Let all ethnic groups work together to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation


A Chinese history is a history of the integration and convergence of various ethnic groups into a diverse and unified Chinese nation, a history of the great motherland created, developed, and consolidated by all ethnic groups together. Since its establishment, our party has attached great importance to ethnic work and handled ethnic relations correctly.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has put forward significant and original propositions on strengthening the sense of community of the Chinese nation, made a series of major decisions and deployments on ethnic work, and promoted new historic achievements in the cause of ethnic unity and progress in China. The sons and daughters of all ethnic groups, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, work together to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese path to modernization.
Flag raising orientation: "Strengthening the sense of community of the Chinese nation is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, and also the main line of various work in ethnic regions
In the northwest, the mountains and rivers are vast and the scenery is magnificent. Children of all ethnic groups live together on this beautiful and fertile land.
In June of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Qinghai and Ningxia for inspection. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "ethnic unity is very important, and our 56 ethnic groups should be tightly held together like pomegranate seeds. When the 56 ethnic groups come together, they form the Chinese national community, and the Chinese nation is a big family
Our great motherland has a vast territory and a long civilization. The diversity and unity of the Chinese nation are the rich heritage left to us by our ancestors, and also the huge advantage of our country's development.
Entering a new era, the cause of national unity and progress has ushered in new opportunities, but also faces new challenges:
Looking at the domestic situation, the breadth and depth of communication, exchange, and integration among various ethnic groups are unprecedented, and the distribution pattern of ethnic groups has undergone significant changes. How to adapt to the situation and build an embedded social structure still needs to be further explored;
Looking at the world, it has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation, undergoing major adjustments, divisions, and reorganizations, with an increasing number of uncertain, unstable, and unpredictable factors.
In the face of new situations and challenges, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "To realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must take the strengthening of the sense of community of the Chinese nation as the main line, and take the cause of national unity and progress as the fundamental cause to be grasped and grasped
This is a visionary ideological guidance——
In May 2014, the Second Central Xinjiang Work Symposium was held, and General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the concept of "Chinese national community consciousness". At the Central Conference on Ethnic Work held in September of the same year, General Secretary Xi Jinping further emphasized the need to "firmly establish the ideological foundation of the Chinese national community".
Since then, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly expounded on the significant original proposition of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.
In the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, it was emphasized to "strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation and enhance exchanges, exchanges, and integration among all ethnic groups";
In 2019, at the National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress, a pioneering proposal was made to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation and the "four commonalities" of the Chinese national historical perspective;
In 2021, at the Central Conference on Ethnic Work, we raised the awareness of forging a community of the Chinese nation to the height of the "outline" of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, emphasizing that "all work should focus on this";
In 2023, during the inspection in Inner Mongolia and listening to work reports in Xinjiang, it was emphasized that "strengthening the sense of community of the Chinese nation is the main line of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, as well as the main line of various work in ethnic areas";
In the great practice of leading the historic achievements of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has combined Marxist ethnic theory with China's specific realities and excellent traditional culture, put forward a series of new concepts, new ideas, and new strategies, and formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work, which has become the ideological weapon for the Party's ethnic work to fulfill new missions and complete new tasks in the new era and new journey.
This is a sincere reminder of concern——
General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally, "I have had many face-to-face exchanges with people of all ethnic groups and received many letters from them. The Chinese nation is one family, working together to build the Chinese Dream. This is a vivid portrayal of China's national unity and progress in the new era, and also a distinctive feature of the innovative promotion of ethnic work in the new era
In Shibadong Village, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of "targeted poverty alleviation"; In the hinterland of Daliangshan, Sichuan, the General Secretary walked into the homes of impoverished Yi ethnic households and sat around the fire pit with village representatives and poverty alleviation workers stationed in the village, planning precise poverty alleviation strategies; In Ma'anshan Village, Henan Street, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, the General Secretary walked into the "multi-ethnic home" where four generations lived together, and the fellow villagers had friendly exchanges; In Tibet, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we are a community of the Chinese nation, and we must work together towards the second centenary goal; In Xinjiang, the General Secretary emphasized that "a China with great unity among all ethnic groups must be invincible and have a bright future
From the roof of the world to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, from the southwestern mountainous areas to the grasslands of northern China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has gone deep into the hearts of people of all ethnic groups, listened to their voices, discussed the development of ethnic regions, and promoted the deepening of the sense of community of the Chinese nation.
This is a comprehensive work practice of the system——
In October 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during the 9th collective study session of the 20th Central Politburo that "forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation and promoting high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era are the common tasks of the entire Party and all ethnic groups in the country
Continuously strengthening and improving the comprehensive leadership of the Party over ethnic work, forming a new era of Party ethnic work pattern with unified leadership by the Party committee, legal management by the government, leading coordination by the united front department, responsible performance by ethnic work departments, cooperation among various departments, and joint participation of the whole society... Party committees and governments at all levels adhere to the correct path of solving ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics, conscientiously implement the Party's various policies and guidelines for ethnic work, and timely study and solve major issues related to ethnic work in their respective regions and units.
Leaders at all levels should deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on strengthening and improving ethnic work, enhance their ability to do a good job in ethnic work, and make contributions to promoting the cause of ethnic unity and progress.
A series of important works such as "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works" and "Xi Jinping Talks about Governance" in ethnic languages have promoted the Party's innovative theories to enter Hemei Village and reach the border and national borders, becoming authoritative reading materials for people of all ethnic groups to deeply understand the ideological power.
On the new journey, with the main line of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation, the Party's ethnic work in the new era has gathered a strong force and gathered a magnificent force.
Unity and Hand in Hand: "Promote all ethnic groups to embrace each other tightly like pomegranate seeds"
Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, is coordinating and promoting the Party's ethnic work in the new era, promoting all ethnic groups to embrace each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, and promoting the Chinese nation to become a community of shared future with higher recognition and stronger cohesion.
Putting people's livelihoods first, the lives of all ethnic groups have ushered in a new era——
Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, is a place of concern for General Secretary Xi Jinping.
On the eve of New Year's Day in 2014, officials and masses in Gongshan County wrote a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping, reporting the long-awaited good news that the Gaoli Gongshan Dulong River Highway Tunnel was about to be completed. After receiving the letter, General Secretary immediately replied to them.
One year later, with the concern for the cadres and masses of Gongshan County, especially the Dulong ethnic group, General Secretary Xi Jinping took the time during his tense trip to Yunnan to bring the five cadres and masses who had written the letter and two Dulong women to Kunming to meet him. He pointed out that "the Communist Party of China is concerned about the development and construction of all ethnic groups, and people of all ethnic groups in the country should work together and strive towards a comprehensive well-off society
The Dulong ethnic group achieved poverty alleviation as a whole in 2018.  
Nowadays, from newly installed new energy vehicle charging stations, to 5G signals covering the entire township, and to thriving characteristic industries, the lives of the "one step over the millennium" Dulong ethnic group are getting better and better.
The great changes of the Dulong ethnic group are a microcosm of the people of all ethnic groups moving towards a better life. In Ningxia, the wallets of the people in Xihaigu are getting fuller day by day; In Inner Mongolia, filming short videos has become a new trend among the people in agricultural and pastoral areas; In Guizhou, multiple measures have been taken to enable relocated poverty alleviation workers to integrate into the new urban environment... Adhering to the people-centered development concept, the sense of gain, happiness, and security of all ethnic groups has become more fulfilling, secure, and sustainable.
Joining hands to forge ahead, achieving new breakthroughs in economic and social development——
In autumn, in the valley of the the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Fuxing train on the Lalin railway roared past.
In July 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Tibet and visited the important hub station of the Sichuan Tibet Railway, Linzhi Railway Station, to learn about the overall planning of the Sichuan Tibet Railway and the construction and operation of the Lhasa Linzhi section. General Secretary emphasized the key role of technological innovation, your planning is very scientific, and the entire road section is being promoted, which is very inspiring. The spirit of the 'two roads' should continue to be promoted, daring to fight and win one section at a time. If we want to do it, we should do it well
Not just the road. The overall proportion of clean energy in the power grid exceeds 90%, the power supply rate of administrative villages reaches 100%, and the ecological and environmental protection lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular... With the strong support of the people all over the country and the concerted efforts of cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups in Xizang, Xizang has entered a historical period with the best development, the greatest changes, and the most tangible benefits for the masses.
Looking at ethnic regions, from fully utilizing water and scenery resources to convert them into clean energy, which is sent to the north and south of the country, to the flourishing development of the digital economy, which has become a new business card for the industry, and then to batches of branded products going abroad and entering the world, the confidence, quality, and confidence of high-quality development in ethnic regions are stronger.
Like a family, ethnic unity and progress present a new atmosphere——
Adults dance gracefully, children play happily... In the evening, the small square in front of the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Changcheng Garden Community, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia, becomes lively.
"Whether it's the Loong Boat Festival or the Gurbang Festival, residents in our community will gather together to celebrate with their own special food. Everyone is happy like a family," said the community residents.
A community where people of all ethnic groups live together is not only a warm home for living and working in peace and contentment, but also a powerful bond that unites people of all ethnic groups and promotes national unity and progress.
General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to "continuously broaden the practical path of all-round integration of all ethnic groups".
China is a family with deep and profound emotions. Since the new era, various regions have been promoting the establishment of mutually embedded social structures and community environments. The pattern of "you in me, I in you" has been continuously consolidated, guided by "mutual embedding", and the demonstration of ethnic unity and progress has been deeply carried out, expanding to enterprises, rural areas, government agencies, communities, schools, etc. The three plans of communication, exchange, and integration among different ethnic groups have been deeply promoted, and there are countless stories of ethnic unity as a family.
Diversity and unity, Chinese culture constantly radiates new vitality——
Colorful pottery of various shapes and copper coins unearthed from Xinjiang... Located in the Ethnic Culture Palace on West Chang'an Avenue in Beijing, the exhibition of cultural relics and ancient books that solidify the sense of community of the Chinese nation attracts visitors from all over the world. Standing in the exhibition hall, more than 1500 cultural relics and ancient books have traveled through thousands of years, witnessing the continuous development and growth of the Chinese nation in communication, exchange, and integration, as well as the enduring vitality of Chinese civilization.
Embracing tightly like pomegranate seeds, "" The Chinese nation is connected by blood and shares a common destiny, "every sentence on the guestbook is so simple and sincere.
General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Culture is the soul of a nation, and cultural identity is the root of national unity
The National Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports Games and the National Ethnic Minority Literature and Art Exhibition have built a stage for various ethnic groups to showcase their styles, exchange and learn from each other, and blend emotions; The theme cultural activity of "Building a Shared Spiritual Home for the Chinese Nation" has entered Guizhou, Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places, promoting more innovative integration of various ethnic cultures through forms that are popular among the masses; Representatives of children from all ethnic groups participated in a series of activities such as the "Pomegranate Seed Motherland Tour" themed team day and the "Salute to the National Flag". The sense of community of the Chinese nation was deeply rooted in their hearts... A series of practical measures have been taken to promote the work of strengthening the sense of community of the Chinese nation, which is more tangible, meaningful and effective, stimulate the vitality of Chinese culture, and build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation.
Towards the Future Together: "To comprehensively build a socialist modernized strong country, not a single nation can be left behind
The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee held in July this year mapped out a grand blueprint for further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting Chinese path to modernization. The Decision of the Plenary Session proposes: "Establish a sound institutional mechanism to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation and enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation
The future is bright and promising.
We must hold high the banner of great unity of the Chinese nation and regard promoting the joint struggle of all ethnic groups for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country as an important task of the Party's ethnic work in the new journey. "General Secretary Xi Jinping's words were resounding and powerful.
To promote the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, it is necessary to promote extensive exchanges, exchanges, and integration among all ethnic groups, and gather the forces of common unity, struggle, prosperity, and development among all ethnic groups——
In December 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Guangxi, came to Panlong Community in Liangqing District, Nanning City, and pointed out that "we should start from grassroots communities, create a strong atmosphere of unity among all ethnic groups through solid community construction, effective community services, and rich community activities, and make ethnic unity better.
Nowadays, in Panlong Community, residents spontaneously form a choir and gather together every week, bringing their own ethnic instruments and practicing choir singing. The community has also carried out interactive and immersive activities such as family reading, ethnic song and dance, and parenting classes, promoting more interaction and communication among people of all ethnic groups.
Communication, exchange, and integration are the only way to enhance national unity, strengthen the awareness of the Chinese nation's community, and promote the construction of the Chinese nation's community.
On the new journey, we need to further promote the mobility and integration of populations from all ethnic groups, create social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live, learn, co build and share, work together and enjoy together, promote the full integration of all ethnic groups in space, culture, economy, society, psychology and other aspects, continuously expand the breadth and depth of communication, exchange and integration among all ethnic groups, and gather a strong force for all ethnic groups to work hard and forge ahead.
To promote the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, it is necessary to continuously build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation and further enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation——
In July 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Xinjiang, visited the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum.
Thousands of years of civilization treasures, dazzling and dazzling. General Secretary Xi Jinping was deeply moved: "Chinese civilization is vast, profound, and has a long history, formed by the convergence of excellent cultures from various ethnic groups
Cultural identity is the deepest level of identification. Standing at a new historical starting point, the construction of a spiritual home must be a long-term effort.
Establish a normalized mechanism for propaganda and education to strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation, strengthen the education of the Party's theory, line, principles, and policies for people of all ethnic groups, use common ideals and beliefs to unite the heart and forge the soul, and deeply cultivate and practice the socialist core values;
Deepen the implementation of the Red Gene Inheritance Project, vigorously promote the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the era spirit with reform and innovation as the core, deeply explore the vivid stories of people of all ethnic groups who feel the favor of the Party, listen to the Party, and follow the Party, and continuously enhance their sense of identity and pride in the Chinese nation;
Implementing the project of inheriting and developing excellent traditional Chinese culture, researching and excavating the excellent genes and contemporary values of Chinese traditional culture, establishing and highlighting the shared symbols and images of Chinese culture among all ethnic groups, and continuously enhancing the recognition of Chinese culture among people of all ethnic groups;
A series of measures, in line with the development trend of the Chinese nation from history to the future, from tradition to modernity, and from diversity to unity, have laid a more solid spiritual and cultural foundation for forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation.
To promote the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, we must solidly promote the realization of common prosperity and let people of all ethnic groups jointly build and share Chinese path to modernization——
In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Inner Mongolia for inspection. General Secretary emphasized, "From a national perspective, the most arduous task in promoting common prosperity for all people is in some border ethnic areas. These border ethnic areas cannot be left behind on the road to common prosperity
In April of this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, emphasizing the need to "deepen the action of revitalizing the border and enriching the people in the new era, strengthen the construction of infrastructure and public service facilities in border areas, develop industries such as border tourism, and strive to achieve prosperity for border residents, beauty, stability, and stability in border areas
The Chinese nation is a big family, and everyone should live a good life. From comprehensive prosperity to common prosperity, the belief and determination of all ethnic groups and regions to "not fall behind" have been consistently upheld.
Embarking on a new journey, we must make people of all ethnic groups truly feel that promoting common prosperity is taking action and standing by our side, making the Chinese national community more unbreakable.
The Chinese nation has been forged through the exchange and integration of various ethnic groups, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will also be realized through the exchange and integration of various ethnic groups.
Standing at a new historical starting point, we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, adhere to the mainline of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation, promote the high-quality development of the Party's ethnic work in the new era, and unite all ethnic groups as one. We will surely gather a powerful force to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese style modernization.

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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