Intangible Cultural Heritage Concert showcases the fusion of traditional culture in Shenzhen


A concert gathering the essence of intangible cultural heritage folk music from the southeast, northwest and northwest was played in Bao'an, Shenzhen on the evening of the 25th, showing the citizens the charm of intangible cultural heritage from multiple perspectives. On stage, classic songs such as "White Snow in Spring", "Empress Flower", "Dance of Knowledge and Action", and "Ten Thousand Horses Strategy Soaring" are cleverly integrated with modern elements. The performers turn the notes into a language of storytelling, leading the audience on a journey full of surprises and emotions in music. The delicate and graceful style of the east, the clear and gentle style of the south, the exotic fusion of the west, and the vigorous and majestic style of the north were fully displayed in the concert, showcasing the unique style of intangible cultural heritage folk music in the four directions of southeast, northwest, and northwest of China. The melodious sound of the guqin is like a mountain breeze, moistening the heart and taking away the hustle and bustle of the world; The crisp sound of Guzheng is like the tinkling of spring water, lingering in the ears and awakening the purity and emotions in the heart; The melodious sound of the erhu and the lively and lively suona... This intangible cultural heritage concert not only showcases the charm of China's excellent traditional culture, but also showcases the rich and diverse cultural heritage of intangible cultural heritage and folk music from different regions. An extraordinary night of music In this intangible cultural heritage concert, the audience was deeply attracted by the traditional music full of artistic charm and cultural connotations, and applause and cheers echoed one after another. Ms. Wang, who lives in Bao'an, participated in this concert with her 9-year-old daughter. She said, "I didn't expect to be able to listen to folk music from all four directions at once, east, west, north, south. It feels really good." The general director of this performance, Yuan Lin, said that it is an artistic journey that transcends time and space. When hearing different ethnic instruments intertwined, cultural confidence arises from the bottom of her heart. She is not only impressed by the charm of cultural integration, but also amazed by the profoundness of Chinese civilization. It is reported that this concert is the first performance of the 2024 Bao'an District Intangible Cultural Heritage Traditional Series Concert of "Four Directions Music Rhyme · Dragon Dance Birthday". Two more concerts will be held in the future, with the four major chapters of "Eastern Rhyme · Music", "Southern String · Sound", "Western Sound · Song" and "Northern Tune · Qu" as the core, combined with traditional Chinese music for creation and arrangement, using ancient culture and new arrangement methods to give the ancient melody a sense of modernity and fashion. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan    Responsible editor:Chenze

Source:China News Service Website

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