National University of Defense Technology guides students to benchmark against typical examples and strive to become advanced


Competition is not only a physical competition, but also a competition of willpower. When I feel exhausted, it is the strength of the team and the belief in bringing glory to the country that support me and keep me persevering until the end... "In early September, the National University of Defense Technology organized the" Face to Face with the Champion "activity, inviting the winners of the 4th World Military Academy Student Games to exchange ideas with the students on campus. Leng Runxue, the champion of the women's individual orienteering competition and a doctoral student at the university, took the stage to share her participation experience and won rounds of applause. Inviting outstanding students who have gone from campus to the world stage to share their growth experiences and tell stories of struggle, with the aim of setting a learning example and setting goals for current students, inspiring them to strive for excellence and contribute to the military The school leaders introduced that since the start of the new semester, they have selected typical figures in teaching reform, learning success, innovation and research, and made their advanced deeds into posters, short videos, etc., and promoted and displayed them on platforms such as publicity showcase and Strong Military Network; Regularly organize activities such as "Top Talents Talk about Growth", "Connecting with Graduating Students", and "Outstanding Senior Messages" to create a strong atmosphere of learning from and striving to become advanced. On this basis, they also regularly hold "Military and Political Lecture Hall", inviting frontline unit commanders and professional backbones to share their experiences and insights with students around information technology construction and the use of new equipment; Coordinate grassroots units to jointly carry out "military sports friendly matches", establish training "dragon and tiger lists", and implement military skills teaching and physical training into daily practical training. I will take excellent seniors as role models, solidly learn cultural knowledge, and enhance military skills to lay a solid foundation of ability to meet the needs of the position, "said Xie Zibo, a student of the school, after listening to the sharing of several seniors. It is reported that in the next step, the school will fully leverage its advantages in scientific and technological talents, organize activities such as "face-to-face meetings with renowned teachers", invite experts, scholars, leading talents, and backbone research teams from relevant fields to step onto the podium, and engage in face-to-face exchanges with students around teaching plans, technological frontiers, learning requirements, etc., to consolidate the ideological foundation of building a strong military through science and technology. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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