Speech at the 70th Anniversary Commemorative Conference of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence


Dear guests, ambassadors, ladies and gentlemen, friends: 70 years ago, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were officially announced, becoming a great initiative in the history of international relations and of epoch-making significance. Today, we gather here solemnly to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which aims to promote the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the new situation, work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and provide strong impetus for the progress of human civilization. Firstly, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and in my personal name, I warmly welcome the arrival of all the guests and friends! In the historical process of the development of modern human society, dealing with the relationship between countries, jointly maintaining world peace and tranquility, and promoting the development and progress of all mankind has always been a major topic of unremitting exploration by various countries. The establishment of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is the call of the times and the choice of history. After the end of World War II, national independence and liberation movements surged, and the world colonial system collapsed. At the same time, the shadow of the Cold War enveloped the world, and the notion that "power is right" was rampant. The newly independent country is eager to uphold national sovereignty and develop its national economy. New China adheres to independence and autonomy, actively seeks peaceful coexistence with countries around the world, and strives to improve the external environment, especially the surrounding environment. In this context, Chinese leaders have for the first time fully proposed the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence, and have included them in the joint statement between China, India, and China Myanmar, jointly advocating the establishment of the five principles as the basic guidelines for guiding relations between countries. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were born in Asia and quickly spread to the world. In 1955, more than 20 Asian and African countries attended the Bandung Conference and proposed ten principles for handling inter state relations based on the five principles, advocating the Bandung spirit of unity, friendship, and cooperation. The Non Aligned Movement, which emerged in the 1960s, used the Five Principles as guiding principles. The Declaration of Principles of International Law adopted by the 25th United Nations General Assembly in 1970 and the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order adopted by the 6th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1974 both explicitly adopt the five principles. The five principles have been successively included in a series of important international documents and have been widely recognized and followed by the international community. Over the past 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have transcended time and space, transcended barriers, and have become resilient and timeless, becoming the basic principles of open, inclusive, and universally applicable international relations and international law. They have made indelible historical contributions to the cause of human progress. Firstly, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have set a historical benchmark for international relations and the rule of law. The Five Principles fully reflect the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, conform to the trend of the development of international relations, and are in line with the fundamental interests of people around the world. At the same time, emphasizing the practical requirements of mutual and equal relations between countries highlights the international rule of law spirit of the unity of rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all countries. The Five Principles cover the basic norms of peaceful coexistence between countries in politics, security, economy, diplomacy, and other aspects, providing accurate, clear, and effective behavioral norms for countries to practice the spirit of international rule of law and establish correct ways of coexistence. Secondly, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence provide correct guidance for countries with different social systems to establish and develop relationships. Any country that follows the Five Principles, even if it has different social systems and ideologies, historical, cultural, and religious beliefs, and has different levels of development and scale, can fully establish and develop relationships of mutual trust and friendly cooperation. The Five Principles have opened up a new path for the peaceful resolution of historical legacy issues and international disputes between countries, transcending outdated and narrow concepts such as "group politics" and "scope of influence", as well as opposing and confrontational thinking. Thirdly, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have brought together strong forces for developing countries to unite, cooperate, and strengthen themselves. The five principles embody the profound thinking of developing countries in changing their own destiny and pursuing change and progress. Inspired and inspired by the Five Principles, more and more Asian, African, and Latin American countries are showing mutual support and solidarity, rising up to resist foreign interference, and successfully embarking on an independent and independent development path. The Five Principles have also promoted South South cooperation and improved and developed North South relations. Fourthly, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have contributed historical wisdom to the reform and improvement of the international order. The starting point of the Five Principles is to safeguard the interests and demands of small and weak countries in a powerful political environment, with a clear anti imperialist, anti colonial, and anti hegemonic stance, abandoning the jungle rule of military aggression and bullying the weak, laying an important ideological foundation for promoting the development of the international order towards a more just and reasonable direction. After 70 years of baptism, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have become a common wealth of the international community, worthy of careful cherishing, inheritance, and promotion. Here, I would like to express my deep condolences to the older generation of leaders who jointly advocate the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and to pay high respect to the wise people of various countries who have long adhered to and promoted the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence! Ladies and gentlemen, friends! The relay of history runs forward one stick after another, and the cause of human progress moves forward one journey after another in answering the questions of the times. 70 years ago, faced with the painful catastrophe of hot wars and the division and confrontation of the Cold War, that generation gave the historical answer to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in order to maintain peace and defend sovereignty. This answer has withstood the test of international changes, not only has it not faded and become outdated, but it has also shone with a more eye-catching light. Today, 70 years later, facing the major issue of "what kind of world to build and how to build this world", China has once again provided the answer to the era of building a community with a shared future for mankind. Now, the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind has expanded from a Chinese initiative to an international consensus, transformed from a beautiful vision to rich practice, and effectively promoted the world towards a bright prospect of peace, security, prosperity, and progress. The idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence come down in one continuous line. They are both rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture of friendship, good neighborliness, faithfulness, and harmony. They all demonstrate the spirit of China's diplomacy of self-reliance, upholding justice, and supporting the weak and promoting good deeds. They all reflect the world feelings of the CPC for making new and greater contributions to mankind. They all demonstrate China's firm determination to adhere to the path of peaceful development. They are the best inheritance, promotion, and distillation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new situation. This concept is based on the objective reality of intertwined destinies and shared interests between countries, and has established a new model of equality and coexistence. China advocates that all countries, regardless of size, strength, or wealth, are equal members of the international community. In international affairs, interests coexist, rights are shared, and responsibilities are shared. Countries should work together to address challenges, achieve common prosperity, build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness, and beauty, and promote a safer and more prosperous peaceful coexistence for human society. This concept conforms to the trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win, and has opened up a new realm of peace and progress. China calls on all parties to embrace the future of mankind and the well-being of the people, adhere to the original intention of equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence, carry forward the common values of all mankind, promote joint discussion and shared global governance, build a new type of international relations, implement the global development initiative, the global security initiative, and the global civilization initiative, and jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality to enhance the common interests of people of all countries. This concept focuses on the historical trend of world multipolarity and economic globalization, enriching new practices for development and security. China has united all parties to promote the deepening and implementation of building a community with a shared future for mankind, achieving a historical leap from bilateral to multilateral, from regional to global, from development to security, and from cooperation to governance. It has effectively led and promoted an equal and orderly world multipolar, inclusive and global economy, bringing prospects for peace and stability to the international community, and adding prosperity and development benefits to people of all countries. Looking back at the past and looking forward to the future at a critical moment in history, our exploration of human civilization is endless, and our efforts to build a better world will not stop. No matter how the world develops, it cannot change a basic fact, which is that there is only one Earth in the universe, and humanity has a common home. We must cherish and care for the Earth with the spirit of solidarity, leaving a paradise for future generations to survive. The future is worth hoping for, and challenges must be addressed. Faced with the historical choice of peace or war, prosperity or decline, unity or confrontation, we need more than ever to promote the spiritual connotation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and tirelessly strive towards the noble goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind. ——We must adhere to the principle of sovereign equality. The essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is that all countries have equal sovereignty, and on this basis, we promote equal rights, opportunities, and rules for all countries. We cannot use the big to suppress the small, the strong to bully the weak, or the rich to bully the poor. Advocating for an equal and orderly world multipolarity means advocating to ensure that all countries can find their place in the multipolar system, play their due role under the premise of complying with international law, and ensure the overall stability and constructive nature of the world multipolarity process. ——We need to solidify the foundation of mutual respect. When dealing with countries, the first priority should be to treat each other equally, respect and trust each other. We should respect the different historical and cultural traditions and development stages of each country, respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and respect the development path and institutional models independently chosen by the people of each country. We must jointly uphold the golden rule of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, oppose imposing our own will on others, oppose factional confrontation and various "small circles", and oppose forcing other countries to take sides. ——We want to achieve the vision of peace and security. History and reality tell us that all countries must share the responsibility of maintaining peace, follow the path of peaceful development, seek peace together, protect peace together, and share peace. In today's interdependent world, pursuing absolute security and exclusive security is not feasible. The global security initiative proposed by China advocates the practice of a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, promoting development and security through cooperation, and building a more balanced, effective, and sustainable security architecture. ——We need to gather the driving force to build prosperity together. There is an ancient Chinese saying that goes, "Those who are kind love others, and those who are wise benefit others." Latin America also has a philosophy that "only by benefiting the world can one benefit their own country." The Arab proverb says, "When people are united, the flames are dense; when people are scattered, the flames do not ignite." In the era of economic globalization, what is needed is not to create a divide, but to build a bridge of communication; It's not about raising an iron curtain of confrontation, but paving the way for cooperation. We advocate inclusive economic globalization, promote high-quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road", and implement the global development initiative. The goal is to achieve inclusive growth opportunities, promote inclusiveness in the development path, enable people of all countries to share the fruits of development, enable countries in the "global village" to seek common development and prosperity, and let the concept of win-win become a consensus. ——We must uphold the concept of fairness and justice. Without fairness and justice, power politics will run rampant, and the law of the jungle will prevail. In the face of new situations and challenges, the authority and core position of the United Nations can only be strengthened and cannot be weakened. The purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter have never been outdated, but rather more important. Advocating a global governance concept of consultation, co construction, and sharing, and practicing true multilateralism, is to adhere to the principle that international rules are jointly written and maintained by all countries. World affairs need to be negotiated and handled by various countries

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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