Have a cup of tea to relieve heat


Green tea is recommended for summer. Green tea contains rich antioxidants that can help clear free radicals in the body and alleviate oxidative stress reactions. In addition, green tea also has the effects of refreshing the mind, relieving heat and thirst, making it very suitable for drinking in summer. It is recommended that everyone drink a cup of green tea every day, which can both relieve heat and maintain health. Today, we recommend several summer health herbal teas made from green tea to help you enjoy the scorching summer. Mint herbal tea formula and production: 3g fresh mint leaves, 6g ginseng, 3g green tea, and 1 slice of ginger. Brew with boiling water instead of tea. Health benefits include relieving heat and clearing heat, regulating the spleen and stomach. Suitable for people who sweat too much and cause qi depletion and yin damage, elderly people who are prone to catching a cold in summer, and healthy individuals to drink. Formula and production of ginger salt tea: 8g ginger, 8g green tea, and 3g table salt. Brew with boiling water instead of tea. Health benefits include clearing heat, relieving heat, promoting fluid production, and eliminating fatigue. Suitable for healthy individuals and those who experience fatigue due to heat. Recipe and production of fresh Huoxiang Peilan tea: 10g fresh Huoxiang, 10g fresh Peilan, and 5g green tea. Brew with boiling water. Health benefits include clearing heat and dampness, and preventing heatstroke. Suitable for patients with chronic damp heat syndrome and healthy individuals. Tips: Traditional Chinese Medicine health preservation method can balance Qi and blood. In summer, the climate is hot and humid, and the human body sweats too much, which can easily consume yin fluid in the body. Qi also consumes yang energy with sweating, leading to poor appetite, loss of appetite, and susceptibility to heatstroke. In summer, it is advisable to clear and nourish, and eat more sweet and cool foods that clear heat, promote body fluids, relieve heat and dampness. In addition to dietary adjustments, traditional health methods can also be combined in summer to regulate the body. For example, outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, etc. can be carried out appropriately to enhance the body's resistance. At the same time, you can also try some health preserving methods of Chinese medicine, such as massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, etc., to harmonize the qi and blood and relieve the body and mind. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Xiong Dafei    Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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