Artificial intelligence needs to take practical measures to empower the real economy


Choose the departure and destination, and the unmanned manned aircraft can take off with just one click; Bionic robots are good at singing and dancing, and can also complete special terrain exploration, rescue, and high-risk operations... At the 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo, many of the latest achievements in the field of global intelligent technology show that the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence are deeply integrated with the real economy, providing new momentum for high-quality development. Artificial intelligence is an important driving force for the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and an important engine for building new quality productivity. The development of artificial intelligence should be aimed at industrial applications, and practical measures should be taken to promote cross-border integration and transformation and upgrading of industries. Make practical moves in technological breakthroughs and strive to achieve breakthroughs and catch up in artificial intelligence technology. At present, there is still a gap between China's core artificial intelligence technology and the highest international level. We need to increase continuous investment in core technologies such as AI large model bases, computing power software and hardware, and lay out strategic and forward-looking basic research and key technology breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. We need to strengthen innovation in the research and development system and mechanism, carry out key core technology research and development, strive to narrow the gap with the world's highest level, and strive to catch up with vertical applications in specific fields. Take practical measures in "AI+industry applications" to provide technological empowerment for the transformation, upgrading, and overall leap of various industries. The development of artificial intelligence in China adheres to the strategic mainline of empowering the real economy and supporting social development, and constructs a unique research and development system and application ecosystem with Chinese characteristics. We should further leverage the advantages of China's complete industrial chain, large demand scale, complete industrial supporting facilities, and multiple application scenarios, promote the close integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy, accelerate the formation of a sound artificial intelligence industry ecosystem, and provide new impetus for the intelligent transformation and upgrading of various fields of the economy and society. Take practical measures in talent cultivation to lay a solid talent foundation for the development of the artificial intelligence industry. Talents are the core resources for the development of the artificial intelligence industry. Without the continuous support of high-quality talent teams, the development of artificial intelligence is just empty talk. On the one hand, it is necessary to innovate the talent training mechanism, so that top-notch talents continue to emerge, and vigorously cultivate high-end composite talents with disciplinary knowledge reserves and familiarity with industrial operations; On the other hand, we must uphold the spirit of open cooperation, work together with industry, academia, and research to achieve win-win outcomes. To promote the deepening of "artificial intelligence+", we must do practical things, demonstrate practical skills, and make practical efforts in order to become true "trendsetters" in the AI wave. (Lai Xin She)

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