media encourages the growth of this kind of "folk pedagogy". In this regard, normal universities should also take the responsibility of professional guidance to the whole society. The educational discipline of normal university undertakes the professional responsibility of training pre service teachers, which is embodied in cultivating their professional sensitivity, judgment and professional action on educational issues. The "respect for the law of education" mentioned here essentially respects the law of the sound development of children's body and mind and the law of the intergenerational inheritance of human culture, which is intuitively reflected in Teachers' professional consciousness and professional ability. Normal universities must make future teachers become professionals in this field through a high-level teacher education curriculum system, so as to provide high-level educational professional services for the public. Taking home school cooperation as an example, from the perspective of pedagogy, teachers are educational professionals, while parents are mostly social people engaged in other professional work. For how to correctly train children, school teachers are the professional advisers of parents. It is necessary to guide parents to correctly treat all kinds of problems in the growth of their children from a professional perspective. Teachers and parents are a real educational community in cultivating children. We are not only to cultivate a student with high marks in the HKCEE and a good child in family life, but also to cultivate successors to the cause of building socialism. This is the general pattern of education faced by teachers and parents. In front of this, "burden reduction" is related to the long-term development of the Chinese nation. Song Peng: in addition to strengthening the professional ability of normal students, we should also strengthen the professionalism of educational administrative departments. Educational leaders need to understand education and respect the professionalism of teachers. At the same time, we should broaden the path of the transformation and promotion of educational scientific research achievements, let educational researchers write articles on the vast land of educational practice in the motherland, go into communities, schools and teachers, give full play to the communication power of various media platforms, do a good job in the popularization of educational laws, and let more people understand the scientific laws of education. Reporter: from the perspective of students, what is the position of normal majors in the college entrance examination among the overall candidates? What does this mean for the quality of teachers in Higher Normal Education and basic education? Song Peng: China is transforming from an independent and closed normal education system to an open and flexible teacher education system. In particular, many non normal students have entered the education industry through the qualification examination. In recent years, we have seen the phenomenon of doctoral graduates from top universities at home and abroad. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for higher normal education. The opportunity lies in that the improvement of teachers' professional attraction will inevitably bring better students, while the challenge lies in the increased competitive pressure. Higher normal education cannot stay in the traditional training mode and needs reform and innovation. In the future, higher normal education must strengthen the undergraduate normal major and strive to promote the training of teachers at the graduate level. He yuexiong: under the background of "double reduction", what kind of teachers are needed in county and township primary and secondary schools is the focus of Local Normal Colleges and universities. For us, it is important to discover and cultivate those with

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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