Enjoy the National Day holiday, health is not a "holiday", "National Day holiday health guide" released


The National Day holiday is coming soon. As the first provincial-level health promotion integrated media center in China, the Shanghai Health Promotion Integrated Media Center will launch a series of "Citizen Health Tips" from now on. The first "National Day Holiday Health Guide" will be presented by Dr. Huang Xiaolan and Dr. Su Jie, chief physicians of the Shanghai Health Promotion Center. Firstly, plan and arrange in advance. Reasonably arrange travel time and itinerary, pay attention to destination weather forecasts and risk warning information, and be aware of the major infectious diseases in the near future of the travel destination in advance, and master preventive measures; Outbound personnel need to pay attention to travel health tips issued by relevant countries and institutions, and if necessary, should receive relevant vaccines in advance. Secondly, maintain hygiene habits. Maintain good personal hygiene habits. During the journey, in crowded public places, passenger stations, and when taking public transportation, wear masks scientifically, pay attention to hand hygiene, do not spit everywhere, follow coughing etiquette, and avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose with unclean hands. Thirdly, pay attention to food safety. Pay attention to food safety when dining out, choose fresh ingredients, and separate raw and cooked during processing; Choose a legitimate restaurant with a food business license, and be cautious when choosing food from street vendors or street vendors; Do not collect or consume unfamiliar wild mushrooms and plants. Attention should also be paid to drinking water hygiene. Rivers, ponds, and lakes that have not been disinfected and purified should not be consumed raw. Fourth, beware of mosquito bites. Wear light colored long sleeved pants and mosquito repellent products to prevent mosquito bites when going out; Try to avoid sitting or lying for long periods of time in environments with lush vegetation, such as grasslands, forests, etc; Every day after going out, check your whole body to ensure that there are no ticks or other insects adhering to your body surface. Fifth, stay away from unfamiliar pets. Do not provoke stray dogs or other unfamiliar pets. Once bitten, promptly seek medical attention at a designated canine injury clinic, thoroughly clean and disinfect the wound, receive vaccinations, and if necessary, inject rabies immunoglobulin. Try not to contact wild animals to prevent infection with highly pathogenic infectious diseases such as pestis. Sixth, do a good job in health monitoring. If you experience symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, rash, etc. during your travels, pay close attention to changes in your condition and seek timely medical attention at a reputable hospital. After returning, do a good job of self-monitoring of your health. If you experience any abnormal symptoms, seek medical attention promptly and proactively inform the doctor of your travel history. Enjoy the National Day holiday, health is not a "holiday", may citizens and friends enjoy a happy and healthy holiday! (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING    Responsible editor:CAICAI


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