RMB loans increased by RMB 14.43 trillion in the first 8 months


On September 13, the People's Bank of China released the financial statistics report for August 2024. According to the report, as of the end of August, the balance of broad money (M2) was 305.05 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.3%. The balance of narrow money (M1) was 63.02 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 7.3%. The balance of circulating currency (M0) was 11.95 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.2%. Net cash investment of 602.8 billion yuan in the first 8 months. In terms of loans, as of the end of August, the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans was 256.24 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8%. At the end of the month, the balance of RMB loans was 252.02 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.5%. In the first 8 months, RMB loans increased by 14.43 trillion yuan. From a sectoral perspective, household loans increased by 1.44 trillion yuan, of which short-term loans increased by 132.4 billion yuan and medium - to long-term loans increased by 1.31 trillion yuan; Loans to enterprises and institutions increased by 11.97 trillion yuan, including 2.37 trillion yuan in short-term loans, 8.7 trillion yuan in medium and long-term loans, and 759.7 billion yuan in bill financing; Non bank financial institution loans increased by 459.1 billion yuan. In terms of deposits, as of the end of August, the balance of domestic and foreign currency deposits was 30.321 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.6%. At the end of the month, the balance of RMB deposits was 297.14 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.6%. In the first 8 months, RMB deposits increased by 12.88 trillion yuan. Among them, household deposits increased by 9.65 trillion yuan, non-financial enterprise deposits decreased by 2.88 trillion yuan, fiscal deposits increased by 960.6 billion yuan, and non bank financial institution deposits increased by 3.59 trillion yuan. In terms of the interbank RMB market, in August, the interbank RMB market traded a total of 181.78 trillion yuan through lending, cash bonds, and repurchase methods, with an average daily transaction of 8.26 trillion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 11.2% in average daily transactions. Among them, the average daily transaction volume of interbank lending decreased by 27.2% year-on-year, the average daily transaction volume of existing bonds decreased by 1.6% year-on-year, and the average daily transaction volume of pledged repurchase decreased by 12% year-on-year. The weighted average interbank lending rate in August was 1.77%, which was 0.04 percentage points lower than the previous month and 0.06 percentage points higher than the same period last year. The weighted average interest rate for pledged repurchase is 1.79%, which is 0.03 percentage points lower than the previous month and 0.03 percentage points higher than the same period last year. In addition, in terms of cross-border RMB settlement under the current account, in August, the cross-border RMB settlement amount under the current account was 1.26 trillion yuan, of which goods trade, service trade, and other current accounts were 0.93 trillion yuan and 0.33 trillion yuan, respectively; The cross-border RMB settlement amount for direct investment is 0.59 trillion yuan, of which outbound direct investment and foreign direct investment are 0.2 trillion yuan and 0.39 trillion yuan respectively. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan    Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:Financial News

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