The first phase of the "Northern Joint 2024" exercise between China and Russia has been successfully completed


On the afternoon of September 15th, the first phase of the "Northern Joint 2024" exercise between China and Russia was successfully completed, and both sides completed multiple subject exercises such as formation air defense, joint anti submarine defense, and anchorage defense. According to reports from the "China Military Number" and Agence France Presse, the Chinese Russian naval fleet participating in the "Northern Joint 2024" exercise was formed in a mixed formation on the afternoon of the 15th, forming a double column formation in the ocean, with multiple types of fighter jets roaring and circling between the sea and sky. A joint mobile exercise of landing formation marks the end of the first phase of live fire exercises. According to reports, in recent days, the naval and air forces of China and Russia have successfully completed exercises such as formation air defense, joint anti submarine defense, and anchorage defense through red blue confrontation and alternating command, fully testing the tactical command coordination and joint action capabilities of both sides. According to the exercise video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 16th, Russian Pacific Fleet vessels conducted missile and naval gun firing exercises with Chinese Navy vessels in the Sea of Japan during the exercise. On the 9th, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense announced that according to the annual plan and the consensus between China and Russia, the Russian military will send naval and air forces to participate in China's "Northern Joint 2024" exercise in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi    Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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