Forward looking trend of intelligent logistics support development


Introduction: With the deepening development of the new military revolution, the combat concepts, combat styles, weapons and equipment, and battlefield environment of future wars will undergo fundamental changes, which will inevitably put forward new and higher requirements for logistics support. Especially with the rapid development and application of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, logistics support will undergo significant changes in logistics infrastructure, support resources, command decision-making, force organization, and support equipment. Prospective research on the development trend of intelligent logistics support in the future has important theoretical and practical significance for strengthening logistics support construction and enhancing support capabilities. With the rapid development and widespread application of Internet of Things technology, the total number of globally connected devices has exceeded billions, integrating into many fields such as home life, financial services, education and healthcare, transportation, etc., and the number is still rapidly increasing. The military logistics field is closely related to the civilian field, with similar professional functions and tasks. Through ubiquitous interconnection of various facilities, equipment, and materials, a widely connected logistics foundation can be formed, greatly enhancing logistics support capabilities and potential. Ensure accurate situational awareness. In future warfare, various intelligent sensors widely distributed in multidimensional space can be utilized to integrate potential logistics infrastructure such as logistics equipment, personnel, materials, and facilities into network terminals. Massive support resources and demand data can be transmitted wirelessly to important support nodes or the cloud, and intelligent systems can analyze and judge the massive data to achieve real-time autonomous perception of the overall support situation on the battlefield, providing scientific basis for formulating support decisions, forming support plans, and adjusting support resources. Ensure data fusion analysis. With the basic conditions of ubiquitous interconnection, by collecting multidimensional data from different fields, it is possible to break down the boundaries between the military and local areas, military and logistics, and logistics fields, achieve comparative analysis and comprehensive application of data from different fields, and more accurately predict important support needs. For example, by integrating and analyzing data from multiple dimensions such as the position trajectory, movement speed, blood pressure, and heart rate of combat personnel, accurate remote monitoring of their physical condition can be achieved, enabling early prediction of support needs and preparation for support. In addition, with the support foundation of ubiquitous interconnection and relying on big data analysis technology, it is possible to discover the correlation between different fields or dimensions from massive data, identify the "hidden rules" of logistics support, and provide useful guidance for better carrying out logistics support work. From the era of mechanization to the era of informatization, the logistics support model has gradually evolved from traditional block segmentation to joint support across military branches and fields, achieving to some extent the coordinated and shared utilization of support forces, support facilities, support equipment, and support materials. The requirements for timeliness and economy of future logistics support will be further enhanced, coupled with the development and application of technologies such as intelligent sensing, intelligent recognition, intelligent matching, and intelligent regulation. A new model of comprehensive and deep sharing of logistics support resources will gradually emerge, truly realizing the "optimization and energy release" of various support resources. The scope of sharing has greatly expanded. Logistics support resource sharing can rely on intelligent identification and positioning technology to establish an "intangible bridge" between various available logistics support resources and support needs. The scope of sharing will gradually expand from military related resources, national public resources, and state-owned enterprise resources to private enterprises and even private resources. In addition, the category of shared resources will gradually expand from "hard" resources such as personnel, materials, equipment, and related facilities to various "soft" resources such as data, algorithms, and computing power, gradually forming a logistics support resource sharing model that covers all fields, dimensions, and time and space, promoting a significant improvement in the efficiency of the use of various logistics resources. The sharing method is intelligent and efficient. In the future, the nature, types, and ownership of logistics support resources will vary greatly. As the scope of sharing continues to expand, resource sharing will no longer rely on administrative orders or instructions. Instead, a logistics resource sharing data model will be constructed from multiple dimensions such as sharing efficiency, compensation costs, synergies, and sharing willingness. With the help of intelligent algorithms, a "point-to-point" sharing agreement will be formed in real time, and the sharing plan and cost allocation compensation strategy will be adjusted reasonably to make the status of resource owners and users more equal. On the premise of meeting the needs of military support, effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of all resource owners, form a new way of resource sharing that covers all dimensions, is flexible, efficient, and intelligently driven, and achieve a win-win situation of efficient resource sharing. The future battlefield logistics support tasks will greatly expand through human-machine interaction in command decision-making, and the support data will grow exponentially. Logistics command personnel will face difficulties in efficiently screening and analyzing massive multi-source data, and command decision-making will lack scientific analysis support. With the development of technologies such as bidirectional communication between humans and machines and brain computer interfaces, intelligent systems can fully interact and closely cooperate with command personnel, gradually achieving human-machine interaction in command decision-making in areas such as situation analysis, plan formulation, and action control. Implementing decision-making through complementary advantages. Human computer interaction decision-making can fully leverage the advantages of intelligent systems, such as fast computing speed, strong storage capacity, and multi-dimensional comparative analysis, with the advantages of experienced command personnel, strong overall grasp ability, and good cross disciplinary thinking, forming complementary advantages and scientific decision-making. In addition, intelligent decision-making systems can utilize massive amounts of images, videos, audios, and other types of data collected by sensors in multiple domains such as land, sea, air, space, electricity, and the internet. Through data structuring and intelligent screening, big data analysis and other technologies can be used to predict security needs, security trends, and security risks from the massive data, and parallel simulation technology can be used to "pre validate" the effectiveness of relevant decisions, laying the foundation for accurate and scientific decision-making. The command efficiency has been significantly improved. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence, intelligent logistics command systems can gradually "understand" the intentions of command personnel and accurately "control" the overall support resources and needs of the battlefield. The intelligent logistics command system can replace logistics command personnel in response to support demands, control support actions, and directly command and control logistics support forces, forming a new command and control model of intelligent system implementation command and overall supervision of command personnel, greatly shortening the cycle of "observation adjustment decision-making support" in logistics support. Especially with its powerful parallel processing capability, the intelligent command system can simultaneously adjust and control the massive support forces and resources widely distributed on the battlefield in real time, greatly improving command efficiency and enhancing the timeliness of battlefield logistics support. The flexible and autonomous grouping mode of future logistics support forces will be more flexible and autonomous. Two or more logistics support forces can rely on intelligent interactive systems to achieve autonomous collaborative grouping based on support tasks and resource conditions, and make flexible adjustments according to the actual battlefield situation. Independently collaborate to implement grouping. In the future battlefield, various logistical support tasks are diverse, especially unmanned support equipment will participate in completing a large number of support tasks. If command personnel still organize forces to coordinate specific tasks, it will occupy a lot of human resources, and the coordination instructions issued by rear command personnel often have a certain delay, which cannot cope with the rapid changes in future battlefield support needs. The logistics support forces widely distributed on the future battlefield can be organized without relying on commands issued by higher-level authorities, and even without the need for grouping instructions issued by the central command and control system. Surrounding support forces can use technologies such as distributed collaboration and interactive control to achieve autonomous collaborative grouping, forming a fully functional and reasonably sized support entity, and efficiently executing support tasks. Currently, foreign military forces have conducted autonomous collaborative support exercises for unmanned vehicles and unmanned cargo helicopters, with a focus on strengthening research and exploration of autonomous collaborative force formation. Flexible and adaptable grouping. Various logistics support forces on the future battlefield can be flexibly adjusted and grouped based on support needs, support environment, and support resources, forming a flexible and dynamically interconnected logistics support force group to provide efficient and reliable support for combat units. The logistics support force adjusts its formation flexibly, optimizes its support functions, and efficiently meets different support needs based on the rapidly changing combat situation and support tasks on the battlefield. When some support forces lose their support capability, the remaining support forces can rely on the intelligent autonomous interaction system to adjust their formation and continue to complete subsequent support tasks. By flexibly adjusting the support force, a highly flexible "decentralized" force grouping mode can be formed, enhancing the resilience of logistics support forces and strengthening the resilience and reliability of battlefield logistics support. With the rapid development of intelligent related technologies, the intelligence level of support equipment has gradually improved. In the future, logistics support equipment will have a certain "thinking" ability, which can intelligently determine the timing of support based on the support environment and support needs, reasonably select support areas and support methods, and efficiently complete various support tasks. Intelligent support equipment is gradually being applied. At present, intelligent logistics support equipment such as unmanned transportation equipment, autonomous supply equipment, and intelligent search and rescue equipment have developed rapidly and played an important role in support practice and exercises. In military exercises organized by foreign forces, unmanned intelligent support equipment is used to autonomously track, locate, and deliver materials based on the needs of frontline combat forces, achieving autonomous direct supply. With the development and breakthroughs of technologies such as intelligent recognition, self-learning, intelligent decision-making, and robot manufacturing, logistics support equipment can autonomously optimize and continuously upgrade in executing various support tasks. The level of intelligence will be further enhanced, and the application scope will gradually cover the entire field of logistics support, playing an increasingly important role. The comprehensive guarantee efficiency has significantly improved. Currently, unmanned intelligent support equipment has been practically applied in different types of support scenarios, with advantages such as high support efficiency and good environmental adaptability gradually emerging. Foreign unmanned transport aircraft have been deployed on the battlefield, with strong hanging capabilities and the ability to continuously deliver materials day and night. They can even fly normally under harsh conditions, with a high cost-effectiveness ratio. In the future battlefield, more and more support tasks will be independently implemented by intelligent support equipment, efficiently organizing support in areas such as deep sea, space, and near space that are difficult for support personnel to enter for a long time, which will greatly expand the logistics support space of the future battlefield. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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