Businesses sell anxiety to young people: 1 yuan short video class, 300000 people sign up! Crazy collection of 200 million yuan in practical realization class


Due to the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, off campus discipline training has ceased, and the investment of private capital in the field of compulsory education has gradually stopped. Where is the next outlet in the education industry? In October 2021, the China office and the State Office jointly issued the opinions on promoting the high-quality development of modern vocational education (hereinafter referred to as the "opinions"), encouraging listed companies and industry leading enterprises to organize vocational education, and encouraging all kinds of enterprises to participate in organizing vocational education according to law. This change is also called "a rare policy outlet" by many people in the industry. In the past, many people understood vocational education as the choice of "second to none" in general education. The stereotype of vocational education from the outside world is to graduate from vocational secondary school or higher vocational school and do simple and repeated work on the assembly line far away from the city. Nowadays, the concept of talents is undergoing drastic changes, and vocational education is changing. According to the 2022 report on China's vocational education industry (hereinafter referred to as the report), the scale of China's vocational education market is expected to exceed trillion yuan in 2022 and reach 1.2 trillion yuan in 2024. "Career promotion course" and "sideline training course" are popular Vocational education mainly refers to employment oriented education, which can be divided into academic vocational education and non academic vocational education. The former mainly includes secondary vocational and higher vocational colleges, while the latter is divided into vocational skill training, vocational examination training and enterprise management training according to different training purposes. COVID-19 overlay employment pressure, and occupation skill training and occupation examination training track, which aims to enhance personal employability, first gets capital support. According to the data, 61 financing transactions occurred in the primary market of Vocational Education in 2021, with a total amount of more than 7.8 billion yuan, and the number and total amount of financing exceeded that in 2020. Among them, vocational skills training and vocational examination training have the most financing, accounting for 44.3% and 19.7% respectively. In July 2021, the online vocational education platform "start class" announced the completion of a new round of financing of 600 million yuan. In just one year, the class bar has completed two rounds of financing, totaling 1.15 billion yuan. On the "class bar" platform, examination and training, it Internet and new occupations and sidelines have become the three most important sectors. Among them, short video realization, film and television later stage, original painting and sound realization have become the most popular courses at present. The reporter of times weekly noted that 300000 people have signed up for the "zero basic short video realization training camp" worth 1 yuan in the platform, and 15000 people have participated in the "short video practical realization" course worth 12000 yuan. The income of this course alone has been nearly 200 million yuan. Businesses pay attention to young people's current income and workplace promotion anxiety, and constantly promote the concepts of "income after sleep" and "young people's first million" in marketing terms. Income after sleep is an Internet buzzword, which is equivalent to passive income. It can be obtained automatically without spending much time and energy looking after it. More and more young people are trying to turn their interests into "sidelines" and seek new possibilities for career development through vocational education. In addition to vocational skill training for sidelines, vocational skill training and vocational examination training for main industries are also one of the important sectors of the current development of vocational education. The reporter of times weekly noted that many courses focusing on "research training camp" and "career promotion" in the market are also sought after by consumers. Take "Netease cloud classroom" as an example, "CPA (certified public accountant) 4-day trial camp" and "secondary constructor 3-day training camp" and other courses have been included in the key recommendations of the platform. Chao Chenglin, a brand strategy expert and director of the industrial space research institute, said in an interview with the times weekly, "2022 will be the beginning and development year of vocational education. Online and offline go hand in hand, and a large number of training projects will rise in new employment fields. In recent years, the gold content of secondary education in vocational education will decrease year by year, coupled with the increase of freelancers, the demand for single or multiple skills will increase. Non academic skill vocational education will have more room for development in the future." Textual research and public examination are not the focus of the development of vocational education On December 21, 2021, the person in charge of the Ministry of Education said at a press conference that at present, offline after-school training institutions have been reduced by 83.8% and online after-school training institutions have been reduced by 84.1%. Under the "double reduction", k12 education giant is facing unprecedented transformation pressure, and most education enterprises can only abandon out of school training business. However, considering that the education industry has the commercial characteristics of light assets and fast cash return, it provides space and possibility for the transformation of these education enterprises. Tal. NYSE is moving rapidly. It has released the adult vocational education brand "light boat", integrating the three sub brands of postgraduate entrance examination, full score and studying abroad; Gotu. NYSE announced that it will build a gaotu college focusing on adult business; Homework help online adult education brand "extraordinary classroom", covering public examination, accounting certificate training, teacher qualification examination, adult English and other categories. Wang Lei, a senior investor in the education industry, analyzed that "in vocational education, examination training focusing on certificate examination, postgraduate entrance examination and civil servant examination is not the key object in the education outlet. Certificate examination is an easy field for vocational education, with low threshold and fierce competition." Wang Lei believes that the fields of high-end manufacturing, biomedicine, new materials and new energy with a large talent gap are the most important components of vocational education. These fields require enterprises to have enough industrial genes, patiently understand the needs of enterprises and cultivate real industrial talents. "There are very few educational enterprises that can really start from industry and serve enterprises. They will be the biggest beneficiaries of the whole vocational education outlet." The opinions points out that leading enterprises in the industry are encouraged to lead the establishment of national and industrial vocational education groups and promote substantive operation. We will explore the apprenticeship system with Chinese characteristics and vigorously cultivate technical and skilled talents. Support enterprises to receive students' internships and training, and guide enterprises to set up apprenticeship posts according to a certain proportion of the total number of posts. Wang Lei analyzed, "in the future, more and more enterprises will create more cases of joint operation of schools and enterprises and integration of industry and education out of their own development needs. At present, although there is no giant to run through the business model, many enterprises have taken a key step. This will be a good start." (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Ling    Responsible editor:Chen Jie

Source:Time Weekly

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