The 5th International Forum on Army Military Education was held


On the 25th, the 5th Army Military Education International Forum was held in Nanjing. Representatives from nearly 20 countries including Argentina, Spain, Laos, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia were invited to participate in a two-day exchange and seminar. This forum is hosted by the Army Engineering University, with the theme of "Army Officer Training for Joint Military Operations". Its aim is to study and explore the development trends and reform directions of military education, share practical experience and the latest achievements in military education, and build a platform for exchanges and cooperation in the field of military education between China and military academies around the world. During the forum, attendees will engage in specialized discussions and exchanges on topics such as "Requirements for the Ability of Army Officers to Participate in Joint Military Operations," "Army Officer Joint Literacy Education and Training Program," and "Environmental Conditions for Implementing Joint Drills in Colleges and Universities. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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