"What needs to be guaranteed" military academy to improve the guarantee of teaching and scientific research


Tracing the origin of Lingnan civilization and retaining the memory of famous historical cities Archaeological discoveries have written the historical context of the origin and development of Chinese civilization, described the brilliant achievements of Chinese civilization, and demonstrated the great contribution of Chinese civilization to world civilization. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 100th anniversary of the birth of modern archaeology in China. Guangzhou society of cultural relics museums, Guangzhou Institute of cultural relics and archaeology, Nanyue King Museum and Guangzhou Museum jointly hosted the selection of "100 pieces of cultural relics and ten important discoveries in Guangzhou archaeology" from October to November 2021. Yesterday, the results of the selection were released. The development of Archaeology in Guangzhou over the past 100 years was slowly unfolded through cultural relics and sites, such as a historical picture. Text / Guangzhou Daily all media reporter Bu Songzhu Figure / provided by the sponsor Yesterday afternoon, Guangzhou Institute of cultural relics museums, Guangzhou Institute of cultural relics and archaeology, Nanyue King Museum and Guangzhou Museum jointly held a press conference to officially announce the selection results of "100 pieces of cultural relics and ten important discoveries in Guangzhou archaeology". The late Neolithic painted pottery bowl unearthed at the site of Jinlan temple in Zengcheng was selected into one hundred cultural relics of Guangzhou archaeology, and the site of Jinlan temple in Zengcheng was selected into the top ten important archaeological discoveries in Guangzhou. "Guangzhou is one of the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities in China, with a long history and rich cultural relics resources. As early as 1916, Guangzhou has carried out archaeological activities. Since 1953, in conjunction with urban construction projects, Guangzhou has opened the prelude to large-scale field archaeological work, which is known as the 'important stronghold' of urban Archaeology in China." Liu Xiaoming, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of culture, broadcasting and tourism and director of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of cultural relics, said that since the founding of new China, generations of archaeologists have rescued and protected a large number of ancient sites, ancient tombs and unearthed a large number of cultural relics through arduous efforts. These archaeological sites and cultural relics record the 5000 or 6000 years of human history in Guangzhou and the development track of Guangzhou City for more than 2200 years, witness the continuous history of foreign exchanges since the establishment of Guangzhou City, and present us with a rich and vivid "Guangzhou story". Liu Xiaoming said: "many important archaeological discoveries in Guangzhou have attracted extensive attention from scholars at home and abroad. Not long ago, the site of the Nanyue state palace office and the Nanyue King's tomb were rated as China's' top 100 archaeological discoveries in a century ', which fully shows the influence of Archaeology in Guangzhou." The 100 selected cultural relics and ten important discoveries comprehensively reflect the human history and urban development history of Guangzhou, as well as the historical context of the origin and development of civilization in Lingnan. The reporter learned that this selection activity includes two links: public online voting and expert final evaluation. "Archaeology is the compass leading to the depths of history, connecting the past, present and future of mankind. Archaeological research and interpretation, and the dissemination and utilization of archaeological achievements not only require archaeological professionals to" live in the open and in the dark "for many years, but also inseparable from the attention, support and participation of all sectors of society." Liu Xiaoming said, "the public online voting session of this selection activity is very hot. Many citizens and friends actively participated in it, selected their own 'heart water' cultural relics, deeply understood the development process and gratifying achievements of Archaeology in Guangzhou, and enhanced their understanding of Guangzhou, a famous historical and cultural city." The reporter saw that the cultural relics selected into the top 100 archaeological relics in Guangzhou cover the period from the late Neolithic Age to the Qing Dynasty. The types of cultural relics are rich and diverse, with high historical, artistic, scientific, cultural and social values. The age of the top ten archaeological discoveries in Guangzhou covers the late Neolithic Age to modern times, with rich types, including tombs, building sites, sluice gates, ancient roads, kiln sites, academies, docks, etc. At the scene, Yi Xibing, President of Guangzhou Institute of cultural relics and archaeology, said that in the next step, Guangzhou cultural relics department will also hold a series of special lectures on important archaeological discoveries and cultural relics in Guangzhou, and the relevant activation work is also being promoted in succession. At present, many of the "100 cultural relics" are on display in the "Haiyu Youtong" exhibition of Beijing National Museum to show the charm of Guangzhou culture and Lingnan culture to the audience all over the country. Liu Xiaoming said that the relevant information of hundreds of cultural relics and top ten important discoveries has been published on the Internet, which is convenient for everyone to view in the "cloud". In addition, most of the cultural relics are exhibited in several museums, such as the second Mausoleum Museum of the Southern Han Dynasty, the Nanyue King Museum and the Guangzhou Museum. You can also go to the scene first to see their style. According to the organizers, Guangzhou's archaeological achievements, including 100 cultural relics and ten important discoveries, carry Guangzhou's 5000 or 6000 years of human social history and more than 2200 years of urban memory, fully reflect the origin of Lingnan civilization and the formation and development process of Lingnan culture, and embody the interaction between ancient Guangzhou and its surrounding areas, And the remarkable achievements of exchange and reference with other civilizations in the world through the maritime silk road have witnessed the process of urban Archaeology and cultural relics protection in Guangzhou in recent 70 years. Through these archaeological achievements, the ancient history of Guangzhou has been reconstructed, and the life picture of our ancestors has become fresh and vivid. Archaeological materials have both depth and affinity Take us back to our daily life in Guangzhou At yesterday's media release, Quan Hong, President of Guangzhou Cultural Relics Museum Association, commented on the 100 artifacts finally selected. He introduced that the double ring jade pendant with dragon and phoenix pattern unearthed in the tomb of King Wen of Nanyue in 1983 is the "ticket king" selected by online voting and experts. This cultural relic is also the prototype of the emblem of the Nanyue King Museum. In this selection, the unearthed cultural relics in Guangzhou can be called high-quality products. Some cultural relics are well-known, such as the gold seal of "Emperor Wen's seal", jade pendant and jade horn cup unearthed from the tomb of King Wen of Southern Yue. There are also some cultural relics that we are not familiar with, such as the pottery drum unearthed on the road of agriculture and forestry in Dongshan in 1986. "We see a lot of bronze drums, but very few ceramic drums. We unearthed three." Quan Hong said. For example, the pottery building of the Eastern Han Dynasty now in Guangzhou Museum was unearthed in Xianglan Gang, Dongshan in 1957. Among the similar artifacts found in recent decades, it is also among the most exquisite. Other cultural relics are now collected in the National Museum of China, such as the Eastern Han Dynasty pottery boat unearthed at shaheding in 1954. It is worth mentioning that the glass bottle unearthed in the Kangling Mausoleum of the Southern Han Dynasty is the only piece of broken glass found at that time that can be restored completely. Persian blue glazed pottery bottles in the Southern Han Dynasty have been unearthed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, but they have been found in Guangzhou in recent years. Together with the "Persian style" silver box unearthed in the tomb of the king of Nanyue, the beads of the Western Han Dynasty unearthed in Hengfu road in 2001, and the Venice silver coins of the Ming Dynasty unearthed in the tomb of Wei family in Dongshan in 1964, we have a deeper understanding of the foreign exchanges of ancient China. Many cultural relics have the meaning of "ruler". For example, the oval rectangular lacquer box found in an ancient tomb in shitougang, Xicun, Guangzhou in 1953 has the word "Panyu" engraved in the middle, which is the earliest example of the place name "Panyu" found in archaeological objects. For another example, the ink colored grey pottery pot of the Neolithic age is not only a boutique of the rarely unearthed colored pottery in Guangzhou, but also the most complete, best preserved and most complex ink painted pottery unearthed in Guangdong so far. In addition, the jade tooth Zhang of Shang Dynasty unearthed at the archaeological site of moyishan in Zengcheng is the first jade tooth Zhang unearthed in the tombs of definite age in the Pearl River Delta. Through this selection, we can see that archaeological materials have both depth and affinity. They are the visual reflection of social life in different periods and the first-hand record of the temperature of urban development in Guangzhou. Many pottery houses, pottery courtyards, pottery cattle carts, pottery dancing figurines, as well as those rude and freehand characters that can be seen on the pottery stove of the Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in dayuangang, Haizhu in 1956, have brought us back to our daily life in Guangzhou almost 20 centuries ago. As Yi Xibing said, "the people who lie down at the door of the stove and try to burn a fire always remind me of how they couldn't light a fire when they were cooking at home and were scolded by their mother. Across the screen, you can imagine the little people with ashes on their faces. For example, those figurines holding lamps are holding lamps. Some are cute, some are happy, some are proud, and some can't see happiness, anger, sadness and joy." He once imagined: "one day in the late Tang Dynasty, a ceramic dealer purchased a batch of daily-use pottery and glazed pottery (pickle jars, water pots, wine bottles, small rice bowls and mortar tampers, etc.) After arriving in Guangzhou by water and landing outside the south gate, they came to the underwriter for inspection and found that some artifacts were damaged. After difficult or pleasant negotiation, both parties decided to pick out the damaged artifacts and bury them on site. More than 1000 years later, archaeologists made them reappear, leaving many questions: where did they come from? Where are you going? What was the sales situation at that time? Did Lao Guang also make kimchi? " Indeed, the history we know today is the life of the ancients; And our life today will also give future generations a sense of history. From Jinlan temple to the three meeting sites Archaeological exploration of where Guangzhou came from Among the "ten important archaeological discoveries in Guangzhou", the earliest is the site of Jinlan temple in Zengcheng. Three excavations were carried out from 1958 to 1961, and the remains of painted pottery culture about 6000 years ago and the cultural layers of three periods were found; From November 2020 to may 2021, more than 500 square meters of shell mound deposits were found in the north of the site, and 46 tombs from the late Neolithic Age to the Warring States period (43 ancient human remains were unearthed). It is the earliest prehistoric Beiqiu site in Guangzhou. Located in the South China Botanical Garden in Tianhe District, there is a "first village in Guangzhou", that is, the feierling site. During the summer vacation of 1956, students from the Department of geography of Sun Yat sen University went to feierling area for surveying practice, and 11 shouldered stone axes were collected on the ground. On August 26 of that year, the teachers and students of the History Department of CUHK and the municipal cultural administration committee went to the site for the first ground survey and found more than 300 stone tools such as shoulder stone axe, shoulder stone, stone spear and stone chisel, as well as more than 300 printed pottery pieces such as checkered pattern, Kui pattern and thunder pattern. At the beginning of the second year, cultural relics of the late Neolithic age and the bronze age were found in many hills. The site is the first archaeological excavation of cultural relics of the pre-Qin period in Guangzhou, so it is called "the first village". Quan Hong said that with the discovery of Jinlan temple and other sites, feie mountain is no longer the "first village", but it does not hinder its important position in the archaeological history of Guangzhou. "I have been doing archaeological excavation in Guangzhou for so many years. I have been confused that I have not found large cemeteries or settlements from the middle and late Warring States period to the early Western Han Dynasty, not to mention the city site. But the second excavation of Huangpu potouling cemetery in October 2020 has provided us with clues in this regard to a certain extent." Previously, Zhang Qianglu, vice president of Guangzhou Institute of cultural relics and archaeology, said in an interview with all media reporters of Guangzhou Daily. As the latest discovery in the "ten important archaeological discoveries in Guangzhou", this site located in the northwest of Huangtian village, Longhu street, Huangpu District was excavated twice from 2016 to 2017 and 2020 to 2021. The tombs found from the middle and late Warring States period to the early Western Han Dynasty are the highest number, largest scale and most complete high-level Vietnamese cemeteries found in Lingnan area. Zhang Qianglu said that the potouling site suggested that the social development and personnel gathering from jiufo to Luogang in Huangpu District in the middle and late Warring States period had reached a considerable scale, which provided historical accumulation for the later selection of Nanhai County as the governing city in Guangzhou between Yunshan and Zhushui. "Guangzhou archaeology ten"

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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