'Small break' reflects the emotions of educators


Recently, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission issued the "Guiding Opinions on Optimizing the Interclass Time of Students in Compulsory Education Schools in the City", and compulsory education schools in the city will implement a 15 minute break time in principle. After optimization and adjustment, the morning class time, lunch break, and afternoon dismissal time for primary school students remain unchanged, while for junior high school students, except for the afternoon dismissal time, which is decided by the school to be extended by 5 minutes, everything else remains unchanged. The issuance of this document and corresponding measures reflect three distinct characteristics: the transformation of the school's work and education orientation. The problem of primary and secondary school students being neglected, squeezed, and even restricted from classroom activities during breaks has attracted high social attention. This document takes the detail of appropriately increasing students' break time as the starting point, promoting the transformation of school work from "management" to "education", and encouraging teachers to shift their roles from "managers" to equal and friendly "participants and interactors", creating a relaxed and balanced school environment, truly implementing the concepts of "people-oriented", "student-centered", and "student-centered", and promoting students' physical and mental health development. Continuously strengthen the practice of running schools in accordance with laws and regulations. On April 30, 2024, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued a notice on carrying out the "Standardized Management Year" action for basic education. Article 8 of Annex 2 of the document, "Negative List of Standardized Management for Basic Education," stipulates that it is strictly prohibited to arrange students' sleep schedules that violate national regulations, or to occupy students' "ten minute break time" in various ways. The relevant policies introduced by Beijing this time are one of the specific actions to implement the requirements of the Ministry of Education's "Standardized Management Year". Through overall planning and optimization, Beijing evenly distributes the time adjusted from the big break to each small break, thus expanding the traditional "ten minutes between classes" to "fifteen minutes between classes". The duration of a single break has been expanded, but the teaching time has not been compressed. Instead, the school time has been redistributed, and the actual impact on teaching tasks and overall time arrangements can be ignored, fully ensuring students' right to rest. Respect and follow the laws of educational science in running schools. Extending the break between classes allows students to effectively 'move', play games, exercise, and communicate outside the classroom, which helps alleviate eye fatigue, prevent myopia, promote blood circulation, enhance physical fitness, prevent obesity, release stress, and cultivate a healthy personality. The implementation of "break time" can effectively alleviate students' psychological pressure and anxiety, regulate their emotions, allow for a moderate pace of learning, and improve overall learning efficiency. This is due respect for the laws of education and teaching, as well as the laws of students' physical and mental development. Moreover, in order to ensure the smooth implementation of this recess adjustment work, Beijing has set a one month adjustment buffer period for schools, which facilitates the gradual implementation, independent coordination and optimization of arrangements, and the adoption of more scientific measures based on actual conditions, abandoning the mechanical "one size fits all" approach from decision-making to implementation. In the face of objective differences in the actual situation between districts and schools, in order to better implement policies, the following work needs to be done: self optimizing and adjusting according to local and school conditions. We need to strengthen learning and training, improve the position of cadres and teachers in educating students, enhance teachers' organizational and management abilities during break time, actively explore and scientifically plan based on the actual situation of the school, and design a set of operable and executable break time activity arrangements. Teachers should actively participate in students' recess activities, promote students to rest and exercise scientifically and safely, and attach equal importance to recess and classroom. Strengthen the overall design of recess activities. After optimization and adjustment, the school will arrange a 30 minute long break in the morning and afternoon, with a total break time of no less than 90 minutes for primary school students and no less than 105 minutes for junior high school students (May Fourth system schools can refer to this plan). Each school should systematically design the overall duration of this relatively short daily break, further enrich the forms and contents of break activities, and fully tap and utilize the educational functions of various resources on campus. Schools with relatively tight urban areas should strengthen their design and explore suitable activity modes based on their hardware facilities and other specific situations, creating a more suitable break environment for students. Specific design and planning should be carried out for student activities during large and small breaks. Schools should start from the laws of students' physical and mental development, organize personnel to develop, introduce, and promote fun sports games suitable for break time, and allow students to bring safe and healthy game materials and equipment into the school; Invite parents, professionals, and inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to participate in recess activities in a timely manner, enhance the connection and cooperation between families, schools, and communities, and enable students to gain multiple benefits while taking moderate breaks. Establish and improve relevant security systems. The increase in recess activities inevitably brings a series of practical problems such as student personal safety, such as crowded trampling when going up and down stairs, collisions during chasing and playing, and accidental injuries to equipment and tools; Schools should comprehensively investigate potential risks and hazards of hardware facilities, and take corresponding measures to solve them properly in a timely manner, such as increasing necessary monitoring facilities and equipment, especially in corners and blind spots; Security duty posts should be added in corridors, playgrounds, and especially in sports areas to promptly prevent unsafe behaviors of students and maintain normal order; We need to establish and improve the accidental injury insurance for primary and secondary school students, conduct training on emergency rescue knowledge and skills for teachers and students as Red Cross volunteers, and improve the campus emergency rescue system. Education administrative departments at all levels should establish an inspection, supervision, and feedback mechanism for adjusting students' break time, further standardize the order of education and teaching, strictly prohibit teachers from dragging classes and attending classes early, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of "break time confinement" to ensure that students' break time requirements are implemented and that break time activities are scientific, orderly, and safe. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Zhou shu


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