Walking into the Alayi Women's Militia Anti Aircraft Artillery Battalion, one can catch a glimpse of the cool and heroic "Ala Red Ying"


The Eternal "Ala Hongying" - A Record of the Ala Yi Women's Militia Anti Aircraft Company in Guandu District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province. "Ala Hongying" means a young man who values martial arts and is a nickname given by the Yi people to the Ala Yi Women's Militia Anti Aircraft Company militia who "do not love red clothes and love armed forces.". In the 1960s and 1970s, this militia company was widely known in Yunnan. Later, the movie "Ala Hongying" adapted from the story of the company was released nationwide, allowing more people to understand their charm. Time passes by and blood is passed down. For over 60 years, the Yi girls of the women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company have been working generation after generation, becoming good inheritors, dedicating their youth to the company, and making repeated contributions to the construction of national defense reserve forces. In the midsummer season, the reporter came to Colorful Yunnan and walked into the Ala Yi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company to witness the heroic posture of the "Ala Hongying". The people are mobile, the genes remain unchanged - time changes, blood is passed down forever, the scorching sun shines, and smoke rises from the militia comprehensive training base located on the banks of Dianchi Lake. "Lie down and load bullets!" Under the command of the commander, a group of female militiamen quickly lay down, held their guns, aimed, and fired... A set of movements was carried out cleanly and neatly, revealing the skillful skills of women who were not inferior to men. Guns rang and the target fell. At the observation table, 78 year old veteran militia member Zhang Meiying couldn't help but applaud, cheering and saying, "The 'Ala Hongying' is still the same energy as before, still the same energy!" During the training break, the reporter heard the story of Zhang Meiying and her family of three generations and six people about the 'Ala Hongying'. Zhang Meiying was the first generation female militia member of the company and the third company commander. After becoming a militia member, she encouraged those around her to "not love red clothes and love armed forces.". Under her influence and influence, her daughter Yang Yanfang, daughter-in-law Gao Qiaomei, niece Yang Jiao, Shao Rong, and granddaughter Yang Li successively joined the Alayi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company, becoming a glorious female militia. The Zhang Meiying family is not an exception. In the anti-aircraft gun company of the women's militia, stories of mothers and daughters in the same company, sisters in the same class, sisters in law and comrades in arms abound. Li Yanni, a resident of Puzhao Community in Ala Street, Guandu District, has had a "camouflage dream" since childhood under the influence of her mother Li Yin. "When I was a child, I saw photos of my mother participating in training, like a heroine with a special aura!" Li Yanni told reporters that after graduating from Chongqing Normal University, she stayed and worked in Chongqing. Last year, upon hearing that the Alayi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company had recruited new members, they resigned from their job in Chongqing and returned to their hometown to register. "A college student, a girl, quit her good job and run to become a militia for what?" Faced with questions from classmates and friends, Li Yanni didn't hesitate to say, "I am a descendant of 'Ala Hongying', so I want to be a good inheritor of 'Ala Hongying'. Time changes, and my bloodline will always be passed down.". Zhang Nan, the current company commander, introduced that as a heroic militia company, the Alayi Women's Militia Antiaircraft Company was founded in 1958, which is a female battle flag flying high in the the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. Over the past 66 years, this collective, awarded the honorary title of "Heroic Women Militia Company" by the Ministry of National Defense, has won the second and third class collective merit, and was commended as the "exemplary organization of Grass roots Militia Reserve Work" and "exemplary organization of Military Training". Zhang Nan said that Yi girls are proud to become the female militia of the company. This is not only a red gene flowing in their blood, but also a mission responsibility passed down from generation to generation. "The female militia anti-aircraft artillery platoon seems to have a special 'magic' that attracts generations of young women to become one of them." Zhang Nan introduced that since its establishment, more than 1900 eligible young women have joined this glorious collective. Valor is the first character, and military training is the first priority - the militia is also a soldier, and martial arts must be refined. Walking into the honor room of the Alayi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company, the first thing that catches the eye is the 16 gilded characters on the wall, "I am worry free, I am fearless, I am not difficult, and I am invincible.". The leaders of the Political Work Department of Kunming Garrison District deeply touched and said that these 16 words are not only the battle slogans shouted by generations of female militia, but also the genetic codes and spiritual symbols engraved in their hearts. They are like a burning torch, guiding and inspiring every female militia to never slack off and move forward courageously. Militia are also soldiers, and their martial arts need to be refined. Not valuing martial arts, no matter how high one's education is, it is meaningless; Without martial arts, no matter how many talents there are, they have no value The company's instructor, Zhou Xiulan, spoke quickly and said that combat readiness training has always been the most anticipated and urgent task for them. Li Bin, then Minister of the People's Armed Forces Department of Guandu District, Kunming City, vividly remembers the participation of the female militia anti-aircraft artillery company in the cross regional mobile exercise organized by the Yunnan Military Region in 2015. Faced with multiple difficult courses such as aerial drag targets and live fire shooting of model aircraft, the platoon specially invited military instructors to repeatedly explain the principles of weapons, shooting knowledge, and the operational essentials of each gunner. The platoon also invited veteran militia members such as Lu Yuzhen and Fei Guiying to give lectures on tradition and mission. In order to practice high and low aiming and firing well, the second gunners Zhang Jing, Xu Jie, and Goryeo practiced shooting movements hundreds of times. Even after their hands were worn out and blood flowed, they gritted their teeth and persisted; Deputy platoon leader Yang Ping persisted in training due to illness and fainted twice on the training ground... The hard work earned him gratifying results: during the live fire assessment, all six artillery teams excelled in completing prescribed actions such as search, tracking, loading, aiming, and shooting, and achieved good results in hitting the first shot. April showers bring May flowers. The honors obtained by the Alayi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company were all obtained by the girls who were not afraid of hardship and were willing to sacrifice themselves. Everyone attaches great importance to the identity of a militia, and their martial arts and strength have become their clearest character. At the beginning of 2022, the company bid farewell to the anti-aircraft guns that had been installed for decades and had created a glorious history, and achieved iterative upgrades in equipment. Faced with new challenges, they engaged in a big discussion about "what to do with transformation and how to change clothes", actively selecting and sending backbone and training elites to the combat forces to apprentice and learn skills. During the first practical training, when the militia Bai Yunyan stood up carrying a certain type of missile launcher, she immediately sat on the ground. Originally, for her slender figure, operating a launcher weighing up to 20 kilograms was very difficult. In response, Baiyun Yan and the female militiamen tailored a training plan for themselves: if they couldn't lift the launcher, they used barbells to assist in practice; Their leg strength is weak, so they insist on climbing hundreds of stairs every day... Without the courage to break through the cocoon, there is no beauty of turning into a butterfly. Continuously increasing their strength training makes their practical skills stronger and stronger. Two months later, the platoon handed over an excellent transcript - all members passed the primary assessment of professional skills. In August 2023, the transformed and upgraded women's militia anti-aircraft gun platoon received its first live fire after being upgraded, and the result was as expected - it was a resounding display. At the beginning of this year, the Alayi Women's Militia Anti Aircraft Artillery Company took the opportunity of the Militia Military Training Teaching Method Demonstration Month activity, relying on the Kunming Militia Comprehensive Training Base and drawing on the rotation training mode of a stationed military unit, invited "foreign aid", gathered "internal strength", and built "links", and gathered intelligence to tackle the key and difficult courses in transformation training, exploring and forming a batch of teaching and training results. "Gathering is like a fire, scattering is like a starry sky - always be prepared and do your best to ensure victory." According to the notification from the higher authorities, a certain army unit will pass through our jurisdiction. We now order your company to be responsible for the mobile support of the Kunming East Toll Station to the urban section of the expressway, ensuring the safe and smooth passage of the troops... "One morning last year, after receiving the order from the security transit troops, the company quickly launched an action. They gather teams while deploying tasks, and promptly organize cadres to inspect the situation on site, sort out potential problems, and move the checkpoint forward to prepare various contingency plans and preparations. In this mission, all company personnel gathered in advance and completed a rehearsal of the entire process, including traffic guidance and order maintenance, before the arrival of the transit troops, ensuring that nearly a thousand vehicles of the transit troops passed through the jurisdiction smoothly. After the task was completed, the leader of the army held the hand of the leader of the People's Armed Forces Department of Guandu District and said three unexpected words: "I didn't expect you to do so well in combat readiness training, I didn't expect the militia team to be so awesome in emergency action, and I didn't expect the quality and style of the women militia to be so excellent!" "Always be prepared, and try to win the fight." This is a phrase often used by the women militiamen of the Alayi women's anti-aircraft gun company. They said that as a reserve, you should always be prepared, and only when you always grasp the situation, can you rush to rescue in time, and complete the emergency response tasks with high standards. Whether participating in flood control and disaster relief, or maintaining social stability, the company plays an important role. On July 28, 2023, Kunming City experienced heavy rainfall from north to south, causing traffic congestion in multiple sections of the main urban area and severely disrupting commuting for citizens. In the midst of strong winds and heavy rain, 51 female militiamen rushed out, rushing wherever there was danger and appearing wherever there was difficulty. They fought all night, diverting trapped people, repairing damaged roads, and rescuing flooded vehicles... In the wind and rain, they built a "protective wall" with their weak bodies. Gathering is a fire, scattering is a sky full of stars, and the "Ala Hongying" guards the safety of the area with strong responsibility. Kunming has a high forest coverage and dense vegetation. The forest fire risk level is high in March and April every year. At this time, the Alayi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery company takes the initiative to take on the fire prevention task, setting up checkpoints at key mountain entrances to strictly inspect personnel and vehicles entering the mountains, and doing a good job in fire prevention from the source to ensure the safety of the mountains and forests. Xu Hongzhi, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ala Street in Guandu District, sincerely said that the Ala Yi women's militia anti-aircraft artillery platoon is a flag and an emergency assault force. As long as they are in their hearts, they feel at ease. (Lai Xin She) (Image provided by Kunming Garrison, Yunnan Province)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Zhou shu


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