Chang'e belongs not only to China, but also to all mankind


The vast and boundless universe has always harbored human dreams from ancient times to the present day. Every exploration of space by humans is a testament to wisdom and courage. Chinese astronauts are both creators and witnesses of this glorious cause. From Shenzhou-1 to Shenzhou-18, from Chang'e-1 to Chang'e-6, from space rendezvous to space station construction. Generations of Chinese spacemen have overcome difficulties, cracked technical codes, solved unknown problems, and turned "impossible" into "possible" with tenacity and perseverance, leaving countless "exclamations" on the Chinese journey to explore the stars and the sea. The moon exploration project is one of them. On September 23rd, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during a meeting with representatives of the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission in Beijing that the achievements of the lunar exploration project embody the wisdom and hard work of several generations of Chinese astronauts, showcasing the remarkable achievements we have made in technological self-reliance and self-improvement in recent years, fully demonstrating the Chinese people's determination, backbone, and confidence. He also pointed out that the lunar exploration project has always adhered to the principles of equality, mutual benefit, peaceful use, and win-win cooperation. Chang'e is not only China's, but also belongs to all mankind, providing a broad stage for international scientific and technological cooperation and contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to global deep space exploration. We must continue to open our hearts, deepen various forms of international exchanges and cooperation in space, share development achievements with other countries, improve outer space governance, and make space technology achievements better benefit humanity. Riding on the righteousness of heaven and earth, and resisting the debate of the six qi, one can travel endlessly. This sentence from Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyao You" expresses the pursuit of infinite realm in the boundless universe, based on the foundation of nature and the control of all things' changes. And this concept is also reflected in Chinese astronauts today. Chinese aerospace professionals adhere to the spirit of "harmony between heaven and earth" and "controlling the six energies", bravely climb the technological peak, and promote the leapfrog development of China's aerospace industry from scratch to strength. The "six qi" of Chinese astronauts are reflected in their ambition, backbone, and confidence. Aspiration is the driving force for Chinese astronauts to strive for self-improvement and climb new heights; Bone spirit refers to the indomitable spirit of persevering and holding onto beliefs when facing difficulties and challenges; And confidence comes from the confidence and strength in technological self-reliance. The combination of ambition, backbone, and confidence has propelled China's aerospace industry to new heights. From '0 to 1', from '1 to N'. Especially the technological innovation achieved by the Chang'e-6 mission marks China's world leading technological breakthrough in the lunar exploration project. The design and control of lunar retrograde orbit, intelligent rapid sampling on the far side of the moon, and the takeoff and ascent of the far side of the moon are major technical challenges in the international aerospace industry, and they are also the core areas that Chinese astronauts have overcome and bravely faced. In the highly closed global technological environment, Chinese astronauts have successfully mastered this series of core technologies through independent innovation and obtained lunar samples from the far side of the moon for the first time. Riding on the righteousness of heaven and earth, the aspirations of China's aerospace industry go far beyond simple technological breakthroughs and achievements. It also embodies the spirit of open cooperation and sharing of achievements. China's technological breakthroughs and innovations in lunar exploration projects have been widely recognized and praised by the international community. This recognition is not only due to the breakthroughs in China's aerospace technology, but also to the open mindedness and spirit of cooperation demonstrated by Chinese astronauts. Chang'e is not only China's, but also belongs to all mankind. It is not only a milestone in China's aerospace industry, but also an important contribution to the exploration of the universe and the understanding of nature for all mankind. The ancient philosophy of "riding on the righteousness of heaven and earth, and resisting the debate of the six energies, to travel endlessly" witnesses the Chinese astronauts' determination, open mindedness, and innovative wisdom in tackling technological challenges, shouldering the historical mission of exploring the unknown and benefiting humanity. The starry sky is vast and boundless, and exploration is endless. The lunar exploration project is both a milestone and the beginning of a new challenge. The journey of Chinese astronauts is like the stars and the sea, with each triumph accumulating strength to achieve higher and farther goals. On the way forward, Chinese astronauts will continue to carry forward the spirit of overcoming difficulties and daring to innovate, and move towards the deeper depths of the universe, creating extraordinary miracles. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Jia jia

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