Guangzhou Liwan: Doing a Good Job in "Livelihood Micro Practical Matters" Painting Elderly Happiness Circle


In the streets and alleys of Mashi, white haired neighbors stroll forward; Walking through the gate, silver haired residents chat about daily life; Under the old banyan tree, the elderly relax and cool off. As one of the central urban areas of Guangzhou, Liwan District has many elderly residents living here. Having an elderly family is like having a treasure. How to ensure the safety and quality improvement of the elderly in terms of clothing, food, housing, and transportation is an important issue for Liwan District to improve urban functional services and enhance the quality of life of the masses. People's livelihood is stable when people's livelihood is secure. Since the beginning of this year, Liwan District has always adhered to the principle that "people's livelihood is the greatest political priority", implemented the deployment requirements of the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee on "livelihood micro projects", and conscientiously handled more than 1300 "livelihood micro projects" with care and emotion. Opening the list of "Livelihood Micro Projects" in Liwan District, it is not difficult to find that the list involves multiple elderly care projects. By improving services such as food, housing, and medical care, a happy circle of elderly life is created for the silver haired generation. Upgrade the senior canteen and offer delicious food. "After a lunch subsidy of 3 yuan for my 'five piece set', I only need to spend 11 yuan. Last night, my hands were fast enough, and I also grabbed a discount red envelope in the group. For 1 yuan, I could buy a bowl of red bean sugar water, which is delicious!" 76 year old Deng Auntie takes a bus from Fangcun to the Tongle Community canteen located in the Youth Community of Nanyuan Street every day for lunch. Deng Auntie eats with relish, including a meat patty, a stir fried egg with chives, a steamed lettuce, a bowl of rice, and a bowl of regular soup. After this year's Spring Festival, the Tongle Community canteen has completed an overall upgrade and renovation. The 170 square meter senior canteen provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner services for more than 17000 elderly people in the street, and has also attracted elderly people from surrounding areas such as Fangcun and Jinshazhou to come and help. Every day, the Tongle Community Restaurant receives 400-500 customers, of which 70% are elderly. The senior canteen provides at least 18 dishes every day, updates the menu every week, and has professional nutritionists to guide the recipe development Deng Huihua, a staff member of Tongle Community Canteen, introduced that Tongle Community Canteen has introduced enterprise resources from Tongle Group and implemented a chain management model. It provides fresh, stir fried, and ready to cook meals every day, which can solve the pain point of elderly canteens that can only provide boxed meals. We use stir frying robots, and the seasoning of each dish can be quantified to avoid heavy oil and salt, while ensuring food safety. "" Happy! You can sing again in the afternoon, "the elderly person dining cheered. Deng Huihua is debugging television, audio and other equipment for the elderly, and preparing to hold a small song party for them. In addition to dining in the canteen, the elderly can also participate in regular group activities such as monthly birthday parties, physical therapy consultations, etc., to meet their spiritual needs. Currently, there are 162 senior canteens in Liwan District, serving 15300 and 590900 elderly people aged 60 and above so far this year. This year, Liwan District will also optimize the network of meal assistance and catering services for elderly canteens, expanding meal times to morning and evening meals and weekends as much as possible, and making every effort to optimize and improve the quality of dishes. Accelerate the construction of leading elderly canteens, guide each street to improve the hardware and software of elderly canteens in accordance with Guangzhou's standards, and ensure the construction of more than 13 leading elderly canteens. Improve medical services and protect the health of silver hair. "Auntie, what department do you want to see?" "Auntie, let me take your blood pressure first." At the Fengyuan Street Community Health Service Center, the morning consultation period is particularly busy. At the guidance desk, four dedicated nurses patiently provide guidance services for elderly patients who come for treatment. In daily life, we have found that elderly people encounter many problems during the medical treatment process and need to be patient and respond quickly. We have increased the number of guidance nurses from 1 to 4, which has improved the efficiency of guidance services Zhu Jieming, Deputy Director of Fengyuan Street Community Health Service Center, said that the guidance service has improved, and residents' satisfaction with medical treatment and the number of 12345 commendation work orders have also increased. The Fengyuan Street Community Health Service Center also conducts quarterly, mid year, and year-end assessments and evaluations of the awareness, satisfaction, and renewal rates of family doctors through Cantonese telephone voice or manual telephone based on the language characteristics of local elders. The assessment results serve as the basis for allocating contracted service funds for family doctors and are linked to the assessment, evaluation, and prioritization of relevant key work. Among the more than 11000 permanent elderly residents in Fengyuan Street, nearly 90% of those aged 65 and above have signed up for family doctor services Zhu Jieming introduced that this year, in conjunction with the grid governance work of Fengyuan Street Office, key population grid services have been established in family doctor services. With a "big team - (village) committee" of 25-30 people and a "small team - grid" of 3-4 people, a collaboration mechanism between family doctor teams and community grid members has been established through "lump sum and subdivision". The precise division of grid areas for key populations such as "elderly, elderly, and sugar" has been implemented, effectively improving the level of health monitoring services for key populations. The "medical" health care for the elderly in Fengyuan Street is not only established in the clinic, but also extends to the network. Read several articles on WeChat official account, such as "Peng Siying General Practitioner", "Weekly Breakfast Menu for diabetes Patients", and "Misunderstandings on Diet with Hyperlipidemia", and received high reading. Peng Siying, a five-star family doctor and deputy chief physician of general practice (traditional Chinese medicine category) in Guangzhou, said: "Patients have relatively limited time to visit outpatient clinics, especially those who mostly come to community health service centers for treatment are elderly chronic disease patients, and they need continuous diagnosis and treatment services. Establishing communication outside the clinic can open up channels for patients to consult, improve patients' trust and compliance with doctors." It is reported that Liwan District has carried out activities such as home health monitoring and "free clinic market" through the "Hundred Medical and Elderly Care" Party Flag Red Benefit Project, providing health consultation services at the doorstep of the elderly. In addition, special projects are also implemented to safeguard the health of the elderly, such as the electric climbing wheelchair service project in Lingnan Street, which provides accompanying medical services for "disabled and suspended elderly" in the jurisdiction, ensuring that the elderly do not feel lonely on their "medical" journey. The Tongle Community Canteen provides freshly stir fried dishes to the elderly every day, introducing social resources and improving the living environment. The humid, rainy, and hot weather in the old community makes the residential houses prone to mold and water ingress, which further affects the living environment of the elderly. The "Livelihood Micro Practical Affairs" project in Liwan District touches on the urgent issues that residents need to solve in their actual lives. Projects such as aging friendly renovation, corridor renovation, and house repair are being carried out in multiple streets, bringing together the happiness of the people and painting a smile curve for the elderly's lives. Uncle and aunt, it will rain in a few days. Remember to install flood prevention boards In Hongshou Community, Longjin Street, a social worker reminded the elderly couple in their sixties, Uncle He and Aunt Zhou, to pay attention to flood prevention on rainy days and demonstrated how to install flood prevention boards. "Auntie, after aligning the two flood prevention boards with the groove and installing them, tighten the screws at both ends. Uncle He is a disabled person and has lived with Aunt Zhou for 25 years in Hongshou Community. On rainy days, the couple often suffered from the problem of rain entering the house. The staff of Longjin Street have learned through regular visits that some old houses have experienced roof leaks and flooding due to long-term disrepair. The renovation project requires a certain amount of funds. Longjin Street has introduced social resources such as Guangdong Qianhe Community Public Welfare Foundation and Deshida Building Materials Guangdong Co., Ltd. to renovate the living environment for four elderly families in need. A fund of 50000 yuan can be allocated to assist four elderly families in need to carry out ceiling leak repairs, house waterproofing reinforcement, etc Liu Qingxia, Deputy Director of the Longjin Street Social Work Station, stated that the renovation project was officially launched in May this year. After more than a month of communication, implementation of the plan, construction placement, and renovation acceptance, the project still had to race against rainy days to avoid affecting the progress of the project. With the flood control board, we elderly people no longer have to bend down and lift sandbags Aunt Zhou's home not only has flood prevention boards, but her living room has also become clean and spacious. According to the social worker, this renovation project also painted the living room walls of Aunt Zhou's house, giving the walls, which were previously detached and covered in mold, a new look. At present, Longjin Street is collaborating with Guangdong Jinqiu Charity Foundation to promote a new round of charity cooperation, replacing gas equipment and renovating old circuits for 100 disadvantaged elderly families to ensure their home safety. A handrail, a small night light, a non slip pad... Small objects bring a little happiness, making the old city not only full of fireworks, but also full of the human touch of respecting, loving, and helping the elderly. (New Society)

Edit:Yi Yi    Responsible editor:Li Nian

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