Which is more nutritious, fresh walnuts or dried walnuts? Walnuts also have these benefits


As the autumn wind blows, fresh walnuts are on the market. They combine the fragrance of nutty fat with the sweetness of fruit. Some people say that the nutrition of fresh walnuts is higher than that of dried walnuts. Is this true? Is it true that a new study shows that moderate consumption of walnuts can effectively reduce the risk and mortality of cardiovascular disease? What are the benefits of eating walnuts regularly for the body? How to eat walnuts for maximum benefit? Are fresh walnuts more nutritious than dried walnuts? Overall, there is not much difference in the main nutritional value between fresh and dried walnuts. But fresh walnuts have lower calories and their vitamin C content is nearly 10 times higher than dry walnuts! At the same time, fresh walnuts also have the characteristics of high moisture and soluble sugar content, so compared with dry walnuts, they taste fresh, tender, sweet, and not greasy. At the same time, they can quickly supplement some soluble sugars and vitamin C for the human body. Don't miss out on the benefits of walnuts: 1. Reducing the risk of death and extending lifespan. After adjusting for multiple variable factors, researchers found that consuming walnuts is negatively correlated with all-cause mortality and mortality caused by cardiovascular disease. Compared to people who do not consume walnuts, eating more than 5 servings of walnuts per week (28 grams per serving, about two or three walnuts) may have the greatest benefits in reducing mortality rates and extending lifespan. Specifically, it is associated with a 14% reduction in the risk of all-cause mortality, a 25% reduction in the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, and can extend life expectancy by approximately 1.3 years. Researchers suggest that even eating only a few walnuts per week may help promote longevity, especially for those who already have a low-quality diet. This result is consistent with previous studies confirming the metabolic benefits of nuts on the heart. 2. Brain nourishing walnuts are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, etc. And the content of "bad" fatty acids - saturated fats - is relatively low. These 'good' fatty acids can nourish brain cells, enhance brain development and function. Walnuts also have high levels of zinc and magnesium, and regular consumption can promote brain development. 3. Protecting the heart and blood vessels, reducing inflammation levels. A study found that walnuts can help improve heart health and lower the risk of inflammation. Maintaining a reasonable ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the possibility of vascular inflammation, decrease thrombosis, inhibit the increase of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and improve endothelial function. The ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts is 6:1, which is a high-quality ratio that meets the needs of the human body. 4. Walnuts contain a variety of vitamins that can help maintain skin activity and delay aging. The vitamins B and E in walnuts can prevent cell aging, enhance memory, and delay aging. 5. Improve gut microbiota. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid, and fiber, as well as abundant antioxidants, which can help increase the diversity of gut bacteria and improve the intestinal environment. 6. Reducing the risk of diabetes A study mentioned that eating a lot of nuts (especially walnuts) is related to reducing the risk of diabetes, and can also reduce the risk of obesity. Therefore, nuts can be consumed regularly (about once a day) as part of a healthy diet to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes. 7. Walnuts can help improve sleep by increasing the secretion of melatonin in the human body by three times. Eating a small amount of walnuts every day is a simple and low-cost self-care measure. Here are 5 tips for healthy eating of walnuts. 1. Quantity: 2-3 nuts per day. The recommended intake of nuts by the Chinese Nutrition Society is around 70 grams per week, with an average of 10g per day. If you only eat walnuts, it is approximately equivalent to 2-3 nuts. If you overeat, then reduce the amount of cooking oil appropriately or replace some pork or beef with walnuts. 2. It is best to cut open and eat the opened walnut kernels to increase their chances of contact with oxygen, thereby promoting oxidative deterioration. The nutritional value of both dried and fresh walnuts is closely related to their later storage conditions. The storage conditions for dry walnuts without shell removal are relatively low, and they can be stored at room temperature for a certain period of time. Once we remove the shell, it is easy to cause spoilage. Fresh walnuts, due to their high moisture content, require strict control over storage conditions. They should be refrigerated for about a week, and if stored for a long time, it is recommended to freeze them. 3. Try to choose the original flavor of walnuts without adding salt or sugar, without frying or overcooking. Because heating above 120 ℃ produces more pro-inflammatory substances as the temperature and time increase. 4. It is best to eat walnut kernels with the outer layer of brown skin, which is rich in various phenolic and flavonoid phytochemicals, and therefore has a bitter taste. These ingredients are non-toxic and can be safely consumed. If you want to get more antioxidants from walnuts, then eat them with the skin on. 5. Don't eat bitter walnuts. If you feel a noticeable bitterness when eating nuts, spit them out immediately and rinse your mouth! The fat in nuts is prone to "rancidity" (referring to the oxidation and decomposition of unsaturated fatty acids), mold growth, and the production of aflatoxins. It has extremely strong heat resistance and cannot decompose even when stir fried. It is still a type of carcinogen with strong carcinogenicity. Compared with dried walnuts, fresh walnuts have the characteristics of high moisture content, low fat and calories, and high content of soluble sugars and water-soluble vitamins. The advantages of walnuts: reducing the risk of death and extending lifespan; Protect the heart and blood vessels, reduce inflammation levels; Help delay aging; Improve gut microbiota; Reduce the risk of diabetes; Nourishing and strengthening the brain; Helps with sleep. Eat walnuts healthily, 2-3 per day, preferably freshly opened and eaten, and try to choose the original flavor. The outer layer of walnut kernels can also be eaten, but do not eat bitter walnuts. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING    Responsible editor:CAICAI


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