How to better achieve door-to-door delivery by express delivery


On March 1st, the newly revised "Express Delivery Market Management Measures" were officially implemented. Among them, "door-to-door delivery by express delivery" has become a hot topic of discussion among the public. As of now, the new regulations have been implemented for over three months. Has there been any improvement in the issue of express delivery not being delivered to your doorstep, which has been strongly reported by consumers? Has the service quality in the express delivery industry improved? What are the remaining bottlenecks and difficulties in clearing the last mile of express delivery? Journalists engage in in-depth communication and discussion with experts and readers, and track and record the busy day of the delivery guy. They conduct on-site investigations to reflect the current situation of the delivery work. After the implementation of the new regulations, the situation of "door-to-door delivery by express delivery" has greatly improved, but there is still room for improvement. In recent years, with the development of the network economy, the express delivery business has also rapidly expanded. However, due to the rapid increase in the number of packages, some delivery guys have placed packages in delivery cabinets or stations without the consent of customers, causing dissatisfaction among some consumers. "My parents live on the 6th floor and their legs are not very good. They don't have an elevator, so it's not easy to get to the next floor, let alone carrying heavy packages." Mr. Yang from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, said that he often buys daily necessities for his parents. Several times, the courier left the package in the delivery cabinet without calling, and the elderly could only move the cardboard boxes up the stairs step by step. "Delivery to the door is not only a matter of convenience, but also a right that consumers should enjoy, especially the elderly and disabled." Some consumers also purchased fresh products, causing significant losses due to the courier's failure to deliver to the door. "The courier refused to deliver the fresh express to their doorstep and returned it without authorization after exceeding the time limit. I have been complaining for almost a month and have not received any follow-up processing results from the courier company. Recently, Ms. Han, who lives in Changzhou, Jiangsu, reported that a fresh peach express she sent to Xiangcheng District, Suzhou was refused to be delivered to her doorstep by the courier. 10 days after sending it out, the courier unexpectedly sent the expired express back to the shipping address without authorization, resulting in all the peaches rotting.". In March of this year, the newly revised "Management Measures for the Express Delivery Market" were officially implemented. It is explicitly stipulated that enterprises engaged in express delivery business shall not confirm receipt of parcels on behalf of users without their consent, nor shall they deliver parcels to intelligent express boxes, express service stations and other express terminal facilities without authorization. This regulation has received widespread support from consumers. In interviews, many readers and netizens reported that express delivery services have greatly improved in recent times. Young people who are busy with work feel that delivering packages to their doorstep saves time for pickup; Elderly people, people with disabilities, and others believe that when delivering to their homes through express delivery, there is no need to worry about picking up large items or buying multiple items at once. Readers and netizens have expressed that home delivery not only promotes the development of the express delivery industry and improves user experience, but also promotes online consumption and drives the development of the commodity sales market. Now all the parcels have been delivered to our doorstep. Some couriers will call me, while others will send me a text message informing me that they have left it at the doorstep. Please check carefully Mr. Park from Huizhou, Guangdong said that during this period, most express deliveries can be delivered to your doorstep in a timely manner, which has been much more convenient. Similarly, Ms. Li from Beijing also has a similar feeling. "In the past, couriers often left their packages directly at the collection point downstairs at the supermarket, and then sent me a text message notifying me to pick them up on my own. I also had to pay a storage fee of 1 yuan to the supermarket when I went to pick them up." Ms. Li said, "Although 1 yuan is not much, it was spent unjustly." Nowadays, it's much better, and express delivery is always delivered to the doorstep. "However, it's worth noting that the" last mile "problem of delivery has not been completely solved, and there are still couriers who, without the consent of consumers, privately leave their packages in express cabinets or stations.". The courier left the package at the post station without my consent. I contacted the courier and they said they won't deliver the goods to their doorstep Not long ago, Mr. Li from Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, complained on the "Leadership Message Board" of People's Daily Online. Mr. Sun from Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, reported that several express deliveries have not been delivered to their doorstep recently. "I have complained multiple times, and one of the express delivery companies said that if there is only one item, it will not be delivered to their doorstep, and they will have to wait for multiple items to be delivered to their doorstep. There are also express deliveries that have not been received but are shown as' delivered 'in the logistics details, and it is unclear where they have been delivered." Under the supervision of the local authorities, the courier delivered the goods to their doorstep according to Mr. Sun's requirements and compensated for the lost express. After the implementation of the new regulations, there are still couriers who do not comply with the regulations and leave express cabinets or stations without authorization, possibly due to the lack of corresponding punishment mechanisms. If scientific rewards and punishments can be given to couriers' behavior, it should promote better implementation of the new regulations Li Qiao, a reader from Wuhan, Hubei, said. With a large number of parcels and relatively insufficient manpower, couriers face considerable pressure. What exactly is blocking the "last mile" of delivery to their doorstep? Not long ago, the reporter worked with courier Zhou Jin (pseudonym) for a day in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Before 7 o'clock, more than 10 express delivery warehouses located next to Fenghuang Community on Fengge Road in Honggutan District, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province have entered a busy stage of distribution. Zhou Jin meticulously classified the parcels according to different types, while in his mind he went through the route he was going to take today several times, and then put each parcel bag into an electric tricycle one by one. The car is several centimeters shorter due to its load-bearing capacity. Heading south from Fenghe North Avenue, passing the intersection of Lushan South Avenue, is the express delivery area of Zhoujin. At the express delivery station in Shengshi Hongcheng Community, Zhou Jin carried in a large package with over 40 parcels waiting to be distributed. Zhou Jin took out the phone and dialed the customer. The first phone call didn't get through, and I called 7 times in a row before finally waiting for the customer to reply, "Help me put the package at the station.". According to Zhou Jin's mobile phone, there were a total of 380 delivery tasks this morning, of which more than 20 were marked as requiring door-to-door delivery. "If it's all like this, I'm afraid we won't be able to deliver it all today," Zhou Jin said. Two kindergartens, three enclosed communities, and four government agencies... Some of the delivery areas in Zhoujin are under closed management, while others are unable to answer phone calls during working hours. Zhou Jin pulled down two orange eco-friendly bags from the car roof and dropped them into the delivery cabinet while dialing the customer's phone number. "Some foam boxes look fresh, so we have to notify them in place. Some small pieces are directly put in the express cabinet." He made several calls, but the customer refused to answer, so he put the express in the express cabinet. After joining in August last year, Zhou Jin quickly figured out the surrounding situation, such as which customers usually need to leave post stations and delivery cabinets, and which units can only be left in the guard room. He had a map in his mind, saying, "If the other party insists on delivering the package to their doorstep, if the phone cannot be reached, it can only be placed at the back. Delivery can only be done during lunch or dinner time. Delivery still requires mutual understanding." In addition to delivery, Zhou Jin also occasionally receives new delivery orders, some of which need to be sent. The one liter mineral water that Zhou Jin brought back and forth throughout the morning, upstairs and downstairs, was consumed before noon. I was busy until after 1 pm, and when Zhou arrived at the branch, there were still 5 out of 380 parcels that had not been delivered, all marked as delivered to my home, but the phone couldn't be reached. "This morning, I contacted over 40 customers by phone, but none of them were connected at once. Some customers called back when they saw a missed call, otherwise there would be even more undelivered packages," Zhou Jin said helplessly. After finishing the meal, Zhou had to continue unloading the goods. Without heating his own food, he made a bowl of noodles at the neighboring supermarket. Several delivery guys who had finished delivering the goods walked in one after another. Everyone is eating while calculating: for a single express delivery, the courier can earn about 0.9 yuan, the cost of the express cabinet is 0.2 to 0.3 yuan, and the courier needs to pay out of their own pocket. The courier station also needs to pay 0.5 yuan after being subsidized by the company. In terms of calculation, delivering a package can earn approximately 0.5 yuan. Zhou Jin has been working in the express delivery industry for over 5 years and is familiar with it. He delivers approximately 18000 orders per month, averaging 600 orders per day. "I can earn several thousand yuan per month. However, in the past two months, there has been a significant increase in complaints and a decrease in income." Zhou Jin said, "The number of complaints in these two months has nearly doubled, with about 10 cases per month, most of which were complained about not being delivered to my doorstep." According to regulations, performance will be deducted, ranging from 50 to 100 yuan. "During the" 618 "and" Double 11 "major promotions last year, Zhou Jin delivered an average of more than 1000 orders per day, with the highest day reaching more than 1300 orders.". "I've had over 1000 orders, and I've been making phone calls for each one. It's really a bit busy," Zhou Jin said. Improving the level of express delivery services and meeting consumer demands is also the fundamental basis for the development of express delivery enterprises. Entering the Phoenix community, there are warehouses of five or six express delivery companies facing the street, and colorful job advertisements are prominently posted on the lintels. "More and more old couriers are resigning, making it increasingly difficult to recruit." Xie Feng, the branch manager of the express delivery company, admitted that before Zhou joined the company, there were four couriers at the branch who had all resigned and stopped working. "The number of complaints has tripled." Xie Feng was very helpless. This branch in Phoenix Community is a service star branch, with over 3000 express deliveries per day. Originally, the number of complaints could be controlled below 10 per week, but the surge in complaints in the past two months has directly affected the branch's rating and performance. Wang Lei, the customer service manager of a certain express delivery company, said, "Making phone calls for every package will inevitably reduce the delivery efficiency. Once it causes a backlog of packages, it will still be complained about." Some readers have different opinions on this. "I just hope the package is delivered to my doorstep, there's no need to call me to notify me. This way, the courier saves time and I won't always be interrupted by the package phone," said Ms. Deng, a reader from Beijing. In fact, the new regulations clearly state that if the recipient cannot inspect the package in person, enterprises operating express delivery services can separately agree with users on the delivery service method and confirm receipt of the package. That is to say, it is not necessary to call the customer. Not long ago, Ao Sijiang, Vice President of Jinggangshan University, conducted a systematic survey on the new employment group. "Some people have an urgent need for door-to-door delivery, while others hope that delivery guys don't disturb them and just leave them in the express cabinet or station." Ao Sijiang believes that "for different needs, express delivery companies should provide more accurate services. Meeting customer requirements and continuously improving service quality is the foundation of the development of express delivery enterprises. The implementation of express delivery policies requires joint efforts from multiple parties." Experts suggest that e-commerce platforms should focus on cooperation and coordination with express delivery companies to jointly build an efficient and convenient logistics system. For example, e-commerce platforms can leverage the advantages of big data to provide more accurate market demand forecasts, assisting express delivery companies in better planning delivery routes and capacity arrangements. Express delivery platforms can also develop more diversified services, providing consumers with various options such as "deliver to my home", "pick up at post stations", or "place express delivery cabinets", effectively improving service quality. Jiang Debin, a reader from Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, suggests that market-oriented measures can also be used to alleviate the contradiction between door-to-door delivery and non delivery. "For example, choosing to pick up express delivery can provide consumers with certain discounts when purchasing goods, or accumulate points to exchange for corresponding prizes." In response to the shortage of express delivery personnel, some readers suggest that express delivery companies can gradually solve the problem of human resource shortage in the express delivery industry by increasing salaries, strengthening care for express delivery personnel, and enhancing their professional identity. "The current express delivery market is already a relatively mature and segmented market, but it still needs to be further tailored to consumers' actual needs." business affairs

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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