There are various effects of these exercises, which are very compatible with children


After a summer break, many children have not escaped the curse of "gaining three pounds every holiday". Autumn is a refreshing season for exercise! How should parents choose suitable sports for their children? What is the amount of exercise and how long does it take to reach the standard? Don't worry, today we will follow experts from the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention to learn how children's physical activities should be carried out. Tailored exercise programs for children should come in various forms, with different exercises having corresponding functions. Aerobic exercise, such as aerobic fitness exercises, can improve cardiovascular endurance and reduce body fat accumulation. Resistance exercises such as dumbbell lifting, push ups, and elastic band exercises can maintain or enhance muscle strength, improve muscle function, and provide mechanical stimulation to the skeletal system. They are not only beneficial for bone health but also prevent cardiovascular disease. Resistance exercises 2-3 times a week. Jumping sports are the first choice for helping children grow taller, such as skipping rope, high jump, long jump, kicking shuttlecock, jumping rubber bands, basketball, and volleyball, all of which belong to jumping sports. Jumping can stretch muscles and ligaments, making it easier to stimulate the division of chondrocytes and the secretion of growth hormone, thereby promoting children's height growth. Stretching exercises such as swimming, pull-up, stretching gymnastics, rings, and dance can improve the coordination between muscle tissue and the nervous system, and increase ligament strength. Flexibility exercises can be done anytime. Not only that, stretching exercises are also beneficial for children to jump. Because the development of bones requires a certain amount of longitudinal pressure, stretching exercises can stretch muscles and ligaments, stimulate cartilage proliferation, and promote the growth of spine and limb bones. For example, children can be allowed to fully stretch and exercise all parts of their body through swimming, and practicing pull ups can stretch the spine and promote spinal bone growth, thereby promoting the continuous growth of children's height. The duration of exercise varies among different age groups. Generally speaking, preschool children aged 3 to 6 should accumulate at least 180 minutes of physical activity per day. Among them, the daily moderate intensity and above exercise time should be at least 60 minutes. Moderate intensity exercise usually manifests as faster breathing than usual, faster heart rate, and slight sweating. The exercise methods include brisk walking, running and jumping games, skipping rope, kicking soccer, etc. For children and adolescents aged 6 to 17, accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity per day. At least 3 days of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week should be included to strengthen muscles and bones. High intensity physical activity usually manifests as significantly faster breathing than usual, a significant increase in heart rate, sweating, and speaking only after stopping exercise. The exercise methods include running fast, playing intense ball, kicking a ball, or riding a fast bicycle. At the same time, children in this age group should also engage in resistance activities that enhance muscle strength and bone health, avoid prolonged sitting, and engage in appropriate exercise during school breaks. Be sure to tighten the string of safety from injury when doing these three exercises well. Parents should choose suitable and safe venues and prepare appropriate sports shoes and socks for their children; Pay attention to the child's condition during exercise and provide them with hydration at any time. Special reminder to parents to pay attention to three details during their children's exercise to avoid injury. A complete exercise includes preparation activities, formal activities, and organization activities. Preparation activities, also known as warm-up activities. It refers to low-intensity physical exercise before the start of major sports activities, usually lasting 5 to 10 minutes. By brisk walking, slow jogging, etc., the body's various organ systems can be "warmed up", entering the state in advance, and then doing some flexibility stretching exercises to increase joint mobility and improve muscle elasticity. Prevent sports injuries. Formal activities refer to the main activities in a sports event. This includes aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, skipping rope, single foot jumping, double foot jumping, basketball, volleyball, and swimming, as well as anaerobic exercises such as pull-up, long jump, running, and jumping. Organizing activities, stretching and relaxing after completing major physical activities, and moderate relaxation activities can help the body recover from a state of exercise to a state of quietness. Generally lasting 5 to 10 minutes, the activity content is similar to the preparation activity, including low-intensity exercises such as walking and jogging, as well as various stretching exercises. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING    Responsible editor:CAICAI

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