The 'Platoon Classroom' Helps Take Good Care of the 'Beginning of Officials'


Recently, at the stage assessment site of a certain detachment of the First Mobile Corps of the People's Armed Police, facing complex and changing special situations, the new platoon leader Liao Mingcai commanded the entire platoon of soldiers to successfully complete the task, which was recognized by the assessment team. The leader of the team told me that since the beginning of this year, they have explored the regular training of "platoon leader classroom" to help new platoon leaders quickly integrate into the new environment, adapt to new roles, and be competent in new positions, achieving significant results. In the past, when it came to some new platoon leaders, the general impression was that 'big things cannot be done, small things cannot be done' The leader of the detachment admitted that in recent years, their research has found that some new platoon leaders lack the ability to perform their duties and their methods of leading troops are not scientific. The main reason is that new platoon leaders often have to rely on themselves to explore and grow after participating in pre job training, and progress is slow. Specifically, some new platoon leaders have a weak foundation in military and political qualities, and their units have not provided targeted assistance; Some new platoon leaders are not familiar with grassroots troops and do not know where to start their work. They often talk about military affairs on paper, which makes it difficult to establish their authority in the short term; Some lack opportunities and platforms to showcase themselves and enhance their abilities. In addition, some squadron leaders lack understanding and trust in the new platoon leaders, believing that they have just graduated and lack experience and ability to undertake some important work tasks. At the same time, many soldiers believe that it is more effective to directly contact the squadron leader than to find a platoon leader, which has led to some new platoon leaders being "idle" and not receiving the necessary training, resulting in a decline in work enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The ability level of the platoon leader is related to the long-term development and combat effectiveness construction of the grassroots, and cannot be ignored According to the analysis of the first team of the Party Committee of the detachment, it is necessary to provide continuous assistance and all-round guidance for the new platoon leader. Through targeted and regular training, efforts should be made to break through the bottleneck problems that restrict the growth and development of the new platoon leader, and help them to do well in their "early official career". To this end, the Party Committee of the detachment has decided to promote a new mode of regular training called "Platoon Classroom", continuously improving the job performance ability of new platoon leaders - focusing on the common shortcomings and weaknesses of new platoon leaders, regularly inviting outstanding leaders and squad leaders from neighboring units and the detachment to serve as instructors, imparting the necessary skills for new platoon leaders to take up their positions, and continuously injecting new momentum into their growth and development. At the same time, they differentiate between different majors and positions, and develop a "personal growth file" for each new platoon leader, which is closely linked to college education and pre job training, and continuously promoted. They regularly organize periodic assessments to test the effectiveness of the training. Liao Mingcai is the direct beneficiary of this measure. When he was studying in a military academy, he participated in various martial arts competitions multiple times and was recommended by his student team to participate in the evaluation of "Outstanding Graduate". Unexpectedly, despite his excellent military and political qualities, he repeatedly encountered setbacks at the beginning of his tenure in the lower division. During a tactical training session, due to a lack of experience in group training, Liao Mingcai was unable to grasp the training rhythm well for a while. Some veteran soldiers began to "slip away", and other soldiers also "followed suit", resulting in unsatisfactory training results. Afterwards, he received serious criticism from the captain, and Liao Mingcai felt both guilty and wronged in his heart. Another time, during a scheduling meeting, two key members had a dispute, and Liao Ming spoke up to stop them. However, they not only did not listen to advice, but their argument became even more intense. It was not until the instructor arrived that the situation finally calmed down. Since then, Liao Ming realized that the soldiers in the platoon no longer told him about anything, but directly reported to the squadron leader. Some squadron cadres often "stick to the bottom" when carrying out their work, bypassing him and directly giving instructions to the squad leader and soldiers. After going back and forth, Liao Ming lost his sense of existence and lost his enthusiasm for work training. The platoon leader is the cadre closest to the soldiers. Only by winning the hearts of the soldiers and reassuring the superiors can we lead the entire platoon to move forward bravely and overcome difficulties In the 'Platoon Classroom', the teacher combined their own growth experience and military experience to answer questions and clarify doubts for Liao Mingcai. After a period of steel quenching, Liao Ming learned how to make ideological work closer to the reality of officers and soldiers, how to organize training more efficiently, and how to quickly establish credibility... These knowledge that he had only read in military academy textbooks and learned in pre service training were gradually applied in practice, opening up the working environment. In the latest interim assessment, Liao Mingcai proved himself with his outstanding performance and won the "full house" award. The author has learned that there are many new platoon leaders like Liao Mingcai who have achieved a leap in their abilities and qualities through the "platoon leader classroom" in this team, and Wang Bo, the new platoon leader of a certain squadron, is one of the typical representatives. Previously, in order to enhance his ability to conduct group training, he came up with many ways and bought multiple books on command and management to study carefully. But the self-learning progress is slow, the efficiency is low, and the knowledge learned always fails to achieve the expected results in practical application, which makes him headache stricken. After participating in the regular training of the "Platoon Classroom", Wang Boxue came up with a "good solution" to solve problems. He no longer talked about problems on paper or blindly made moves, but first analyzed and judged the task situation and the situation of the platoon before making a decision. In the following multiple comprehensive exercises, he remained calm and composed in handling situations, calmly responding to command positions, which impressed everyone. In the first half of this year, the team went to the Gobi Desert in Northwest China for field training, and the teaching content of the "Platoon Classroom" was updated synchronously. How to carry out one person one thing ideological work under dynamic and scattered conditions, how to organize targeted reinforcement training under harsh weather conditions, and how to help new recruits smoothly pass the 'second adaptation period' in difficult environments... The platoon leaders are learning, practicing, and growing at the same time, and their comprehensive abilities are steadily improving. During the training period, in the face of harsh environments and high-intensity training, Private Feng Huanteng showed fear of difficulties and sounded the "retreat drum". Platoon leader Yang Zaishi timely captured his ideological fluctuations, took the initiative to show concern, and used the communication skills learned in the "Platoon Leader Classroom" to carefully guide Feng Huanteng, ultimately helping him unload his psychological burden and regain his strength. It is understood that the detachment is continuously establishing and improving institutional mechanisms, clarifying the interface of responsibilities, and clearly requiring grassroots officials to resolutely manage according to hierarchical levels in non essential situations. They also give power to platoon leaders, allowing them to take on their responsibilities and endure storms, see the world, strengthen their muscles and bones, and enhance their abilities through trials and tribulations. With this move, the new platoon leaders have become more motivated and have clearer work ideas, giving them confidence in education and management. As night fell, Liao Mingcai walked off the assessment field and took out a notebook from the drawer, which was filled with several months of training experience. He reviewed and summarized the performance of the entire team during the day, while comparing and examining his own mistakes and shortcomings. Thoughts flow at the tip of his pen, and Liao Mingcai's determination to root himself at the grassroots level and build a strong army becomes increasingly firm... (New Press)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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