US media: US Space Force wants to strengthen its ability to manipulate geostationary orbit satellites


According to the website of Defense News magazine on September 23, the Space Force is planning to collaborate with commercial companies operating geostationary orbit satellites to provide various satellite services, including communication, positioning, navigation, and timing. Colonel Richard Kniesley, the head of the Commercial Space Office of the United States Space Systems Command, stated that he hopes to establish a supplier list for the program called "Mobile Geostationary Orbit" as early as next year. He told reporters at the aviation, space, and networking conference held by the US Air Force Association, "This will enable us to adopt innovative methods and further develop existing capabilities from a dual-use perspective." The purchasable services will not be limited to satellite communications. The Office of Commercial Satellite Communications will manage contracts for irregular deliveries and irregular quantities, enabling the Space Force to establish a qualified set of suppliers to compete for various mission orders. Kniesley said that any agency of the Ministry of Defense can use this procurement mechanism to purchase satellite services. This measure is modeled after a similar program launched by the Space Force last year, called "Enhanced Near Earth Orbit Satellite Services". The service initially selected approximately 15 suppliers to compete for this 5-year, $900 million contract. Kniesley said that the supplier list continued to expand afterwards. In recent years, the demand for low Earth orbit satellite services in the defense and commercial sectors has continued to grow, and the demand for such satellite services at higher altitudes (such as geostationary orbit) is also increasing. Kniesley stated that he has met with several companies that are developing solutions for geostationary orbit. The Space Force is particularly interested in satellites that can move in geostationary orbit and provide services or observe orbital activities from different positions. In May, the US government awarded Starfish Space a $37.5 million contract to demonstrate its ability to manipulate and service spacecraft in orbit. Kniesley stated this week that possessing the ability to manipulate satellites in space can bring significant tactical advantages to the United States. This will become a revolutionary capability for our military - you will no longer be on a stagnant track, but able to drift from one point to another, "he said," especially in providing support to the United States in the event of regional or national wars, so that we can mobilize more military forces and be more flexible for combat personnel

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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