Buying short rides and long rides is a ticket grabbing software trick


The train tickets for the "National Day" Golden Week have been put on sale, and many passengers who did not get tickets hope to find them on third-party platforms. According to reports, the railway department once again emphasized that certain third-party platforms will use various language to induce passengers to "buy short and long trains" when purchasing tickets, hoping that passengers will be more vigilant. Buying a short and long ride is not a voluntary choice for passengers, but a helpless choice when they cannot afford to buy a ticket. On the hot routes during peak hours, the troubles of "difficult to obtain tickets" and "no time to release tickets" still plague many passengers. Some third-party platforms claim to use technological means to "flash kill" tickets, using various scripts to create an atmosphere where tickets cannot be obtained without going through the third-party platform, purchasing "acceleration packs" or "paid members". They induce passengers to buy a short distance ticket to a certain station in the middle for ticket checking and boarding, and then make up for the ticket to ride to the destination. During holidays, the railway department is already facing tight transportation capacity. Once there are too many passengers who buy short and ride long trains, it is easy to cause train overload, which in turn affects the operation order and safety of the railway system. In order to prevent third-party platforms from deceiving passengers into buying short and long train tickets, the railway department has repeatedly stated that it has never authorized any third-party platform to sell train tickets. On September 1st, the new version of the "China Railway Group Passenger Regulations" was officially implemented, which clearly stated that when there is no transportation capacity, trains have the right to refuse to buy short or long passenger tickets and continue to ride. In response to the large passenger flow during the "National Day" Golden Week, the railway department has once again spoken out, pointing out that "buying short and long trains" is not a secret for third-party platforms to snatch tickets, but a trick to deceive passengers. This is a warning to third-party platforms and also a protection of passengers' interests. Software scalpers have been around for a long time. Instead of having the railway department repeatedly issue statements to deal with rumors and remind passengers not to fall for them, it is better for market supervision and other departments to take the initiative to regulate third-party ticket grabbing platforms. This regulation should be regulated and punished accordingly. Stop the unhealthy trend of inducing passengers to buy short and long rides, and leave no room for third-party platforms to exploit. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Zhou shu

Source:Beijing Evening News

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