Shuangshan Street in Shibei District launched a special study activity on ethnic and religious policies and regulations for the Month of Learning


June 2024 is the 13th "Religious Policy and Regulations Learning Month" in China. In order to further improve the level of legalization of ethnic and religious work and create a strong atmosphere for learning ethnic and religious policies and regulations in the jurisdiction, Shuangshan Street in Shibei District recently organized a special learning activity on "Promoting the Spirit of the Rule of Law and Deepening Rule of Law" ethnic and religious policy and regulations. The street has sparked a learning frenzy in its jurisdiction through the "online+offline" model. On line, relevant knowledge about ethnic and religious policies and regulations is forwarded through WeChat official account and grid group, and "fragmented" learning time is transformed into "golden period" learning time by using online classes. Offline, various communities make full use of their resources to carry out centralized learning. Staff interpret the "Propaganda Materials for Religious Policies, Laws and Regulations" manual to residents, explain knowledge of religious policies and regulations, and focus on the Party's ethnic policies, urban ethnic work regulations, religious affairs regulations, etc., explaining and promoting to residents in a simple and easy manner. Mobilize residents to actively participate in religious theory, policy, and regulatory knowledge learning activities, so that residents can distinguish what is a legitimate religion and what is a cult, draw a clear boundary between legitimate religion and cult, and protect their right to religious beliefs in accordance with the law. The launch of the Religious Policy and Regulations Learning Month has further created a strong atmosphere of seeking justice, solving problems, and resolving conflicts in the jurisdiction, while also enhancing the public's awareness and concept of the rule of law. Next, Shuangshan Street will take this event as an opportunity to form a normalized working mechanism, carry out good publicity of ethnic and religious policies and regulations, serve as a good policy and regulatory propagandist, consciously maintain social stability and ethnic unity, and lay a solid foundation for further promoting the modernization of the religious affairs governance system and governance capacity. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Lubaikang    Responsible editor:Chenze

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