The construction progress of Hainan's "tallest building" project has exceeded half of its height to 217.6 meters


On June 25th, the construction of the Hainan Central Project, a key project in Hainan Province, is progressing in an orderly manner. This project consists of a 94 story main tower with a total height of 428 meters and two supporting buildings, with a total construction area of 390000 square meters. It integrates multiple functions such as sightseeing, super five-star hotels, high-end office buildings, and boutique businesses. After completion, it will become the "tallest building" in Hainan. According to the contractor China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., the core tube of the tower has been constructed to 50 floors, with a project construction height of 217.6 meters. The construction progress is over half, and it is expected to have preliminary completion and acceptance conditions by the end of 2026. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Chenjie    Responsible editor:Liling

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