Don't let the 'fire well' become a 'deadly well'


On the evening of September 21st, a well accident occurred in the Longhu Chunjiang Tianjing community of Xi'an Tiandiyuan. An 8-year-old girl was playing hide and seek with several children in the courtyard of the community after attending her classmates' birthday party, and unfortunately fell into a fire well seven or eight meters deep in the green belt, resulting in her death. At the time of the incident, the wellhead was only covered with three pieces of plywood and had not been fully covered yet. After the incident, the residential property pipe sealed the wellhead with two steel plates and installed a metal fence around the perimeter. In recent years, tragedies such as fire wells and manholes that "hurt people" and "swallow people" have occurred from time to time. Each tragedy has attracted widespread attention and discussion in society: why do fire wells and manholes frequently "hurt people" and "swallow people"? Taking the "fire well" that caused the tragedy as an example. According to reports, the safety hazards of the fire well were discovered by some owners as early as a year ago and reported to the property management in the relevant WeChat group. But we have not received a response from the relevant departments for a long time, let alone the elimination of safety hazards by the relevant departments. It is puzzling that after the tragedy occurred, the community involved quickly carried out rectification. Not only did the hidden danger of the fire water well that had not been solved for more than a year be rectified in just a few days, but other sewage wells in the community were also equipped with anti fall nets as soon as possible. This indicates that the hidden dangers of the fire well are not due to the inability to be eliminated in a timely manner, but rather due to the apathetic thinking of the relevant personnel. In theory, the fire department sets up fire wells in residential areas with the aim of obtaining sufficient water sources in the event of a fire accident and minimizing fire losses. Unexpectedly, there were no protective measures such as placing lifebuoys in the well, installing metal ladders on the well wall, installing anti fall nets at the wellhead, sealing the wellhead with steel plates, using guardrails for isolation and enclosure, and posting warning notices on the guardrails. This cannot be considered a serious breach of protective responsibility. Imagine if the above protective measures could be implemented and prevented more effectively, then this tragedy would not have happened. It can be seen that the "fire well" has become a "deadly well", and the fault lies not in the fire well, but in the negligence of protection. People cannot be resurrected after death, but it is entirely possible to prevent tragedies from happening again. The author sincerely hopes that relevant departments can draw lessons from the incident of a girl losing her life in a fire well, deeply reflect on it, and learn from past experiences to build a "safety net" and "protective wall" for every urban facility, in order to prevent similar tragedies from happening again. Never forget the 'profound lesson' after a tragedy, and let similar tragedies repeat the same mistakes. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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