Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily: Strengthening the Construction of Cadre Teams


By focusing on the construction of the cadre team, we have grasped the decisive factor in building and governing the military. President Xi's important speech deeply embodies the fine tradition and valuable experience of the Party in managing cadres, highlighting the inherent requirements and institutional innovation for promoting high-quality development of the cadre team in the new era. It further points out the direction and provides guidance for forging a loyal, clean and responsible high-quality cadre team and gathering outstanding talents in all aspects who are determined to strengthen the army and win. "After the political line is determined, cadres are the determining factor." In the new era and new journey, as the backbone of military construction, cadres at all levels are not only the specific executors of the Party's theory, line, principles and policies, but also the maintenance and use of weapons and equipment, innovative creators of combat methods, and organizational practitioners of military operations. Only by forging a high-quality cadre team that is loyal, clean, and capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of building a strong military can the construction of the military prosper and develop, and the cause of building a strong military can continue to advance. We must implement the organizational line of the Party in the new era, fully and accurately understand and grasp the standards for good military cadres, and fully implement this standard in all aspects of cadre work. The first step in selecting and employing personnel is to clarify the standards. The standard for a good military cadre is to be loyal to the Party, good at planning and fighting, daring to take on responsibilities, outstanding in achievements, and honest and upright. This standard reflects the high degree of unity between the common standards of good cadres of the Party and the special requirements of the military, clarifies the principled requirements for high-quality cadres to undertake the important task of strengthening the military, and endows the standard of good cadres of the military with new era connotations. All levels of the military must adhere to the Party's management of cadres, Party's management of talents, and organizational selection. Based on the situation of cadres of different types, positions, and ranks, we must concretize the standards for cadres, highlight political standards and combat capabilities, and ensure that the gun is always in the hands of loyal and reliable people who are loyal to the Party. We need to improve the assessment of cadres and enhance the accuracy of the penetration of knowledge and personnel. Only by knowing people can we make good use of them, and only by taking exams accurately can we make good use of them. Reasonable assessment standards should be set, based on the different types of responsibilities and job characteristics of cadres, highlighting the priority of morality, key indicators of ability, and a bottom line thinking of integrity, to ensure that the assessment work is targeted, scientific, and efficient. We need to innovate and improve assessment methods, focusing on establishing a knowledge and personnel system for daily assessment, classification assessment, and close range assessment. We should effectively carry out political assessment, integrity assessment, work style assessment, and performance assessment, comprehensively and multi-channel assessment of the actual moral and talent performance and consistent performance of cadres, so that the selected cadres can be organized with peace of mind, satisfied with officers and soldiers, and convinced. We must implement the concept of full chain construction, regard talent cultivation as a strategic task, and improve the overall efficiency of cadre team construction. A thousand miles of Qi Ji cannot be achieved overnight; Cultivating virtue and nurturing people is not a one-time achievement. To effectively establish and strengthen the guidance for pre governance and pre governance of personnel, highlight the decisive factor of personnel, and focus on building a work chain with education shaping, training and training, management supervision, assessment and evaluation, selection and appointment, and positive incentives as the key points. Smooth and solid growth chains of talent cultivation, compound experience, quality upgrading, and ladder development should be established. Emphasis should be placed on grasping the needs of different growth stages such as the formation window period of cadre values, career adaptation period, and development golden period, and differentiated design of training ideas and measures; We also pay attention to the coherence and progressiveness of the entire process of cadre growth, plan the overall path, continue to track and cultivate, and through long-term systematic organization guidance and training, enable cadres to have a positive mindset, enhance their intelligence and abilities, work hard and start businesses, and grow and become talents. We should pay more attention to system governance and comprehensive policy implementation, pay more attention to source governance, and make full efforts to overcome the deep-seated contradictions that constrain the construction of the high-level and intermediate cadre team, ensuring that our army's cadres have a solid foundation, are well-rounded and talented, and provide stronger organizational guarantees and strong talent support for achieving the centenary goal of building the military as scheduled and accelerating the construction of the People's Army into a world-class military. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Xiong Dafei    Responsible editor:Li Xiang


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