Appreciating the art of "Millennium C-Position · Porcelain", ceramic culture helps promote new urban development


On September 28th, under the guidance of the United Front Work Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the United Front Work Department of the Jingdezhen Municipal Party Committee, the "Artistic Heart Inherits the Party's New Power" - "Millennium C-Position · Porcelain" art appreciation activity was held at the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Museum. More than 100 responsible comrades from the United Front Work Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the United Front Work Department of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, as well as representatives of new social classes in the city and district, participated. The art appreciation event is one of the important activities of the "Millennium Porcelain City Meets Millennium Commercial City" ceramic culture and art exhibition. It aims to invite ceramic art masters and representatives of new social classes from Guangzhou and Jingdezhen to exchange ceramic culture face-to-face, find the connection between ceramic culture and modern culture, Guangzhou and Jingdezhen, and explore how to integrate ceramic culture into modern cities to promote urban development. At the event, relevant officials from the United Front Work Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee stated that this event provides a great platform for new social classes from both regions to exchange ideas. They hope that more new social classes will actively participate in the event and work together to promote the inheritance and development of ceramic culture. Zhai Huiling, a master of Chinese arts and crafts and ceramic art, discusses the historical inheritance and innovation of Guangcai culture from the characteristics of Guangcai craftsmanship, and introduces the identification and appreciation knowledge of Guangzhou's exported porcelain in different eras. Zhai Huiling introduced to the reporter from Xinhua News Agency that in recent years, Guangcai has continuously innovated in artistic masterpieces, incorporating many new materials and techniques, adding a sense of hierarchy and contemporary atmosphere, and constantly advancing on the development path. At the same time, Guangcai has gradually entered people's daily lives, especially among young people who have a stronger interest in intangible cultural heritage. Zhai Huiling, a master of Chinese arts and crafts and ceramic art, and Zhang Guozheng, Secretary General of the Jingdezhen Freelance Arts and Crafts Association and Secretary General of the Jingdezhen New Federation, introduced the main characteristics and appreciation methods of Jingdezhen ceramic artworks, as well as how to enhance the cultural and market value of porcelain through artistic innovation in modern society. Afterwards, the attendees focused on the three main themes of "Culture Culture," "Connect," and "City City," exploring new ideas for the historical heritage and inheritance of ceramic culture, exploring new goals for the integration and development of ceramic culture and modern culture, exploring new possibilities for ceramics in urban life and cross regional cultural exchange, and revitalizing the millennium cultural center ("Center") position of ceramic culture. In addition to "City City - The Relationship between Porcelain Culture and Urban Cultural Development", interactive craft experience activities were also set up on site, including porcelain restoration exhibitions, interactive Q&A and appreciation sessions, allowing the audience to experience ceramic skills and understand ceramic culture on site. The atmosphere at the event was lively, with frequent interactions between guests and the audience. Everyone enjoyed the charm of ceramic culture while listening to ceramic stories, learned about the craftsmanship spirit of artists through experiencing ceramic crafts, and felt the surging vitality of new generation individuals and the infinite possibilities of integrating ceramic culture into urban development through roundtable forum exchanges. Huang Lili, Vice President of the Guangzhou New Social Class Association, told Xinhua News Agency reporters that the event received a very positive response, and in just two hours, the audience gained further understanding of ceramic related knowledge. Through cooperation with the New Alliance of Jingdezhen City, the ceramic culture of both Guangzhou and Jingdezhen can be widely spread among the general public, achieving a win-win situation. It is reported that Huang Lili, Vice President of the New Social Class Association in Guangzhou, announced that the "Millennium Porcelain City Meets Millennium Commercial City" Ceramic Culture and Art Exhibition opened on September 13th at the Guangzhou Overseas Chinese Museum, with a one month exhibition period. This art exhibition is an innovative measure taken by the new class people in Guangzhou and Jingdezhen to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, promote cross regional cooperation and exchange, and improve the pattern of united front work. It is also an active exploration by the united front departments of the two places to explore cultural history and inherit Chinese culture. By jointly appreciating ceramic art and exchanging ceramic culture, we seek broader cooperation prospects between Guangzhou and Jingdezhen, further stimulate the innovative vitality and social responsibility of the new class, and inject "new" vitality and energy into promoting high-quality economic and social development, inheritance, and promotion of Chinese culture in both places. (New Society)

Edit:Lubaikang    Responsible editor:Chenze

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