'Small incision' to crack down on 'fly greed, ant corruption'


Hubei adheres to a problem oriented approach, deepens the use of the "mass questioning" mechanism, and builds a "small incision" rectification project library; Yunnan has launched the "Benefit the People Action" to rectify prominent issues in the field of people's livelihood, responding to public concerns with more precise and effective supervision; Heilongjiang Province is gathering strength to solve the urgent and difficult problems of the masses, selecting the right channels for rectification, promoting industry governance... Rectifying the unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses is a practical matter that the people hope for and a major event to consolidate the foundation of the Party's governance. For a period of time, discipline inspection and supervision agencies at all levels have persisted in using "small incisions" to crack down on "fly greed, ant corruption" around the masses, continuously enhancing their sense of gain, happiness, and security. Adhere to the principle of 'small incision' and safeguard the 'people's livelihood'. The interests of the masses are no small matter. Rectifying the unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses is an important measure for disciplinary inspection and supervision organs to fulfill their original mission, and it is also a long-term task to promote the extension of comprehensive strict governance of the Party to the grassroots level and to strengthen the close ties between the Party and the people. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to expose the corrupt practices and corruption around the people and safeguard their immediate interests. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has made arrangements to resolutely punish corruption around the masses. Starting from the "small incision" to rectify the unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, closely focusing on the people's personal feelings and interests, and paying close attention to the specific issues and problems that most affect the people's sense of gain, precise efforts and targeted rectification can enable the people to feel the effectiveness of positive conduct, discipline and anti-corruption from tangible and tangible incidents. Identify the problem and prescribe the right medicine to achieve precise rectification and rectification efforts. To rectify the problems of unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, it is necessary to refine and concretize them, achieve small incisions, precise efforts, and practical implementation, in order to truly solve problems and make the masses feel that fairness and justice are right beside them. We need to conduct in-depth research, comprehensively using on-site investigations, case investigations, "disciplinary inspection and review" linkage, big data supervision and other methods, to sort out the prominent problems that have been strongly reflected by the masses in recent years, clarify the situation, identify the problems accurately, and carry out targeted rectification. We must adhere to the principle of opening the door and seeking solutions, deepen the use of the "people's questions" mechanism, face people's concerns directly, comprehensively analyze, judge, and sort out people's demands from people's hotlines and public petitions, and identify the pain points and difficult issues that people are concerned about. Based on the "small incision", we will make solid "big articles", take real and tough actions to punish "flies, greed, ants, and corruption", and promote the extension of anti-corruption to the grassroots level. Carry out rectification in a graded and classified manner, promote the resolution of one problem at a time, and rectify one field at a time. The case shows that the problems of unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses have different manifestations in different periods, regions, and levels. It is necessary to combine the characteristics of local development stages, focus on prominent issues in the industry, and find the real driving force and breakthrough point. In practice, some insist on the three-level linkage of provinces, cities, and counties, deepen the use of the "one city, one field, one industry, one key" model, and urge the city and county levels to focus on universal issues while identifying individual problems in their own regions and building a "small incision" rectification project library based on reality; Some focus on areas such as employment and entrepreneurship, education and healthcare, pension and social security, ecological and environmental protection, safety production, food and drug safety, law enforcement and justice, and pay close attention to pain points and difficult issues such as "one piece of land, one meal, one sum of money, one account, one order"... Adhere to hierarchical and classified rectification, and use key breakthroughs to drive overall progress, which is conducive to solving practical problems around a group of people and making them feel that comprehensive strict governance of the Party and rectification of discipline and anti-corruption are around them. The 'small incision' promotes large-scale governance and continuously eliminates the soil and conditions that breed corruption. Punishing "fly greed and ant corruption" through "small incisions" requires not only strict investigation and punishment of problems, but also strengthening systematic thinking, adhering to the principle of treating both the symptoms and root causes, and implementing a systematic approach. We need to deeply analyze typical cases, deepen the promotion of reform and governance through cases, and promote relevant functional departments to deepen reforms, strengthen supervision, and address root causes. For regional, systemic, and industry-specific issues, it is necessary to strengthen case analysis, dig deep into the root causes of problems, identify weak points in institutional construction, risk points in power operation, and gaps in supervision and management. Through the issuance of disciplinary inspection and supervision suggestions, reminder letters, and other methods, we can promote the deepening of institutional and mechanism reform, compress the breeding space for corruption, and form a good effect of "investigating and punishing one case, warning one batch, and governing one area", winning the trust of the people with the actual results of rectifying discipline and anti-corruption. (New Society)

Edit:Wangchen    Responsible editor:Liling


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