Guarding the 'Three Control Lines' - State Council Information Office Press Conference Focuses on Natural Resource Management and Reform


The national red lines for the protection of arable land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection, and urban development boundaries are known as the "three control lines". At the themed press conference on "Promoting High Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office on the 19th, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources introduced the situation of management and reform. Red line for farmland protection: reversing the situation of "decreasing in the south and increasing in the north". "Farmland protection is the top priority of the country," said Liu Guohong, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Deputy Chief Inspector of National Natural Resources. By focusing on farmland as the lifeblood of grain production, reforming and improving the system of farmland occupation and compensation balance, promoting the implementation of farmland protection and food security responsibility system assessment, and establishing an economic reward and punishment mechanism, the total amount of farmland in China has increased by 17.58 million mu since 2021, achieving a net increase for three consecutive years and curbing the continuous decline of farmland for many years. Especially last year, southern provinces saw a net increase of 7.39 million mu, reversing the trend of "decreasing farmland in the south and increasing farmland in the north". The integrated development of urban and rural areas is an inevitable requirement of Chinese path to modernization, and urban and rural construction and development cannot be separated from the guarantee of land elements. Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 11.53 million mu of agricultural land has been approved for conversion and land acquisition, and 7.39 million mu of land has been approved for sea use, involving 4238 transportation projects, 281 water conservancy projects, and 4588 energy projects. Liu Guohong said that the next step will be to deepen the reform of the land system in accordance with the deployment of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, while strictly adhering to the three bottom lines of not changing the nature of public ownership of land, not breaking through the red line of arable land, and not harming the interests of farmers. In response to the new situation of farmland protection in recent years, various types of occupied farmland will be uniformly included in the management of farmland occupation and compensation balance, and the "compensation based occupation" will be implemented to strengthen the dynamic balance control of the total amount of farmland at the provincial level. Establish a sound incentive and restraint mechanism, make the balance between farmland occupation and compensation an important part of the assessment of the responsibility system for farmland protection and food security by provincial party committees and governments, implement an economic reward and punishment mechanism for farmland protection, and truly ensure that places that protect farmland do not suffer losses and farmers benefit. Ecological Protection Red Line: Guarding the lush green land layout, constructing the world's largest national park system, completing the unified registration of 256 important ecological spaces such as Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park, coordinating the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, grasses, and sands, and "China Landscape Engineering" selected as one of the first ten "World Ecological Restoration Flagship Projects" by the United Nations... The ecological protection red line safeguards the lush green land. National parks are a landmark achievement of China's ecological civilization construction Yan Zhen, Deputy Director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (National Park Management Bureau), said that since the establishment of the national park three years ago, the number of flagship species such as giant pandas, Northeast tigers and leopards, and Tibetan antelopes has continued to grow, and the quality of the national park ecosystem has steadily improved. The effectiveness of ecological protection is very obvious. Giant pandas, Amur tigers and leopards, Hainan tropical rainforest and Mount Wuyi National Park have completed the registration and registration of natural resources. Various regions have gradually resolved historical legacy issues through innovative methods such as land exchange and protection of servitude agreements. On the basis of strict protection, flexible management will be implemented for major national strategies, production and living facilities for park residents, etc. More than 50000 farmers and herdsmen have been selected to become ecological managers at their doorstep in the national park, and they are dedicated to protecting the mountains, waters and mountains of their hometowns with care. Each park actively promotes ecotourism, differentiated ecological compensation, entrance community construction, and other channels to increase local residents' income. Ecological protection needs to be coordinated between land and sea. He Guangshun, Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that in recent years, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with relevant departments and coastal areas, has continuously promoted the construction of a maritime power and made new progress in marine ecological protection and restoration. Significant achievements have been made in major engineering projects such as the "Blue Bay" remediation campaign, the comprehensive management of the Bohai Sea, ecological restoration, coastal zone protection and restoration, and mangrove forest protection and restoration. Urban development boundary: Adapting to the "stock era" requires relying solely on incremental land expansion, which is difficult to sustain. The urban "spreading the cake" model must be curbed. Through the "integration of multiple regulations" reform, the "one map" of national spatial planning has begun to play a role in promoting regional coordinated development, guiding the coordinated development of large, medium, small cities and small towns, and promoting intensive and compact layout. Wu Haiyang, the chief planner of the Ministry of Natural Resources, said that efforts will be made to accelerate the formulation and implementation of national spatial planning in regions (basins) such as the Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Chengdu Chongqing Economic Circle, and Yellow River Basin. Better leverage the radiating and driving role of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas, strengthen spatial coordination in areas such as population, resources and environment, public service facilities and infrastructure, urban and industrial supply chains, and form a main functional layout of regional coordination and complementary advantages. Strengthen the guiding and constraining role of national spatial planning on various special plans, and guide the intensive and compact layout of urban areas. Coordinate and balance the spatial needs of various related fields such as transportation, energy, water conservancy, and municipal affairs on the "one map" of national spatial planning, resolve spatial conflicts and contradictions, and guide the formation of a spatial pattern that saves resources and protects the environment. Promote the reform of detailed planning and shape new driving forces for organic urban renewal. Adapting to the needs of the "stock era", by exploring different types of detailed planning and implementation methods, tapping into the characteristics and potential of stock resource assets, optimizing the spatial structure of stock, improving urban service functions, stimulating urban development vitality, and forming new growth points and growth poles for regional development. It is reported that the Ministry of Natural Resources will accelerate the establishment and improvement of a national land use control and planning permit system that covers all areas and types, and is unified and connected. It will promote the construction of a monitoring network for the implementation of national land space planning, build a unified and efficient digital governance system for national land space, turn the planning blueprint into a beautiful reality, and assist in the construction of beautiful cities. (New Society)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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