20 years of relay watch in the northernmost town on Earth


On June 23rd, in New Olsson, Norway, expedition team members Hu Zhengyi, Zhao Hongying, Wu Xiaohan, and Xu Hao (from left to right) took a group photo in front of the Yellow River Station in the Arctic of China. The small town of Novo Olesson, located in the Svalbard Islands of Norway, is the northernmost human settlement on Earth at 79 degrees north latitude. Due to its extremely high latitude and rich geological ecology, it is hailed by polar scientists as a "holy land for scientific research". In July 2004, a pair of Chinese stone lions settled in New Orleans, marking the official establishment of China's first Arctic scientific research station - the Yellow River Station. Since its establishment, the Yellow River Station has supported scientific observation and monitoring research in multiple professional fields, including glaciology, terrestrial ecology, marine ecology, spatial physics, atmosphere, and geographic information. The Yellow River Station provides important guarantees for polar research in China and plays an important role in helping Chinese scientists understand, protect, and utilize the Arctic. In 2024, the Yellow River Station will celebrate its 20th anniversary of construction. Over the past 20 years, the Yellow River Station has not only witnessed the development of China's polar scientific research, but also witnessed the hard work and bravery of scientific researchers in facing unexpected risks. Taking glacier exploration as an example, expedition team members need to walk more than 20 kilometers and take more than 10 hours to reach the farthest observation and sampling station; During the summer polar day, team members may forget that they have been working until "late at night" due to the hanging sunlight at midnight; The presence of polar bears, glacier cracks, and sudden blizzards constantly threaten their safety... As of the end of 2023, the Yellow River Station has supported more than 250 business and scientific research projects and accepted more than 660 scientific researchers for scientific research. "As a polar expedition team member, I am proud and proud of the development achievements of our country's polar expedition," said Hu Zhengyi, the director of the Yellow River Station, firmly. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Yi Jing    Responsible editor:Li Nian


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