Religious circles in Chongqing hold calligraphy, painting and photography exhibition to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


On the morning of September 23rd, the "Adhere to Sinicization and Celebrate National Day Together" - Chongqing Religious Circle celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with calligraphy, painting and photography exhibition, which opened at Laojundong Taoist Temple in Nan'an District. Cheng Wei, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Secretary of the Party Group of the Citizens' Religious Affairs Committee, attended and delivered a speech. Deng Xinde, President of the Chongqing Taoist Association, presided over the opening ceremony, and Shen Zhen, President of the Chongqing Buddhist Association, delivered a speech on behalf of the religious community in the city. Secretary Cheng Wei pointed out in his speech that the religious community in the city should take the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China as an opportunity to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on religious work, further promote the fine tradition of patriotism and love for religion, deepen the practice of Sinicization of religion in China's urban areas, and work together to write a chapter of modernization with Chinese style in Chongqing. We must strengthen political guidance, carry out National Day celebrations according to local conditions, guide religious figures and believers to firmly support the "two consolidations", resolutely uphold the "two safeguards", and continuously enhance the "five identifications". Secondly, we need to innovate and enrich the carriers, focus on cultivating the "Yuzong Tongxin" religious work brand, deeply explore the experience and practices of various religions in promoting the sinicization of religion in China, and form a number of distinctive highlights and characteristics. We must implement the requirements of comprehensive and strict governance of education, improve the rules and regulations of education, form a good teaching style, and promote the healthy inheritance of various religions. We must ensure safety and stability, thoroughly investigate and resolve safety risks and hidden dangers in religious activity venues, and ensure the safety and stability of the religious sector in the city. President Shen Zhen stated in his speech that this calligraphy, painting, and photography exhibition is not only a vivid expression of the patriotic enthusiasm of the religious community in the city, but also a further mobilization and deepening of the practice of Sinicizing religion in China's urban areas. The religious circles of the city will take this exhibition of calligraphy, painting and photography as an opportunity to unite closely around the party and government, love the country, love religion, be honest, keep upright and innovate, and contribute to the religious circles to write the chapter of Chinese path to modernization in Chongqing. A flag raising ceremony was held at the opening ceremony. This calligraphy, painting, and photography exhibition showcases a total of 75 works of calligraphy, painting, and photography. The exhibition will last until mid October. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan    Responsible editor:Chenze

Source:China Religion Website

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