Heart fire, liver fire, stomach fire... Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches you to reduce the fire of the five internal organs


As the weather gets hotter, the dampness and heat in the body seem to become more active as the temperature rises. How to distinguish between real heat and virtual heat? How to distinguish and regulate the fire of the five internal organs? On the evening of June 26, Yangguang Nutrition Class invited Xu Yang, the director of the medical department of the acupuncture and moxibustion department of the TCM outpatient department of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a guest in the live broadcast room to answer the above questions. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, heat evil and fire evil refer to external evil with characteristics of burning, burning, and urgency in traditional Chinese medicine theory. They are usually compared to fire evil. Heat evil is often caused by external factors, such as wind heat and summer heat; And fire evil is often endogenous, such as heart fire and liver fire. Although there is a degree of difference between the two, there is no essential difference. The different manifestations of actual heat and deficiency heat include symptoms such as red face and red eyes, swelling and pain, yellow urine, and dry stool, which require clearing heat and quenching thirst. And deficiency heat is a deficiency of yin and blood, manifested as hot flashes, night sweats, and restlessness. Experts explain that traditional Chinese medicine has different conditioning methods for different heat syndromes. The fire of the five internal organs is extinguished in this way: 1. Heart fire · Deficiency fire: mainly manifested as dry mouth and tongue, restlessness, low fever and night sweats. 【 Corresponding Method 】 Soaking Ophiopogon japonicus in water can relieve symptoms, and you can also drink Ophiopogon japonicus fruit tea. You can also choose to tonify with Tremella, Lily, Lotus Leaves, and other ingredients. ·Solid fire: mainly manifested as red face, red eyes, oral ulcers, and red tongue. 【 Corresponding method 】 You can eat bitter tasting foods appropriately, such as bitter gourd, bitter cabbage, lily, and Kuding tea. 2. Liver fire and deficiency fire: mainly manifested as dry eyes, dizziness, fever in hands and feet, and inner restlessness. 【 Corresponding method 】 Soaking goji berries and chrysanthemums in water can alleviate symptoms. ·Solid fire: mainly manifested as redness and swelling of the eyes, emotional irritability, and bitter taste. 【 Corresponding method 】 It is not advisable to eat spicy, greasy, or fried food. It is necessary to adjust emotions, stabilize emotions, and maintain a comfortable mood. In addition, insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can also cause an increase in liver fire. 3. Lung fire and deficiency fire: mainly manifested as hot flashes in the afternoon, dry cough with little phlegm, dry scabs on the nose, hot hands and feet, night sweats, and hoarse voice. 【 Corresponding Method 】 You can choose foods that nourish yin and moisten the lungs, such as lilies and white radishes. For those with dry mouth and throat, they can choose pear, rock sugar, almonds, or steamed scallops to take. For those with dry throat and mute voice, they can take autumn pear paste, orange peel honey tea. ·Solid fire: cough with less phlegm, sore throat, constipation with yellow urine, nosebleeds or hemoptysis. 【 Corresponding Method 】 You can choose to decoct white thatch roots and reed roots, take water to clear heat, nourish yin, cool blood, and moisten the lungs. 4. Stomach fire and deficiency fire: mainly manifested as dry mouth, dry tongue, and restlessness. 【 Corresponding method 】 Eat an appropriate amount of wheat, milk, pear juice, Tremella fuciformis, etc. ·Solid fire: mainly manifested as discomfort in the upper abdomen, dry and bitter mouth, toothache, and gum bleeding. 【 Corresponding Method 】 Light foods such as luffa, cabbage, bitter gourd, celery, etc. can be consumed, and radish juice can also be chosen for conditioning. However, it is not suitable for those with spleen and stomach deficiency cold type oral ulcers. Lotus seeds, thicket seeds, and other foods are beneficial for invigorating the spleen and appetizing the stomach. Lettuce, oilseeds, tomatoes, loquats, and other foods are beneficial for digestion. 5. Kidney fire is usually a deficiency fire, manifested as dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, etc., and should be mainly nourishing yin. 【 Corresponding method 】 You can eat black fungus, goji berries, mulberries, tomatoes and other foods in daily life. Usually, you can massage acupoints Tai Xi (the depression behind the inner ankle, the depression between the inner ankle tip and the Achilles tendon) and Yong Quan (the depression in the front of the foot). (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Xiong Dafei    Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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