A certain brigade of the 73rd Group Army guides college student soldiers to focus on their positions and grow and succeed


In autumn, stationed at the training ground, the sea breeze blows and the waves surge. At a corner of the beach, Zhou Fengfeng, a new recruit from a certain brigade of the 73rd Group Army, looked a bit down. Sergeant Xiao Zubin stepped forward to have a heart to heart talk with him and learned the whole story. Zhou Fengfeng has been passionate about sports since childhood. During his university years, he joined the school's Taekwondo Association and represented the school in the National Taekwondo Championships, achieving excellent results. After enlisting, he quickly stood out among the new recruits with his good physical fitness and became a "good seedling" in the eyes of the squad leader and backbone. Unexpectedly, Zhou Fengfeng found it a bit difficult to connect with new equipment with higher technological content. Watching many comrades of the same year surpass him one after another, he developed a psychological gap. Noticing the change in Zhou Fengfeng, Xiao Zubin, who had previously formed a mutual aid pair with him, took the initiative to come up and do work. So, there was the opening scene. During my college years, I was a good assistant to teachers in teaching management and a backbone of multiple student groups... "Looking out at the sea, Xiao Zubin told Zhou Fengfeng about his campus experiences. Back then, like Zhou Fengfeng, he performed outstandingly on campus and won many honors. After the end of the new training, Xiao Zubin intended to showcase his skills in the company, but due to a lack of collaboration, he often encountered obstacles in his work. Later, with the help of his mentor, he repositioned himself, adjusted his status, focused on his position, refined his profession, and gained recognition from everyone. Grades represent the past, and we still need to work hard in the future. Down to earth, achieve your dreams through hard work Xiao Zubin said that he recorded the words spoken by the instructor in his notebook and often used them to remind and warn himself: set aside the halo of the past, start again with a zero mentality, and create new achievements with new struggles in his position. Similar youth experiences plunged Zhou Fengfeng into contemplation. Looking at Xiao Zubin's earnest gaze, he secretly said to himself, "I will never let down the good intentions of my comrades. From now on, it depends on my actions." "Before joining the army, many college student soldiers had a wide range of interests and obvious professional talents. Some comrades also served as backbone members in student groups, organized large-scale activities, and had strong coordination abilities." The leader of the brigade told me that they hoped to display their talents in the military camp, but when they truly participated in the hot training practice, they inevitably experienced many physiological and psychological discomforts, especially when encountering situations such as the inability to achieve predetermined goals temporarily, the gap between ideals and reality, etc., they often felt low and confused. To this end, based on in-depth research, the Party Committee of the brigade extensively organized college student soldiers to discuss and analyze topics such as "how to view campus life and military practice", "how to view youth dreams and job struggles", and "how to bloom youthful charm in green military camps", guiding them to think deeply, boost their enthusiasm, and solidly walk the military road. On this basis, they played the role of battalion and company cadres, squad leaders, and psychological service groups, and carried out activities such as ideological mutual assistance, heart to heart talks, and paired assistance based on the characteristics of college student soldiers. Through random education to relieve "ideological knots", psychological adjustment to boost work enthusiasm, and the ability and quality of old leaders to lead new ones, they helped new comrades smoothly pass the "second adaptation period", pinned their positions to play their strengths, and anchored their goals to strive forward. Now, under the guidance and guidance of company cadres and squad leaders, Zhou Fengfeng has regained his strength. Not only has his professional performance effectively improved, but he has also been praised multiple times for his strict self-discipline and good work style. When a comrade encounters ideological confusion, he will take the initiative to lean in and use his own experience to inspire his comrades to strengthen their beliefs and confidence. On the basis of summarizing experience, the brigade also focuses on creating a fighting atmosphere, inviting elite soldiers, professional backbones, and advanced models of the brigade to share their growth stories and struggle experiences on stage, guiding officers and soldiers to learn from role models and catch up with them; In conjunction with the discussion on the "New Era Struggle Concept", we will organize targeted "Message from Officers and Soldiers" activities, and organize veteran cadres to discuss topics such as "What do I think of as a good soldier" and "How to give back to parents' expectations and organizational care through actions", promote tradition, talk about struggle, and talk about growth, and inspire everyone to be strong and capable in their positions. Tong Minghuang, a new recruit in a certain company of the brigade, has a solid professional foundation and has participated in multiple information network competitions organized by various levels during his university years. After joining the company, he always felt that his daily work was dull and boring, and he felt at a loss when faced with bulky "iron guys" during professional training. After understanding his situation, the company organized a "micro talk meeting" during the training break, allowing everyone to discuss their daily work and life experiences, inspire and remind each other. After the meeting, the platoon leader made a summary and evaluation: "In my eyes, the college student soldiers not only showcase their youthful charm on the university campus, but also grow up and become steel in the melting pot of the military camp!" At the moment of facing the platoon leader, Tong Minghuang's face immediately burned. He secretly made up his mind to prove himself with actions. Later, with the help of mutual assistance, he developed a detailed training plan starting from his professional foundation, and worked overtime and gradually improved under the guidance of the class leader and backbone. Once, the platoon organized a training session, and during the final assault, he gritted his teeth and sprinted with a mortar barrel, achieving self transcendence with outstanding performance. It's the resolute and hopeful gaze of the platoon leader that inspires me to grit my teeth and keep moving forward, "said Tong Minghuang during a speech on stage after being named a" Star of Progress. At work, the brigade also sets up multiple interest groups based on the strengths of college student soldiers, encouraging them to showcase their talents and showcase themselves. After the new recruit Zheng Longhai joined the company, his physical foundation was weak and he couldn't keep up with the training pace of the company for a while, which affected his enthusiasm and caused him to feel low emotionally. When the company cadre had a heart to heart talk, he found that he had good writing skills and had published many works during his school years. Therefore, he recommended him to join the brigade's "Beacon Reporting Group". Soon, Zheng Longhai, whose talents were fully utilized, stood out and wrote articles reflecting the stories of his comrades' struggles to build a strong military, which were widely praised after being published in the media. Select talented soldiers to form the "Artistic Light Cavalry Team", regularly conduct condolence performances on the training front line, and stimulate the motivation of officers and soldiers to train; Establish the "Sound of Flames" integrated media center to provide a platform for comrades with relevant interests and hobbies to showcase their knowledge; The establishment of a "Soldier Maker Group" and the promotion of soldiers who have learned and developed skills to boldly carry out "small innovations" and "small inventions" in combination with military training practice have not only stimulated the motivation and vitality of college student soldiers to contribute to the military camp, but also attracted more officers and soldiers to participate, help each other, and grow together. During his college years, soldier Xiao Jie studied drone application technology. At the end of the new training, the brigade formulated a growth plan for him based on his ability foundation, and designated professional backbone to provide guidance and assistance. Nowadays, Xiao Jie has proficiently mastered the unmanned equipment of the brigade, ranked among the top in professional competitions organized by superiors, and was selected into the brigade's "professional talent pool". The practical measures taken by the brigade have helped me grow rapidly, and have also strengthened my determination and confidence to strengthen my skills in my position. "Xiao Jie spoke confidently about the future, saying that by integrating his personal dreams into the practice of building a strong military and undergoing rigorous training in the hot military camp, he will definitely be able to write wonderful poems of youth. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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