Building a high-level public hospital network in Guangxi and continuously improving the medical service experience


On the 19th, the Health Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region introduced that Guangxi is focusing on expanding high-quality medical resources and building a high-level public hospital network. 446 secondary and above medical institutions in the entire region have implemented 6290 convenient service measures, reducing patient fees by 26.62 million yuan (RMB). The press conference on the reform and high-quality development of public hospitals in Guangxi was held on the same day. In recent years, the Health Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has been driven by deepening the reform of the medical and health system, and has solidly promoted the reform and high-quality development of public hospitals. It is reported that Guangxi has built three national regional medical centers and four autonomous region regional medical centers with high standards and high quality, and has introduced more than 300 new technologies and projects, driving the overall level of the region and reducing cross regional medical treatment. Since the 14th Five Year Plan, Guangxi has added 10 new tertiary Grade A hospitals, and 14 prefecture level cities have achieved full coverage of tertiary Grade A comprehensive hospitals. Guangxi has implemented the "Thousand County Project" county hospital capacity building project, which focuses on upgrading 44 county hospitals. Currently, a total of 23 county-level hospitals in the region have been upgraded from second level to third level hospitals, and 5 county-level hospitals have passed the "third level" evaluation. Focusing on major diseases and major issues that affect public health, Guangxi is accelerating the filling of professional and specialized gaps. A total of 51 national clinical key specialty construction projects and 330 autonomous region clinical key specialty construction projects have been selected and constructed, using specialty development to drive the improvement of public hospital diagnosis and treatment capabilities and levels. Regarding the shortcomings and weaknesses of county-level hospitals, Guangxi has implemented various measures such as targeted assistance and group based assistance, and has built 62 emergency and first aid centers in 20 key county hospitals for national rural revitalization. Guangxi is solidly promoting the prevention and treatment of major diseases, gradually expanding the coverage of medical institutions, and steadily improving the level of diagnosis and treatment. Guangxi aims to provide convenience and reduce the burden on the people, and continuously improve the medical service experience. Guangxi is implementing patient experience improvement activities, focusing on the entire medical chain of pre diagnosis, outpatient, hospitalization, and post discharge, optimizing the medical process to enhance the medical experience. Guangxi continuously improves the standardization and normalization level of hospital information construction, providing patients with digital services such as cloud imaging, online prescriptions, and online payments, greatly enhancing the public's sense of access to medical treatment. In addition, Guangxi has comprehensively promoted mutual recognition and sharing of inspection and testing results, with a total of 16.9 million cases of mutual recognition of inspection and testing results among medical institutions in the region, involving a cost of 63 million yuan, effectively preventing repeated and excessive inspections and reducing the burden of medical treatment on the public. (New Society)

Edit:HAN ZHUOLING    Responsible editor:CAICAI

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