President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the National Commendation Conference for Ethnic Unity and Progress, emphasizing the promotion of the construction of the Chinese national community, consolidation and development of the great unity of


The National Ethnic Unity and Progress Commendation Conference was held in Beijing on the morning of the 27th. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. He stressed that we should fully implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the important thought of the Party on strengthening and improving national work, adhere to the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese national community, constantly promote the cause of national unity and progress, promote the high-quality development of the Party's national work in the new era, promote the construction of the Chinese national community, and work tirelessly to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese path to modernization.

Li Qiang presided over the conference, Wang Huning read out the commendation decision, and Zhao Leji, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, and Li Xi attended.

At 10am, the conference began, and everyone stood up and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

Wang Huning read out the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Commending National Ethnic Unity and Progress Model Collectives and Model Individuals. 352 exemplary collectives and 368 exemplary individuals were commended.

He first extended warm congratulations on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council to the exemplary collectives and individuals who were commended, and expressed sincere greetings to comrades on the national work front and people from all walks of life who care about and support the cause of national unity and progress.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Communist Party of China has always attached great importance to ethnic work. For over a hundred years, we have persisted in combining Marxist ethnic theory with the specific realities of China's ethnic issues and with the excellent traditional Chinese culture, creatively forging a correct path with Chinese characteristics to solve ethnic problems. On this path, the Party has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to achieve national independence and people's liberation, creating a new situation of developing equal, united, mutually supportive, and harmonious relations among all ethnic groups. It has promoted unprecedented progress in the economic and social development of ethnic regions and the lives of ethnic minority groups. The appearance of China's ethnic minorities, ethnic regions, ethnic relations, and the Chinese nation have undergone earth shaking historical changes.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the path of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics focuses on the fundamental and overall interests of the Chinese nation, maximizes the cohesion of all ethnic groups, and realizes the common unity, struggle, prosperity and development of all ethnic groups; Adhere to the principle of equality for all ethnic groups, oppose ethnic oppression and discrimination, and ensure that people of all ethnic groups truly obtain equal political rights and become masters of their own country; Correctly grasp the relationship between maintaining national unity and implementing regional ethnic autonomy, adhere to the combination of unity and autonomy, and the combination of ethnic and regional factors, and promote the Chinese nation to become a community of shared future with higher identity and stronger cohesion. Practice has proven that this path is completely correct.

Xi Jinping emphasized that the Chinese nation is a great nation with a civilization history of more than 5000 years. All ethnic groups have jointly explored the vast territory of the motherland, created a unified multi-ethnic country, written the glorious history of China, created brilliant Chinese culture, and cultivated the great national spirit. The integration of the bloodlines of various ethnic groups is the historical foundation for the formation and development of the Chinese national community; The shared beliefs of all ethnic groups are the endogenous driving force for the Chinese nation to create a unified multi-ethnic country; The cultural exchange among different ethnic groups is the cultural gene that has shaped the diverse and integrated civilization pattern of the Chinese nation; The interdependence of various ethnic economies is a powerful force for the Chinese nation to build a unified economic system; Emotional matchmaking among different ethnic groups is a strong bond for the Chinese nation as a family. The formation and development of the Chinese national community is the will of the people, the trend of the times, and a historical inevitability.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to focus on building a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation, guided by socialist core values, deepening patriotism, collectivism, and socialist education, guiding people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish correct views on the country, history, ethnicity, culture, and religion, strengthening historical and cultural education for young people, comprehensively promoting the popularization of the national common language and script, and providing strong spiritual and cultural support for promoting the construction of the Chinese national community.

Xi Jinping pointed out that in promoting Chinese style modernization and achieving common prosperity, no nation can be left behind. We need to accelerate high-quality development in ethnic regions, promote closer economic integration and integration among all regions, and solidly promote common prosperity among all ethnic groups. Persist in ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development, do more practical things that cater to public opinion, benefit people's livelihoods, and warm people's hearts, and continuously meet the aspirations of people of all ethnic groups for a better life.

Xi Jinping emphasized the need to promote the all-round integration of all ethnic groups and actively promote exchanges, exchanges, and integration among them. Coordinate economic and social development planning and public resource allocation, strengthen infrastructure construction such as transportation in border and ethnic areas, actively promote people-oriented new urbanization, orderly promote the flow and integration of various ethnic populations, and promote all ethnic groups to tightly embrace each other like pomegranate seeds.

Adhere to and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, gradually improve relevant laws and regulations and differentiated regional support policies, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups in accordance with the law. Strengthen the publicity and education of the rule of law, guide people of all ethnic groups to enhance their national consciousness, civic consciousness, and rule of law consciousness.
Xi Jinping emphasized that party committees and governments at all levels should put ethnic work on an important agenda, timely study and solve major problems in ethnic work, strengthen the construction of cadres and talent teams in ethnic areas, and attach importance to cultivating and making good use of ethnic minority cadres. Establish a sound institutional mechanism to strengthen the sense of community among the Chinese nation, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of advanced models, and create a good atmosphere of care and support for ethnic work in the whole society.

When presiding over the conference, Li Qiang pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech comprehensively summarized the great achievements of China's national unity and progress in the 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the new era. It deeply revealed the roots and soul of the formation and development of the Chinese national community consciousness, and clearly put forward the overall requirements for forging a strong sense of Chinese national community consciousness and promoting the construction of Chinese national community in the new era and new journey. With profound thinking and broad vision, it is a guiding document for promoting the construction of Chinese national community. We must study, understand and thoroughly implement it. We must fully implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two consolidations", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", closely focus on the main line of forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, promote the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work, and tirelessly strive for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.

Commended exemplary individuals and exemplary collective representatives delivered speeches at the meeting.

Representatives of exemplary collectives and individuals who have been commended, as well as responsible officials from various provinces, regions, municipalities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, and relevant departments of the central party, government, military, and mass organizations, attended the conference.

Edit:Lubaikang    Responsible editor:Chenze

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