2256 elderly care meals have been built and operated in Beijing


Yesterday, the city held a special session on the achievements of the development of the elderly care industry at the "Welcoming the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" series of themed press conferences. Beijing Youth Daily reporters learned from the conference that as of the end of 2023, the city's permanent elderly population will be 4.948 million, accounting for 22.6% of the permanent population, and has entered a moderately aging society. Based on the strategic positioning of the capital city and the trend of population aging, focusing on the urgent needs and diversified, multi-level service demands of the elderly, this city is gradually improving the system of elderly people's livelihood security, elderly care services, and health services. At present, the city has completed the acceptance of 60 street (township) regional elderly care service centers, providing high-quality elderly care services nearby for the elderly. Focusing on the problem of elderly people's difficulty in eating, a total of 2256 elderly care meals have been built and operated in the city, covering three-quarters of urban and rural communities. By the end of this year, the city will add 11 new elderly care centers and 8 hospice care centers. Encourage social catering enterprises to participate in elderly meal assistance. In recent years, the level of elderly livelihood security and welfare in this city has steadily improved. According to Guo Hanqiao, Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of the city, taking the pension level as an example, this year the city will continue to increase the basic pension for retirees through a combination of quota adjustment, linkage adjustment, and appropriate tilt, and maintain a greater tilt towards retirees with early retirement, continuous service, and long payment years. This is already the 32nd consecutive increase in the basic pension for retirees in Beijing, benefiting over 3.3 million retirees throughout the city. Around the diverse service needs of the elderly, this city is also continuously innovating and improving the capital's characteristic elderly care service system. Among them, the innovative home-based community elderly care service model follows the overall idea of "cultivating one type of subject, constructing two models, and achieving comprehensive coverage", and relies on market entities to carry out pilot projects, exploring the formation of an elderly care service system based on "one list, one platform, and one network". Our city has proposed to lay out and construct 100 street (township) regional elderly care service centers. As of September 20th, 60 have been inspected and accepted, and the construction of the remaining 40 is being carried out in an orderly manner. In solving the problem of elderly people's meals, the city continuously improves the meal assistance service system, promotes the transformation and upgrading of 51 elderly care stations with an area of over 400 square meters in the six districts of the city, opens community restaurants, encourages social catering enterprises to participate in elderly care meals, and has built and operated a total of 2256 elderly care meals, covering three-quarters of urban and rural communities in the city, serving 120000 elderly people and providing meal assistance services for 27.88 million people. Our city has established a comprehensive elderly service platform and launched the digital platform "Beijing Elderly Service Network" and supporting mini programs to connect the supply and demand of elderly care services. It gathers a large number of elderly care service resources such as elderly care institutions, elderly care stations, elderly care meals and talents, volunteer services, Beijing Tianjin Hebei elderly care, etc., forming an elderly care map, realizing "one-stop query" of elderly care services, "one-stop display" of service information, "one-stop handling" of government services, and "one-stop answering" of service demands. The daily average number of visits is 45000, and the total number of visits is nearly 20 million. In recent years, the city has proposed to continuously improve the 'one elderly, one small' service and strengthen the guarantee of 'elderly care' services, with 22000 beds built for elderly family care. Guo Hanqiao stated that the physical and mental conditions of elderly people in this city are different, and their needs are complex and diverse, especially the "elderly" group, which is a key concern of this city. 'Elderly' refers to elderly people over 80 years old, including those who are elderly and disabled, as well as elderly people who take care of themselves. What are the main ideas for strengthening the service guarantee for the elderly? Guo Hanqiao stated that firstly, we should highlight the coordinated allocation of resources, adhere to a demand-oriented approach, and focus more elderly care service resources on the "elderly"; Secondly, we should highlight the role of the market, accelerate the cultivation of branded, chain based, and large-scale business entities, and solve the problem of supply and demand matching through market mechanisms; The third is to highlight the coordinated development of medical care and elderly care, and to break through the bottlenecks and breakpoints in the connection between medical care and elderly care; The fourth is to highlight the support and guarantee of key elements, and increase efforts in professionalization, standardization, intelligence, and other aspects to improve service quality. For example, in response to the care difficulties faced by the elderly and severely disabled and demented elderly groups, this city has organized market entities to launch 24-hour universal home care service packages with different contents and prices, and has signed nearly 1800 long-term home care service contracts. Developing family care beds for the elderly, we plan to build 2000 beds this year. Currently, nearly 6000 beds have been built in each district, with a total of 22000 beds in operation. The proportion of elderly friendly medical institutions reaches 98.7%. Health services are a topic of great concern for the elderly population. Wang Xiao'e, a first level inspector of the Municipal Health Commission, introduced that the city continues to build an elderly health service system that includes six aspects: health education, prevention and care, disease diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation nursing, long-term care, and palliative care. Simply put, it means ensuring that everyone lives a good life, grows strong, lives a good life, ages slowly, gets sick late, and lives long. It means that everyone walks with dignity at the end of their life journey and provides' fair and accessible, convenient, comprehensive and continuous' elderly health services for the elderly in the city. In terms of providing friendly services for the elderly, there are currently 595 medical institutions in the city that have been established as elderly friendly medical institutions, accounting for 98.7%. The number of cases of geriatric medicine in public secondary and above comprehensive hospitals in Beijing has reached 85%. 22 municipal hospitals have implemented the full process of "registration, payment, reimbursement, and inquiry" on mobile devices. Among secondary and above medical institutions, 61 hospitals have implemented online query of waiting and queuing order, 142 hospitals provide express delivery services, 125 hospitals have opened evening and night clinics, and 130 hospitals provide medical social work services. The high-quality medical services at the fingertips benefit more elderly friends. In terms of providing convenient services for the elderly, 324 community health service centers in the city have completed the standardized construction of elderly health services, with a compliance rate of 96%. The 15-30 minute "high-quality medical service circle" for citizens is further woven tightly. Elderly people aged 65 and above (permanent residents) in the city can enjoy health management services including free physical examinations once a year. Community health service centers have fully implemented extended outpatient services, carried out shortage registration and long prescription services, and delivered medical and medication to their doorstep through patrols, visits, logistics and express delivery, establishing a unified grassroots health appointment and referral platform in the city. Three level hospitals within the Medical Union should reserve more than 30% of their account sources with the platform two weeks in advance, including no less than 50% of expert accounts, so that elderly people can enjoy full process elderly health services at their doorstep. In terms of providing comprehensive and continuous services for the elderly, Wang Xiao'e stated that the city has optimized the allocation of medical resources and promoted the transformation of medical institutions with conditions to meet the service needs of disability, post-operative care, rehabilitation care, long-term care, and palliative care for the elderly. Currently, 19 rehabilitation hospitals, 21 elderly care centers, and 12 palliative care centers have been transformed. By the end of this year, an additional 11 elderly care centers and 8 palliative care centers will be added to achieve at least 'three ones' in every district of the city. This means that each district must have at least one rehabilitation hospital, at least one elderly care center, and at least one palliative care center. Over a thousand old residential areas under the jurisdiction of the city have completed aging friendly renovations to address the housing and transportation issues of the elderly. The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Commission introduced that in recent years, the city has added a lot of aging friendly renovations to the process of promoting the renovation of old residential areas. For example, barrier free renovation of roads and building entrances and exits in the community, adding handrails, ramps and other facilities to facilitate safe and convenient passage for the elderly from their homes to the main entrance; Optimize public activity spaces, increase recreational facilities and fitness equipment, promote the work of "national sports entering communities", and provide safe and comfortable leisure and fitness venues for the elderly; Coordinate local policy resources and introduce social capital to increase convenient service facilities such as elderly activity centers and community canteens in eligible communities, to facilitate dining and entertainment for the elderly. As of August this year, 1060 municipal old residential areas have completed aging friendly renovations, with over 600 ongoing projects benefiting approximately 1.5 million elderly people; Renovation of approximately 13000 accessible facilities at the entrance and exit of unit doors, as well as sloping sidewalks in the residential area; Social capital has invested in the construction of more than 20 convenient service facilities in residential areas. Focusing on residents' demands and solving the problem of climbing buildings, this city has formed the "Beijing Experience" of installing elevators in old buildings, which strengthens the guidance of party building and fully leverages the role of grassroots party organizations; Organize owners to negotiate together and seek the greatest common denominator of interests for all parties involved; Establish and improve the working mechanism, forming a four level promotion mechanism of "city level overall guidance, district level organizational promotion, street specific organizational implementation, and community service"; Innovate work methods and propose the "three in one" work method, which includes "starting with one household application, confirming upon reaching a certain proportion, and starting work upon consensus through negotiation". At present, there is a general consensus among the whole city to jointly discuss, build and share this work. At the beginning of this year, the Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban Rural Development launched the "Ladder Map" service platform, further promoting more old buildings to achieve "full installation", allowing more residents, especially the elderly and disabled, to have "one click access" to a happy life. As of the end of August 2024, a total of 4263 elevators have been installed in the city, benefiting approximately 50000 households. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING    Responsible editor:CAICAI


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