"Artificial Intelligence+" brings new changes


The innovation of the new generation of artificial intelligence technology, represented by Generative Artificial Intelligence (AIGC), is accelerating its evolution, and related commercial application achievements are constantly emerging. The scope of industry applications is constantly expanding, deeply empowering the real economy, and providing assistance for improving industry quality, efficiency, and achieving emission reduction. On June 18th, independent shipping startup OrcaAI released a research report showing that by deploying artificial intelligence (AI) in maritime navigation, the global commercial shipping industry can reduce carbon emissions by 47 million tons per year. The report points out that with the help of AI technology, crew members will be able to receive real-time reminders that maneuvering and route deviations due to close encounters with high-risk marine targets such as ships, buoys, and marine mammals will be reduced. AI can reduce close range collisions in open waters by 33%, and reducing route deviations can help ships reduce their annual voyage by about 70.75 million kilometers. On average, each ship can save about $100000 in fuel costs, helping the shipping industry achieve emission reduction goals. The concept of large models continues to be popular, with various products emerging one after another. Microsoft released the Work Trend Index (WTI) report in May 2024, which showed that 75% of respondents worldwide have integrated AI into their daily work, especially in the Chinese market, with a high proportion of 91%. Based on the huge market demand, Microsoft's office assistant Microsoft Copilot has launched specialized solutions for daily office work, customer service, sales, financial and data analysis, security analysis, information technology (IT) development, and other scenarios. McDonald's has been developing and promoting AI voice ordering technology. Previously, it collaborated with IBM to test chatbots and improve the efficiency of in car ordering services. In December of last year, McDonald's announced a partnership with Google to jointly deploy generative AI technology. In China, the intelligent assistant Kimi launched by the big model startup company Moon Dark Side supports inputting 200000 Chinese characters, which can assist in translating and understanding professional academic papers, analyzing legal issues, and more; The intelligent search app Quark combines AI technology with college entrance examination information services, using AI to help families check universities and choose majors, improving application efficiency... AIGC technology and large model applications are entering people's daily lives, becoming effective work and life assistants. However, the potential unemployment and inequality issues that AIGC may cause in reshaping the job market are equally noteworthy. On June 17th local time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released an economic research report titled "Expanding the Benefits of Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Fiscal Policy", expressing concern that "AI is taking away a large number of human jobs". The report points out that AIGC has enormous potential to promote productivity growth and accessibility of public services, but the widespread application of AI technology may also more frequently affect highly skilled workers and white-collar workers, which requires workers to improve their ability to learn and use AI applications. I believe that with the continuous improvement of technology, regulation, and worker AI skills, the big model will truly become a new quality productivity that empowers thousands of industries. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Xiong Dafei    Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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