Top Ten Keywords for 2024 Government Enterprise Digital Transformation Released


The "2024 Digital Transformation and Development Conference," hosted by the China Communications Standards Association, organized by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), and supported by the China Communications Enterprise Association, was held in Beijing on the 24th. At the meeting, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology released for the first time the "Top Ten Keywords for 2024 Government Enterprise Digital Transformation". The top ten keywords are: distributed computing power, enterprise level AI, intelligent assembly, architecture and process transformation, intelligent operation, intelligent transformation of central and state-owned enterprises, "one cloud" for government affairs, government big model, "dual transformation", and digital native. According to He Baohong, Director of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data at the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, under the wave of digitization and intelligence, carrying out comprehensive digital transformation, breaking down business barriers, and innovating service models is an inevitable path for governments at all levels and enterprises in various industries to embrace the wave of the digital age, adapt to the comprehensive transformation of the economy and society, and continue to promote the integration of real numbers. In the future, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology will continue to track and deepen research around the sub fields involved in the ten key keywords, build communication and exchange platforms among all parties, and further promote industrial development. Nan Xinsheng, Deputy Secretary General of the China Communications Standardization Association, stated that the digital transformation driven by the new generation of information and communication technology is deepening and becoming more practical: the policy environment continues to optimize, core technology innovation breakthroughs, deep integration of industrial applications, and the standard system continues to improve. The China Communications Standardization Association will continue to deepen cooperation with scientific research institutions such as the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, various industries, and enterprises to help promote digital transformation standards. The conference also announced the results of the third "Dingxin Cup" digital transformation application solicitation activity and the latest batch of IOMM digital transformation evaluation results, providing a detailed interpretation of the IOMM digital transformation development dual quadrant and real number fusion comprehensive index (2024). (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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