Li Qiang Meets with Polish President Duda


Li Qiang stated that the friendship between China and Poland has a long history. Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Poland in 2016, exchanges and cooperation in various fields have achieved leapfrog development, bringing tangible benefits to the people of both countries.   China is willing to work with Poland to further promote traditional friendship, enhance political mutual trust, strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote greater development of the China Poland comprehensive strategic partnership in accordance with the strategic guidance of the two heads of state.
Li Qiang pointed out that China is willing to strengthen the docking of development strategies with Poland, promote the upgrading of economic and trade cooperation with the high-quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road" as a guide, promote the optimized and balanced development of bilateral trade, make connectivity more efficient and smooth, expand cooperation in new energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence and other emerging fields, and better achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. China welcomes more high-quality Polish products to enter the Chinese market and hopes that Poland can provide a fair, just, and non discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises. Both sides should take the celebration of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of youth, education, and other humanities, and continuously enhance mutual understanding and friendship. The so-called "overcapacity" argument is just a smokescreen of protectionism, which will only disrupt the global industrial and supply chains, damage the efficiency of the world economy, and is not conducive to the European side's own industrial development and green transformation. I hope that the EU can objectively and rationally view China's development, abide by its commitment to supporting free trade, create a fair and non discriminatory market environment for China Europe economic and trade cooperation, and promote the stable and healthy development of China Europe relations.
Duda stated that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and China 75 years ago, the two countries have always adhered to mutual respect, and bilateral relations have withstood the test of international changes and maintained a good development momentum. Poland attaches great importance to its relations with China, firmly abides by the one China principle, and supports the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road". The economic and trade cooperation between Poland and China should develop healthily and steadily without interference. The Polish side is willing to provide an equal and non discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises, work together with China to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in economic, trade, cultural and other fields, and promote the Polish China relationship to a new level. The Polish side supports the development of EU China relations and is willing to play a positive role in strengthening EU China cooperation.
Wu Zhenglong attended the meeting. 

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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