China France Education Exchange and Cooperation Open a New Chapter


For a century, cultural exchanges have played a bridging role in the exchanges between China and France. Recently, the education departments of China and France jointly held the first China France Education Development Forum in Paris, revisiting the stories of educational exchanges, summarizing the achievements of educational cooperation, and opening a new chapter of exchange and cooperation. France is one of the earliest Western powers to engage in educational exchanges with China. From the participation of French people in the construction of the Fujian Shipbuilding School 150 years ago, to the Chinese youth studying abroad in France at the beginning of the last century, and now to the French language textbooks and French style houses preserved in some Chinese universities, China France education exchange and cooperation have left many precious historical imprints. At the beginning of the 20th century, the predecessor of the School of Medicine at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the School of Medicine at Zhendan University, was established. It trained talents through the French medical teaching model and produced a group of famous doctors such as Wang Zhenyi and Kuang Ankun. In 1964, after the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the then Shanghai Second Medical College, now known as the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, opened the first clinical medicine French class. Last year, French President Macron visited Sun Yat sen University during his visit to China. The predecessor of Sun Yat sen University, National Guangdong University, participated in the preparation of the Sino French University in Lyon, which was the only university type institution established overseas in modern China. In addition, in the 1980s, the governments of China and France piloted the establishment of Sino French mathematics classes at Wuhan University, cultivating a group of top mathematical talents; In 1999, Tongji University signed a contract with the French National School of Road and Bridge to establish the Sino French School of Engineering and Management. Since the beginning of this century, China and France have deepened cooperation in running schools, taking educational exchanges to a new level. According to data provided by the Chinese Ministry of Education, currently there are 69 undergraduate and above level cooperative educational institutions and projects held by universities in the two countries, involving more than 50 Chinese universities such as Tsinghua University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as more than 60 French universities such as the Paris Institute of Technology and the First University of Paris. China actively draws on the advanced experience of French engineer education and cooperates to establish several colleges, including the Sino French School of Engineers at Beihang University, the Sino French School of Nuclear Engineering and Technology at Sun Yat sen University, and the Paris Institute of Excellence Engineers at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. France was one of the earliest countries in Europe to incorporate Chinese into the national education system and have national curriculum development. There are currently 18 Confucius Institutes and 1 Confucius Classroom in France. According to Xue Yijie, the Chinese Language Governor General of the French Ministry of National Education, "Chinese has become a carrier of friendship between France and China." Currently, many Chinese universities have established undergraduate teaching points in French language and literature. Chinese officials stated at the China France Education Development Forum held in Paris that China and France have a long history of cooperation and profound friendship, and education cooperation is an important part of cultural exchanges between the two countries. To actively implement the consensus reached by the heads of state of China and France, both sides will deepen educational exchanges and cooperation, promote balanced student mobility, expand cooperation prospects in basic research, technological innovation, and industrial cooperation, and jointly seek scientific solutions to achieve sustainable development goals. The French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Letayo, said that in the past year, cooperation between universities and high-level talent exchange have flourished, and the high enthusiasm for cooperation reflects a common vision. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the China France Cultural Tourism Year, providing an opportunity for the two countries to strengthen education cooperation. The education communities in France and China will work together to build bridges, promote balanced and mutually beneficial exchanges and cooperation, and jointly address global challenges such as climate change. Recently, Chinese and French universities and research institutions signed a series of cooperation agreements, involving basic science, cutting-edge technology, talent exchange, and other aspects. Wang Yujue, a professor at Wuhan University and director of the Center for Cultural Exchange and Research between China and France at Wuhan University, said in an interview with reporters that as two civilized countries in the East and West, China and France have unleashed tremendous energy through every encounter and collision in long-term educational exchanges. Zhang Ji, Director of the Center for Cultural Exchange and Research at Fudan University, said in an interview with reporters that the world is facing many new challenges today. China France education cooperation has broad prospects in addressing global issues and cultivating a new generation of talents, which will benefit the people of both countries. (Lai Xin She)

Edit:Yi Jing    Responsible editor:Li Nian


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