Experience the charm of Chinese culture and promote cultural exchange and mutual learning


Chinese culture has a long and rich history, and Chinese civilization is profound and extensive. In recent years, more and more foreigners fall in love with Chinese culture and choose to work and live in China. They actively promote cultural exchange and mutual learning, and spare no effort to let the world know more about Chinese culture. Shi Hanwen, the first full-time foreign researcher of the Academy of Dunhuang Studies, told more people about the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. Poplar towered high and tourists swarmed. In the thousand year old Mogao Caves, there is a 'Dunhuang of the World' The American speaking fluent Chinese is Shi Hanwen, the first full-time foreign researcher of the Dunhuang Research Institute. In 1987, Mogao Caves were listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO, becoming one of China's first batch of World Cultural Heritage sites. This year, Shi Hanwen visited Dunhuang for the first time. Over the next 30 years, he continuously learned and studied Dunhuang. Shi Hanwen believes that Dunhuang culture, while maintaining its own characteristics, constantly draws on and absorbs excellent achievements from various civilizations, reflecting the broad mindedness of traditional Chinese culture. This cultural confidence allows people to open up and embrace cultural and artistic elements from all directions. Nowadays, Dunhuang Academy has reached the world's top level in cultural relic protection and has carried out extensive cooperation with relevant foreign institutions. Shi Hanwen gave an example that the Dunhuang Academy collaborated with the Getty Conservation Institute in the United States to protect the 85th cave of the Mogao Grottoes, explore scientific methods for protecting and restoring murals, and promote them nationwide; We have collaborated with foreign university teams and achieved significant results in the research of weathering prevention on soil site surfaces. In Shi Hanwen's view, the Dunhuang Research Institute is not only a leading institution in the field of cultural relics protection in China, but also trains professional talents for countries jointly building the "the Belt and Road", and promotes the exchange and development of cultural relics protection technology. China's comprehensive cultural relic protection measures are enabling Dunhuang, a cultural treasure, to be permanently preserved and sustainably utilized, "said Shi Hanwen. Shi Hanwen likes to tell more people about the Dunhuang art he studies and the stories behind it. At present, he is preparing the Comprehensive Guide to Academic Resources of Dunhuang Studies, which will be the first encyclopedia in the field of Dunhuang Studies. As an international knowledge, the study of Dunhuang Studies has been warming up in the new era, and the related research is steadily advancing. Dunhuang is a model of harmonious integration of different civilizations and ideas Shi Hanwen said that Dunhuang can help people understand the past, the present, and the possibilities of globalization in the future. "I hope that through my research and introduction, people from all over the world can better understand Dunhuang and its unparalleled wealth." Joanna, a foreign teacher from Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, is a foreign teacher from New Zealand. Her course "Comparison and Appreciation of Chinese and Foreign Landscape Poetry" is very popular among students. I have been interested in China since I was young. Whether it's ancient Chinese clothing, opera, or charming Chinese characters, they deeply attract me In 2002, Joanna came to Xi'an, China and stayed there for 5 years. Here, she not only learned Chinese and made many Chinese friends, but also began to study Chinese history and culture. On the recommendation of a friend, Joanna read "The New Words of the World" for the first time. The anecdotes of famous scholars in the Wei and Jin dynasties opened a door for her to deeply understand Chinese culture. The beautiful scenery described in "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection" made her yearn for it, with towering mountains, lush forests, and bamboo groves; as well as clear and turbulent currents, reflecting on the left and right. Due to her special fondness for the elegance of the Wei and Jin dynasties, Joanna's master's thesis "The Life and Poetry of Cao Zhi" and doctoral thesis "Wei and Jin Seclusion Poetry" are both related to this theme. Western landscape poetry is more straightforward and focuses on depicting natural scenery, while Chinese landscape poetry is good at expressing emotions through scenery, in order to showcase profound thoughts. "In Joanna's view, Wei Jin poetry not only depicts landscapes, but also contains expressions of life attitudes. In October 2015, Joanna went to Shaoxing, one of the important birthplaces of Wei Jin culture. Small bridges flowing water, pink walls and black tiles, bamboo forests and mountains, Shaoxing still retains the charm of ink paintings from the Wei and Jin dynasties. "Joanna found that she had sketched in her heart the carefree and self indulgent aura of smoke and mist that had been present for many years, scattered in every corner of the city. In Shaoxing, Joanna provides free English tutoring for local migrant workers' children, actively helps international students and foreign teachers solve their living and learning difficulties, and takes the initiative to undertake translation and proofreading work for local foreign-related institutions. In March 2018, she was elected as an "Honorary Citizen of Shaoxing City". Joanna, who loves Chinese culture, always actively introduces Chinese culture, aesthetics, and values when teaching overseas students, which makes many students interested in Chinese culture. She also translated and published some interesting customs and stories about Shaoxing in publications, and gave multiple speeches introducing Chinese culture. In October 2016, Joanna was awarded the Zhejiang "West Lake Friendship Award". I am willing to devote more energy to research, share the colorful Chinese culture with friends from all over the world, and play a bridging role in promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries Joanna said. Ian Hamlington, an architect from South Africa, is restoring an old house in Yangshuo County, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to showcase the beauty of ancient Chinese dwellings to more people. Architect Ian Hamlington from South Africa rolled up his sleeves and was busy. Many people think I have experience in repairing old houses and ask for my help, "Hamlington laughed heartily. When I was in college, I saw Chinese quadrangle houses in books, and since then, I have developed a strong interest in traditional Chinese dwellings In 2002, Hamlington encountered ancient Chinese houses nestled among green mountains and clear waters in Jiuxian Village, Baisha Town, Yangshuo County. The beauty of the harmonious architecture of heaven and man left him reluctant to leave. I believe living here will inspire me with a continuous stream of creative inspiration, "he said." I hope to rent a traditional residence here. "In 2010, Hamlington returned to the old county village of Baisha Town and successfully rented an old house. These ancient dwellings are built by the mountains and rivers, embodying the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The brick and wood structure is warm in winter and cool in summer, very down-to-earth Appreciating the wisdom of ancient Chinese architecture, Hamlington insists on "repairing the old as it is" and preserving the "character" of each house. The damaged mud walls are still repaired with mud, the damaged wooden structures are repaired with ancient wood, and the windows are proportionally enlarged to improve lighting... During the repair process, Hamlington strives to find a balance between preserving traditional architectural style and meeting modern living needs. Since 2010, Hamlington has rented six historic houses and almost spent all of his savings. In the quaint brick and wood mixed building, several iron carved partitions add a sense of fashion. On the platform built according to the terrain, tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and tourists are enjoying flowers and tea under the umbrella. Throughout the entire building, tradition and modernity blend together with great ingenuity. With the wish of "hoping more people can be cured by ancient Chinese houses", the "Secret Garden" homestay renovated by Hamlington was opened to the public in 2011. Many tourists come here with their families to relax and experience the vitality of the old house. In 2012, Jiuxian Village was included in the list of traditional Chinese villages. Under the leadership of Hamlington, more and more local people have joined the team of protecting and utilizing ancient dwellings, and many villagers have also benefited from it. Villager Ah Mao is one of them. In 2013, with the increasing popularity of tourism in his hometown, Ah Mao, who was engaged in wedding work in the county, decided to return home. With the encouragement and assistance of Hamlington, he transformed his old house into a homestay. Hamlington helped us design and renovate for free, very professionally. After the renovation, the old house not only retained my childhood memories, but also made living more comfortable, "said Ah Mao happily. In the process of implementing rural style renovation in Jiuxian Village, the rural style and living environment have been significantly improved, restoring rural elements, maintaining local flavor, and allowing tourists to "see the mountains, see the water, and remember their homesickness". Jiuxian Village has also become a popular check-in spot for internet celebrities along the Yulong River. Nowadays, Hamlington's circle of friends is becoming wider and wider, and the scope of his efforts to protect ancient dwellings is also expanding. In 2022, Hamlington was awarded the Guangxi "Golden Embroidered Ball Friendship Award" for his outstanding contributions to the economic construction and social development of Guangxi. Hamlington said emotionally, "I just did a small thing to thank the Chinese government and people for their recognition of me. If possible, I hope to continue shining on this land for the rest of my life

Edit:Yi Jing    Responsible editor:Li Nian


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